MEETING NAME / MidlandsRegional Young Umpiring Action Group– Management Committee / Held at
DATE / Hockey Pavilion, LoughboroughUniversity
Monday 9th January2012
LEAD / John Litchfield / NOTE TAKER / Marc Abraham
Present / John Litchfield, Margaret McLoughlin, Marc Abraham, Saul Shohet, Ed Westbrook, Jamie Hooper, Mark Carroll, Josh Carroll
2 / Minutes arising from 3 October Meeting (not covered by Agenda items).
The minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2011 were checked by those present and approved
  1. MRYUAG has a fully functioning welfare system in line with EH requirements
  2. VS unable to attend meetings due to health reasons. Amy Matharu to be asked about attending meeting s as female young umpire representative
  3. JDL has written to the BCHUA President thanking him for the contribution received towards the NH Youth Festival
  4. See item 6
3 / Finance Update
  1. Current surplus is expected for the end of season 2011/2
  2. Future income – ongoing from JRPC. MM to discuss with MRHA future grants for the development of young umpiring (draft document in place)
4 / Feedback from Futures Cup and HiPAC October 2011
  • MLM reported on the assessment procedure for prospective NYUPL candidates (NYUAG document). Could we use this as a template in recommending future candidates? It could also be available on the website for all to see what is expected.
  • Tom Swain and Jamie Hooper received positive reports; Sarah English called up from reserve but was unable to continue umpiring after her first game due to family reasons. Ed Westbrook and Vicki Smith withdrew to illness.
  • HiPAC: MLM was Umpire Coach at Lilleshall. Young ump representatives were Emily Bower, Will Hessey, Alastair Townsend and Ashleigh Holloway; all expressed benefit of the event on their umpiring. Nominations are now needed for next season’s event.
5 / CRB checks
List reviewed.
Alex Bandurak – expires March. To be renewed
Jo Brocksopp – expires February. To be renewed
Ken Mounter – expires May. Not be to be renewed
Malcolm Philippe – expires July. To be renewed
Vicki Smith – expires February. To be renewed
Steve Tabb – expires February. To be renewed
Adam Wheeler – expires June. To be renewed
David Willenbruch – expires June. To be renewed
Josh Carroll to be added / JDL
6 / Young Umpire Development
a+b. Feedback from the subcommittee of EW, JH and JC. 14 responses received from RYUAG members covering the following points:
  1. Mentoring – clarification of the mentoring panel. Concern was this was perceived on the website layout as the top panel. After discussion it was agreed to rename this panel as ‘Support Team’ and integrate the current Mentor panel umpires into the Panel A umpires panel
  2. Personal Development – the log book is not being utilised as it was intended, or even at all in some cases. Options of producing a Personal Development Plan lead by the umpire. Possibility of using the newly named Support Team panel to promote self assessment and reflection for new starters. Need to create a Mentor register and also clarify the mentor’s guidance (previously produced by EW).
  3. Kit – Members wished for Umpiring Shirts and Hoodies so create an ‘identity’. Need to think how this could be funded; subsidy or sponsorship? MLM to give size breakdown to EW to establish costs. MC also to look at possibility of sponsorship options
  4. Structure of the group –to also create an ‘identity’. New name, e.g. Midlands Young Umpiring? What logo, e.g. current logo (with warning cards) and/or use 3 lions logo from EH? Sponsor’s logo on side? Need to confirm preferred colour of umpiring shirts: yellow/pink?
  5. Sense of ‘community’ – members wanted to consider social events, e.g. umpiring and non-umpiring events. The group agreed any hockey-related event, e.g. Indoor tournaments/Champions’ Trophy/Test Event, would be useful and supported by MRYUAG. All other non-hockey events could be arranged by individual members but not promoted under or by MRYUAG
Currently in discussion with JRPC to see if umpires can attend training weekends before Sept 2012. MLM to liaise with Kevin Heath (Head Coach – Junior Performance) regarding June dates. / MLM
7 / Membership. Urgent recruitment of new MRYUAG members
Current dates for JAC: start 26 Feb through until 13 May (see calendar). MRYUAG to provide a young umpire and umpire coach to support the development of new young umpires. As a group we need to contact the organisers from each county to facilitate this process:
Nottinghamshire – MA
Staffordshire – SS
Leicestershire – MLM
Derbyshire – JDL
Warwickshire – Steve Tabb
Northants – Martin Wilkes
Shropshire – Jenny Redford / ALL
8 / AOB
Draft of MRYUG Terms of Reference drafted and to be critiqued, then put to the next meeting / MLM/JDL/MA
9 / Date and venue of Next Main Committee Meeting
Next committee meeting 7pm Monday 5th March 2012 – venue TBC
The meeting closed at 8.50pm with thanks from the Chair for attendance / MA

1October 18