HBMA Board of Directors Meeting

Fall Conference

September 10th, 2006 – 7:30 AM

Las Vegas, NV.


Bing Herald, PresidentJulie Demerath, Director

Curt Cvikota, SecretaryHolly Louie, Director

Scott Everson, DirectorAndy Kokosa, Director

Jackie Davis-Willett, DirectorKen Goodin, Treasurer

Tim Maher, Past PresidentRich Papperman, Director

Randy Roat, DirectorSherri Dumford, President Elect

Patrick Lukacs, Director

1. Each BOD member was presented a ‘memento’ to thank them for serving on the HBMA Board of Directors.

2. Patrick Luckacs was welcomed to the BOD and he introduced himself.

3. The August BOD minutes were approved. Rich motioned and Holly seconded.

4. Brad explained the processes for the election, Proxy vote and Bylaw voting. BOD terms will expire not typically at this meeting and will take place on 12/01/06. Jim Wieland will be here 12:30 – 1:15 in the Valencia Room to assist with the election process.

5. Gail reviewed the Fall Conference logistics & challenges we face with this large group of people and passed out a pocket calendar of the schedule. The BOD members were asked to attend the First Timers Breakfast.

6. Finance Report-Ken

Ken reported that it is a great year to be Treasurer and clarified the current financials and the Corporate Partner/Vendor Affiliate Category needs to be clarified with the accountants. ISAM compensation simplification, and getting new ideas for membership and the Education Committee, will take place during the ISAM management agreement review time.

7. The use of auction proceeds will be donated to TAPS. The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors

MOTION: Julie motioned that HBMA will donate 50 % up to max $25,000 of the net auction proceeds to the TAPS organization. Rich Papperman seconded.

MOTION: Scott motioned to amend for 25% with no cap. Jackie seconded

MOTION: Andy motioned for 1/3 % and Sheri seconded, Scott accepted 1/3% and Julie accepted 1/3 % without a cap.

MOTION: HBMA will donate 1/3 % of the net proceeds of the auction and raffle without a cap amount. Motion Passed.

ACTION: Address the membership with a survey regarding auction donations for the future.

8. SPS Meeting-Chicago

ACTION: Add a 12-month action plan for the BOD and Committees to page one.

ACTION: The facilitator will email questions for preparation on the phone with BOD members, Bill Finerfrock, ISAM staff and Regional Chairs.

In an effort to get the facilitator up to speed with the HBMA Association she will talk a half an hour with each person on the BOD, attend the October 17th Regional Meeting and talk to some random members. BOD should look over the attendance lists and pick people actively involved in HBMA or on a committee.

9. Committee Reports

Ethics & Compliance

ACTION: The Ethics & Compliance Committee recommends that the Certification Committee consider modification if mandatory compliance should be included in Initial and Maintance for HBMA certification.


ACTION: Paul will provide new BOD member packet for a new BOD member to Bing for approval and then send to new BOD members.

10.Upcoming meetings/conferences

Brad reported Mandalay or the JW Marriott for next years meeting and Disney Orlando Spring 2008 are in the running.

Two day volunteer service is being introduced for New Orleans.

11. Vendor Affiliate Advisory Committee

The BOD is asked to look at the missions for the Affinity Program and the next step is Andy needs someone else’s opinion on the testing of pricing/rewards for these programs.

12. Regional Development & Membership Committee

State project on website is very slow for new volunteers from each state.

ACTION: Ask members by the state in the Billing publication for volunteers needed.

Andy motioned for meeting adjournment and Holly seconded.