Jung Sun Lee, PhD, RD
Associate Professor and Faculty of Gerontology Office phone: (706) 542-6783
Department of Foods and NutritionCollege of Family and Consumer Sciences
Rm 129 Barrow Hall
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602 / Fax: (706) 542-5059
Community Nutrition, Aging, and Epidemiology:
Food insecurity, food environments, food assistance programs;
Nutrition and health disparity; Nutrition and healthcare;
Sustainable food systems;Weight management, body composition, eating behaviors;
Design and evaluation of community-based nutrition program/intervention
2002 PhDCommunity Nutrition, Cornell University, Ithaca, NYUSA
1994MSNutrition, Seoul National University, Seoul Korea
1992BSFood and Nutrition, Seoul National University, Seoul Korea
Sep 2001-Aug 2002Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Geriatric Medicine, School of Medicine
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
Aug 2000-Aug 2001Dietetic Internship in USA
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Shadyside Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA USA
Nov 2004-Aug 2006Research Investigator
Collaborative Studies Coordinating Center
Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC USA
Sep 2002-Jun 2005Research Associate
Department of Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health
Department of Geriatrtic Medicine, School of Medicine
Univeristy of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA USA
2016 Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior ACPP Health Promotion Policy Award, as part of the Georgia CAFE
2016 University of Georgia, College of Family and Consumer Sciences, Bill and June Flatt Outstanding Extension and Outreach Faculty Award
HONORS and AWARDS, cont’d
2014 University of Georgia, College of Family and Consumer Sciecnes, Bill and June Flatt Outstanding Faculty Research Award
2014 University of Georgia Nominee for the 2014 Outreach Scholarship W.K. Kellogg Foundation Engagement Award, as part of The Senior Hunger Coalition
2014 University of Georgia, Summer Research Award
2013 Recognition for Contributions to Graduates Career Development, University of Georgia Career Center
2013 Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities. C. Peter Magrath University Community Engagement National Outreach Scholarship Examplary Program Aaward, as part of The Senior Hunger Coalitiopn, October 8, 2013
2013 University of Georgia Nominee for the 2013 Outreach Scholarship W.K. Kellogg Foundation Engagement Award, as part of The Senior Hunger Coalition
2013 University of Georgia, Summer Research Award
2010 University of Georgia Department of Foods and Nutrition, Teacher of the Year, 2010
2010 Delta Sigma Gamma University of Georgia Chapter. Junior Research Award
Spring 2007-Present Department of Foods and Nutrition
University of Georgia
FDNS 2100 Human nutrition and food
FDNS4070 Research Methodology in Human Foods and Nutrition
FDNS4540 Public Health Dietetics
FDNS4560 Nutrition, Health, and Aging
Research Articles in Peer-Review Journals(* First or Corresponding author)
Stotz, S., Lee, J. S.*, Rong, H., Murray, D. (2016). Nutrition educators’ perceptions on the feasibility of an online eLearning nutrition education program for low-income Georgians. Health Promotion Practice (In Press).
Bhargava, V., Lee, J. S. (2016). Food insecurity and healthcare utilization in older adults. Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics. (In Press).
Bagwell Adams, B., Lee, J. S., Bhargava, V., Super, D. (2016). Offsetting the Effects of Medical Expenses on Low-Income Households’ Food Budgets: An Analysis of the Standard Medical Expense Deduction. The Gerontologist (In Press).
Bhargava, V., Lee, J. S. (2016). Food insecurity and health care utilization among older adults. J Appl Gerontol, (In press).
Myles, T., Starr, K. N. P., Johnson, K. B., Lee, J. S., Fischer, J. G., Johnson, M. A. (2016). Food insecurity and eating behavior relationships among congregate meal participants in Georgia. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatrics, 35 (1):32-42.
Kim, M. H., Johnson, M. A., Lee, J. S. (2015). Poor socioeconomic and nutritional status are associated with osteoporosis in Korean postmenopausal women: Data from the fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009. J Am Coll Nutr, 31, 1-8.
Sattler, E. L. P., Lee, J. S.*, Young, H. N. (2015). Factors associated with inpatient hospital (re)admissions in Medicare beneficiaries in need of food assistance. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatrics, 34(2):228:244.
Research Articles in Peer-Review Journals, cont’d
Lee, J. S., Shannon, J. Brown, A. (2015). Characteristics of Older Georgians Receiving Older Americans Act Nutrition Program and Other Home and Community-Based Services. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatrics, 34(2):168-188. Available at
Kim, M. H., Johnson, M.A., Lee, J. S. (2015). Factors associated with osteoporosis in Korean postmenopausal women: Data from the fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009. J Am Coll Nutr, 31, 1-8.
Shannon, J., Lee, J. S., Holloway, S., Brown, A., Bell, J. (2015). Evaluating the relationship between food access, urban environment, and food security in Georgia’s older population. Applied Geography,60, 224-229.
Koyama, A., Houston, D.K., Simonsick, E.M., Lee, J. S., Ayonayon, H. N., Shahar, D. R., Rosano, C., Satterfield, S., Yaffe, K. (2015). Association between the Mediterranean diet and cognitive decline in a biracial population. J Gerontol: Med Science, 70(3), 352-7.
Sattler, E. L. P., Lee, J. S.*, Bhargava, V. (2014). Food insecurity and medication adherence in low-income older Medicare beneficiaries with type 2 diabetes. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatrics, 33(4):401-417.
Sattler, E. L. P., Lee, J.S.*, Perri, M. (2013). Medication (re)fill adherence measures derived from pharmacy claims data in older Americans: A review of the literature. Drugs and Aging, 30:383-399.
Lee, H. J., Park, S. S., Kim, C. I., Choi, D. W., Lee, J. S., Oh, S. M., Cho, E. Y., Park, H.K., Kwon, W.I., Oh, S. W.(2013). The association between disturbed eating behavior and socioeconomic status: The Online Korean Adolescent Panel Survey (OnKAPS). PLOS ONE, 8(3):e57800. doi: 10.1371
Sattler, E. L. P., Lee, J. S.* (2013). Persistent food insecurity with higher levels of cost-related medication non-adherence in low-income older Georgians. J Nutr Gerontol Geriatrics, 32(1):41-58.
Lee, J. S.*(2013). Food insecurity and healthcare costs: Research strategies using local, state, and national data sources for older adults. Adv Nutr, 4(1):42-50.
Shahar, D. R., Houston, D. K., Hue, T. F., Lee, J. S., Sahyoun, N. R., Tylavsky, F. A., Geva, D., Vardi, H., Harris, T. B. (2012). Adherence to Mediterranean diet and decline in walking speed over 8 years in community-dwelling older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc, 60(10):1881-8.
Bhargava, V., Lee, J. S.*, Jain, R., Johnson, M. A., Brown, A. (2012). Food insecurity is negatively associated with home health and out-of-pocket expenditures in older adults. J Nutr, 142(10):1888-1895.
Lee, J. S.*, Gundersen, C., Cook, J., Laraia, B., Johnson, M. A. (2012). Food insecurity and health across the lifespan. Adv Nutr, 3(5):744-745.
Miller, S. E., Lee, J. S., Berle, D. (2012). Sustainability and community engagement from the ground up: An interdisciplinary service-learning after-school garden program. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development (JAFSCD), 2(3):121-135.
Rigby, S., Leone, A. M., Kim, H., Betterley, C., Johnson, M.A., Kurtz, H., Lee, J.S.* (2012). Food deserts in Leon County, FL: Disparate distribution of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program accepting stores by neighborhood characteristics. J Nutr Educ Behav, 44(6):539-547.
Research Articles in Peer-Review Journals, cont’d
Bentley, A. R., Kritchevsky, S. B., Harris, T. B., Holboet, P., Jensen, R, L., Newman, A. B., Lee, J. S., Yende, S., Bauer, D., Cassano, P. A. for the Health ABC study. (2012). Dietary antioxidants and FEV1 decline: the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. Eur Respir J, 39(4):979-984.
Anderson, A. L., Harris, T. B., Tylavsky, F. A., Perry, S. E., Houston, D. J., Lee, J. S., Kanaya, A. M., Sahyoun, N. R. (2012). Dietary patterns, insulin sensitivity, and inflammation in older adults. Eur J Clin Nutr, 66(1):18-24.
American Dietetic Association, Hunger and Environmental Nutrition and Dietetic Educators of Practitioners practice groups. (Eds.). (2012). “Teaching food systems and sustainability in nutrition education and dietetic training: Lessons for educators” (In press).
Bender, A., Lee, J.S.*, Kurtz, H. (2012). Community food assessment project: Mapping food availability and cost for a weekly regional menu based on the USDA Thrifty Food Plan.
Bender, A., Lee, J.S., Kurtz, H. Developing a regional weekly menu plan based on the USDA Thrifty Food Plan.
Kurtz, H., Bender, A., Lee, J.S. Surveying food retail outlets for cost of Thrifty Food Basket
Lee, J.S., Bender, A., Kim, H., Kurtz, H. Analyzing food store survey data using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Leone, A.M., Rigby, S., Betterley, C., Park, S., Kurtz, H., Johnson, M. A., Lee, J. S. (2011). Store type and demographic influence on the availability and price of healthful foods, Leon County, Florida, 2008. Prev Chronic Dis, 8(6,) A140.
Lee, J.S.*, Sinnett, S., Bengle, R., Johnson, M.A., Brown, A (2011). Unmet needs of the Older Americans Act Nutrition Program in Georgia. J Appl Gerontol, 30(5), 587-606.
Koster, A., Ding, J., Stenholm, S., Caserotti, P., Houston, D.K., Nicklas, B. J., You, T., Lee, J.S., Visser, M., Newman, A.B., Schwartz, A.V., Cauley, J.A., Tylavsky, F.A., Goodpaster, B.H., Kritchevsky, S.B., Harris, T.B;for the Health ABC study(2011). Does the amount of fat mass predict age-related loss of lean mass, muscle strength, and muscle quality I older adults? J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 66A(8), 888-895.
Lee, J. S.*, Johnson, M. A., Brown, A., Nord, M. (2011). Food security of older adults requesting Older Americans Act Nutrition Program in Georgia can be validly measured using a short form of the U.S. Household Food Security Survey Module.J Nutr, 141(7),1362-1368.
Houston, D. K., Ding, J., Lee, J. S., Garcia, M., Kanaya, A. M., Tylavsky, F. A., et al. (2011). Dietary fat and cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease in older adults: The Health ABC Study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis,21(6),430-437.
BeiBei, X., Locher, J., Lee, J.S., Buys, D., Zizza, C.A. (2011). Smoking modifies the association between food insecurity and physical performance. JNutr Gerontol Geriatr,30(2), 140-153.
Lee, J.S.*, Johnson, M.A., Brown, A. (2011). Older Americans Act Nutrition Program improves participants’ food security in Georgia. JNutr Gerontol Geriatr,30(2),122-139.
Research Articles in Peer-Review Journals, cont’d
Teems, J., Hausman, D.B., Fischer, J.G., Lee, J.S., Johnson, M.A. (2011). Older adults attending Georgia senior centers increase preventive behaviors for falls and fractures following a community based intervention. JNutr Gerontol Geriatr,30(1), 72-85.
Sinnett, S., Bengle, R., Brown, A., Glass, A. P., Johnson, M. A., & Lee, J. S.* (2010). The validity of Nutrition Screening Initiative DETERMINE Checklist responses in older Georgians. J Nutr Elder, 29(4), 393-409.
Alley, D. E., Koster, A., Mackey, D., Cawthon, P., Ferrucci, L., Simonsick, E. M., Yu, B., Hardy, S., Goodpaster, B., Sarkisian, C., Houston, D.K., Kritchevsky, S.B., Cummings, S., Lee, J.S., Tylavsky, F.A., Newman, A.B., Harris, T.B. (2010). Hospitalization and change in body composition and strength in a population-based cohort of older persons. J Am Geriatr Soc, 58(11), 2085-2091.
Shahar, D. R., Yu, B., Houston, D. K., Kritchevsky, S. B., Newman, A. B., Sellmeyer, D. E., Tylavsky, F.A., Lee, J.S., Harris, T.B. (2010). Misreporting of energy intake in the elderly using doubly labeled water to measure total energy expenditure and weight change. J Am Coll Nutr, 29(1), 14-24.
Clune, A., Fischer, J. G., Lee, J. S., Reddy, S., Johnson, M. A., & Hausman, D. B. (2010). Prevalence and predictors of recommendations to lose weight in overweight and obese older adults in Georgia senior centers. Prev Med, 51(1), 27-30.
Anderson, A. L., Harris, T. B., Houston, D. K., Tylavsky, F. A., Lee, J. S., Sellmeyer, D. E., Sahyoun, N.R. (2010). Relationships of dietary patterns with body composition in older adults differ by gender and PPAR-gamma Pro12Ala genotype. Eur J Clin Nutr, 49(7), 385-394.
Koster, A., van Gool, C. H., Kempen, G. I., Penninx, B. W., Lee, J. S., Rubin, S. M., Tylavsky, F. A., Yaffe, K, Newman, A. B., Harris, T. B., Pahor, M, Ayonayon, H. N., van Eijk, J. T., Kritchevsky, S. B. (2010). Late-life depressed mood and weight change contribute to the risk of each other. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 18(3), 236-244.
Lee, J. S.*, Fischer, J. G., & Johnson, M. A. (2010). Food insecurity, food and nutrition programs, and aging: experiences from Georgia. J Nutr Elder, 29(2), 116-149.
Bengle, R., Sinnett, S., Johnson, T., Johnson, M. A., Brown, A., & Lee, J. S.* (2010). Food insecurity is associated with cost-related medication non-adherence in community-dwelling, low-income older adults in Georgia. J Nutr Elder, 29(2), 170-191.
Brewer, D. P., Catlett, C. S., Porter, K. N., Lee, J. S., Hausman, D. B., Reddy, S., Johnson, M.A. (2010). Physical limitations contribute to food insecurity and the food insecurity-obesity paradox in older adults at senior centers in Georgia. J Nutr Elder, 29(2), 150-169.
Park, H. A., Park, J. K., Park, S. A., & Lee, J. S.* (2010). Age, menopause, and cardiovascular risk factors among korean middle-aged women: the 2005 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. J Womens Health (Larchmt), 19(5), 869-876.
Stenholm, S., Koster, A., Alley, D. E., Houston, D. K., Kanaya, A., Lee, J. S., Newman, A.B., Satterfield, S., Simonsick, E., Visser, M., Harris, T.B. (2010). Joint association of obesity and metabolic syndrome with incident mobility limitation in older men and women--results from the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 65(1), 84-92.
Research Articles in Peer-Review Journals, cont’d
Lee, J. S.*, Visser, M., Tylavsky, F. A., Kritchevsky, S. B., Schwartz, A. V., Sahyoun, N.R., Harris, T. B., Newman, A. B. (2010). Weight loss and regain and effects on body composition: the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 65(1), 78-83.
Yi, H. H., Park, H. A., Kang, J. H., Kim, K. W., Cho, Y. G., Song, H. R., Lee, J.S. (2009). What types of dietary supplements are used in Korea?-data from the Korean National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey 2005. Korean J Fam Med, 30(12), 934-943.
Park, S. W., Goodpaster, B. H., Lee, J. S., Kuller, L. H., Boudreau, R., de Rekeneire, N., Harris, T., Kritchevsky, S. B., Tylavsky, F. A., Nevitt, M., Cho, Y., Newman, A. B. (2009). Excessive loss of skeletal muscle mass in older adults with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 32(11), 1993-1997.
Penn, D. M., Fischer, J. G., Sun Lee, J., Hausman, D. B., & Johnson, M. A. (2009). High BMI and waist circumference are associated with a high prevalence of comorbidities in older Americans Act programs in Georgia senior centers. J Nutr Health Aging, 13(9), 827-832.
Houston, D. K., Ding, J., Nicklas, B. J., Harris, T. B., Lee, J. S., Nevitt, M. C., Rubin, S.M., Tylavsky, F. A., Kritchevsky, S. B. (2009). Overweight and obesity over the adult life course and incident mobility limitation in older adults: the health, aging and body composition study. Am J Epidemiol, 169(8), 927-936.
Bell, M., Lommel, T., Fischer, J. G., Lee, J. S., Reddy, S., & Johnson, M. A. (2009). Improved recognition of heart attack and stroke symptoms after a community-based intervention for older adults, Georgia, 2006-2007. Prev Chronic Dis, 6(2), A41.
Shahar, D. R., Yu, B., Houston, D. K., Kritchevsky, S. B., Lee, J. S., Rubin, S. M., Sellmeyer, D. E., Tylavsky, F. A., Harris, T. B. (2009). Dietary factors in relation to daily activity energy expenditure and mortality among older adults. J Nutr Health Aging, 13(5), 414-420.
Young, D. R., Steckler, A., Cohen, S., Pratt, C., Felton, G., Moe, S. G., Pickrel, J., Johnson, C. C., Grieser, M., Lytle, L. A., Lee, J. S., Raburn, B. (2008). Process evaluation results from a school- and community-linked intervention: the Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls (TAAG). Health Educ Res, 23(6), 976-986.
Lee, J. S.*, Frongillo, E. A., Keating, M. A., Deutsch, L. H., Daitchman, J., & Frongillo, D. E. (2008). Targeting of home-delivered meals programs to older adults in the United States. J Nutr Elder, 27(3-4), 405-415.
Lee, J. E., Park, H. A., Kang, J. H., Lee, S. H., Cho, Y. G., Song, H. R., Kim, S. W., Lee, J. S. (2008). State of Diabetes in Korean Adults- according to 2007 American Diabetes Association Recommendations. J Korean Acad Fam Med, 29, 658-667.
Grieser, M., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Saksvig, B. I., Lee, J. S., Felton, G. M., & Kubik, M. Y. (2008). Black, Hispanic, and white girls' perceptions of environmental and social support and enjoyment of physical activity. J Sch Health, 78(6), 314-320.
Webber, L. S., Catellier, D. J., Lytle, L. A., Murray, D. M., Pratt, C. A., Young, D. R., Elder, J. P., Lohman, T. G. Stevens, J., Jobe, J. B., Pate, R. R. (2008). Promoting physical activity in middle school girls: Trial of Activity for Adolescent Girls. Am J Prev Med, 34(3), 173-184.
Research Articles in Peer-Review Journals, cont’d
Houston, D. K., Nicklas, B. J., Ding, J., Harris, T. B., Tylavsky, F. A., Newman, A. B., Lee, J. S., Sahyoun, N. R., Sellmeyer, D. E., Visser, M., Kritchevsky, S.B. (2008). Dietary protein intake is associated with lean mass change in older, community-dwelling adults: the Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study. Am J Clin Nutr, 87(1), 150-155.
Sahyoun, N. R., Anderson, A. L., Tylavsky, F. A., Lee, J. S., Sellmeyer, D. E., & Harris, T. B. (2008). Dietary glycemic index and glycemic load and the risk of type 2 diabetes in older adults. Am J Clin Nutr, 87(1), 126-131.
Houston, D. K., Ding, J., Nicklas, B. J., Harris, T. B., Lee, J. S., Nevitt, M. C., Rubin, S. M., Tylavsky, F. A., Kritchevsky, S. B. (2007). The association between weight history and physical performance in the Health, Aging and Body Composition study. Int J Obes (Lond), 31(11), 1680-1687.
Park, H. A., Lee, J. S., Kuller, L. H., & Cauley, J. A. (2007). Effects of weight control during the menopausal transition on bone mineral density. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 92(10), 3809-3815.
Fried, L. F., Boudreau, R., Lee, J. S., Chertow, G., Kurella-Tamura, M., Shlipak, M. G., Ding, J., Sellmeyer, D., Tylavsky, F. A., Simsonick, E., Kritchevsky, S. B., Harris, T. B., Newman, A. B. (2007). Kidney function as a predictor of loss of lean mass in older adults: health, aging and body composition study. J Am Geriatr Soc, 55(10), 1578-1584.
Park, H. A., Lee, J. S., & Kuller, L. H. (2007). Underreporting of dietary intake by body mass index in premenopausal women participating in the Healthy Women Study. Nutr Res Pract, 1(3), 231-236.
Delmonico, M. J., Harris, T. B., Lee, J. S., Visser, M., Nevitt, M., Kritchevsky, S. B., Tylavsky, F. A., Newman, A. B. (2007). Alternative definitions of sarcopenia, lower extremity performance, and functional impairment with aging in older men and women. J Am Geriatr Soc, 55(5), 769-774.
Pope, S. K., Kritchevsky, S. B., Morris, M. C., Block, G., Tylavsky, F. A., Lee, J. S., Stewart, S., Harris, T., Rubin, S., Simonsick, E. (2007). Cognitive ability is associated with suspected reporting errors on food frequency questionnaires. J Nutr Health Aging, 11(1), 55-58.
Ding, J., Kritchevsky, S. B., Newman, A. B., Taaffe, D. R., Nicklas, B. J., Visser, M., Lee, J. S., Nevitt, M.; Tylavsky, F. A., Rubin, S. M., Pahor, M., Harris, T. B. (2007). Effects of birth cohort and age on body composition in a sample of community-based elderly. Am J Clin Nutr, 85(2), 405-410.
Young, D. R., Felton, G. M., Grieser, M., Elder, J. P., Johnson, C., Lee, J. S., Kubik, M. Y. (2007). Policies and opportunities for physical activity in middle school environments. J Sch Health, 77(1), 41-47.
Lee, J. S.*, Kritchevsky, S. B., Tylavsky, F., Harris, T. B., Ayonayon, H. N., & Newman, A. B. (2006). Factors associated with impaired appetite in well-functioning community-dwelling older adults. J Nutr Elder, 26(1-2), 27-43.
Park, H. A., Lee, J. S., & Son, S. M. (2006). Dietary underreporting from the 2001 Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey. J Korean Acad Fam Med, 27, 822-829.
Fried, L. F., Lee, J. S., Shlipak, M., Chertow, G. M., Green, C., Ding, J., Harris, T. B., Newman, A. B. (2006). Chronic kidney disease and functional limitation in older people: health, aging and body composition study. J Am Geriatr Soc, 54(5), 750-756.
Research Articles in Peer-Review Journals, cont’d
Park, H. A., Lee, J. S., & Kuller, L. H. (2006). Relationship between premenopausal dietary intake and postmenopausal subclinical atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis, 186(2), 420-427.
Lee, J. S.*, Frongillo, E. A., Jr., & Olson, C. M. (2005). Conceptualizing and assessing nutrition needs: perspectives of local program providers. J Nutr Elder, 25(1), 61-82.
Newman, A. B., Lee, J. S., Visser, M., Goodpaster, B. H., Kritchevsky, S. B., Tylavsky, F. A., Nevitt, M., Harris, T. B. (2005). Weight change and the conservation of lean mass in old age: the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. Am J Clin Nutr, 82(4), 872-878; quiz 915-876.
Sahyoun, N. R., Anderson, A. L., Kanaya, A. M., Koh-Banerjee, P., Kritchevsky, S. B., de Rekeneire, N., Tylavsky, F. A., Schwartz, A. V., Lee, J.S., Harris, T. B. (2005). Dietary glycemic index and load, measures of glucose metabolism, and body fat distribution in older adults. Am J Clin Nutr, 82(3), 547-552.
Lee, J. S.*, Frongillo, E. A., & Olson, C. M. (2005a). Meanings of targeting from program workers. J Nutr, 135(4), 882-885.
Lee, J. S.*, Frongillo, E. A., & Olson, C. M. (2005b). Understanding targeting from the perspective of program providers in the elderly nutrition program. J Nutr Elder, 24(3), 25-45.
Lee, J. S.*, Kritchevsky, S. B., Harris, T. B., Tylavsky, F., Rubin, S. M., & Newman, A. B. (2005). Short-term weight changes in community-dwelling older adults: the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Weight Change Substudy. Am J Clin Nutr, 82(3), 644-650.
Lee, J. S.*, Kritchevsky, S. B., Tylavsky, F., Harris, T., Simonsick, E. M., Rubin, S. M., Newman , A. B. (2005). Weight change, weight change intention, and the incidence of mobility limitation in well-functioning community-dwelling older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 60(8), 1007-1012.
Lee, J. S.*, Weyant, R. J., Corby, P., Kritchevsky, S. B., Harris, T. B., Rooks, R., Rubin, R. M., Newman, A. B. (2004). Reply to Desport. Am J Clin Nutr, 80(5), 1453-1454.
Lee, J. S.*, Kritchevsky, S. B., Tylavsky, F. A., Harris, T., Everhart, J., Simonsick, E. M., Rubin, S. M., Newman, A. B. (2004). Weight-loss intention in the well-functioning, community-dwelling elderly: associations with diet quality, physical activity, and weight change. Am J Clin Nutr, 80(2), 466-474.
Lee, J. S.*, Weyant, R. J., Corby, P., Kritchevsky, S. B., Harris, T. B., Rooks, R., Rubin, R. M., Newman, A. B. (2004). Edentulism and nutritional status in a biracial sample of well-functioning, community-dwelling elderly: the health, aging, and body composition study. Am J Clin Nutr, 79(2), 295-302.