MRWED Fast Track TAA50104 Upgrade Kit v1-4
Fast Track TAA50104 Upgrade Kit
Version 1-4 Issued Monday, 17 September 2012
Upgrade from the TAA50104 Diploma of Training and assessment
TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training
TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development
FREECALL 1800 2 TRAIN (1800 287246)
PO Box 325, Caboolture QLD 4510
Welcome Message
This Fast Track TAA50104Upgrade Kit is designed to help you put together evidence through a recognition process to achieve the qualification of TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training and/or TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development. This is a formal process that is based on a portfolio of evidence submitted by you, the candidate.
MRWED has developed this Fast Track TAA50104Upgrade Kit to make applying for (and hopefully receiving) recognition as easy as possible.
How many units am I eligible for under the Fast Track TAA50104 Upgrade program?
If you are successful in applying for the Fast Track TAA50104Upgrade program you will receive recognition for the following:
Unit Code Unit Title TAE50111 TAE50211TAEDES501A – Design and develop learning strategies / CORE / CORE
TAEDEL502A – Provide advanced facilitation practice / CORE / ELECTIVE
TAEPDD501A – Maintain and enhance professional practice / CORE / ELECTIVE
TAEASS505A – Lead and coordinate assessment systems and services / ELECTIVE / ELECTIVE
*TAEASS502A – Design and develop assessment tools* / CORE / CORE
* Recognition forTAEASS502A – Design and develop assessment tools requires you to have completed this unit as part of TAA40104 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
There may also be other Elective units completed as part of your TAA50104 Diploma of Training and Assessment that can be used as substantial RPL evidence for alternative unit options.
Please note all RPLdecisionsarebased on evidence provided. Additional evidence maybe required to obtain recognition for any of the units if the provided evidence does not meet the qualification requirements.
What are the Steps Involved in Making this Application?
- Step 1 – Carefully read this RPL Kit, including the Packaging Rules on pages 5-6.
- Step 2 – Read the Required Evidence Checklist on page 7.
- Step 3 – Complete the enrolment form commencing on page 8.
- Step 4 – Send all the relevant documents including this RPL Kit to our Learning Support Team.
- Step 5 – Within 5-10 days of receiving your application, you will receive an email from the MRWED Learning Support Team advising whether or not your evidence satisfies the eligibility requirements for participating in the Fast Track TAA50104 Upgrade program.
-If successful, a MRWED Learning Support Team Memberwill contact you to discuss your options as to how you want to complete the remaining units and you move onto Stage 2 (see below); OR
-If unsuccessful, you will be contacted with a request for more evidence or details of alternative enrolment options.
- Your final course price will be confirmed to you and after receiving payment you will be able to complete your course.
- If you choose RPL for some or all of your remaining units you will be able to use a different RPL kit that will be supplied to you to help you in the collection of your evidence.
- If you choose Correspondence for some or all of your remaining units, your course materials will be mailed to you.
- If you choose Online for some or all of your remaining units, your MRWED Online Ecampus will be created and you will be given login details.
- If you choose Face to Face for some or all of your remaining units, your positions in your nominated course dates will be confirmed.
- After completing these additional units your qualification/s will be complete and your Diploma/s will be sent to you.
To make your submissions either:
- Fax it to 1800 333 082
- Post or courier to PO Box 325, Caboolture QLD 4510
- Contact our Learning Support Team on FREECALL 1800 287 246 for electronic upload options
When do I Pay and How Much does it Cost?
Payment is not required until after your eligibility check has been finalised (as described by Stage One on the previous page).
Your payment will include a $750 Fast Track fee, which covers your Fast Track Eligibility Check and all costs for thepotential five Units of Competency for which recognition is assessed during that assessment. Your additional cost will depend upon the number of units and your selected delivery methods for the remaining units.
The pricing for the additional units is:
- Free for any unit of Credit Transfer where the previously completed unit is still current at the time of issuance and is being recognised on your Statement of Results with the same unit name and code
- $250/unit for RPL
- $300/unit for Online
- $300/unit for Correspondence
- $350/unit for Face-to-Face
A discount for undertaking the Full Course with MRWED is factored into the pricing of the Eligibility Check. MRWED gives you up to 12 months from the date of enrolment to complete your qualification.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is this really an upgrade?
A: No. Technically, the transition from TAA50104 to TAE50111 and/or TAE50211 is not an upgrade. TAA50104 is not a superseded qualification but a deleted one and it has not been replaced. TAE50111 and TAE50211 are brand new qualifications with very different and distinctive focuses compared to TAA50104. However, some of the units that were available in TAA50104 have been mapped as either fully or partially equivalent to units included in the Packaging Rules for TAE50111 and TAE50211, which is why MRWED is offering an Upgrade option so that participants can upgrade the units they have previously completed and obtain one or both of the new qualifications without unnecessarily participating in a training and assessment pathway for all parts of the new qualification/s.
Q: When can I get started?
A: Enrolment is available now and you can start anytime using the MRWED self-paced training materials for Online and Correspondence study options. The course timetable at includes upcoming course dates for face-to-face classes in selected locations.
Packaging Rules for TAE50111
Total number of units = 10
6 core units plus
4 elective units
At least 2 elective units must be selected from the elective units listed below.
The remaining 2 elective units may be selected from any currently endorsed Training Package or accredited course.
Where a unit is chosen from another currently endorsed Training Package or accredited course, it must be from a qualification or course at Diploma level or above.
Elective units must be relevant to the work outcome, local industry requirements and the qualification level.
Core units
TAEASS501A Provide advanced assessment practice
TAEASS502B Design and develop assessment tools
TAEDEL502A Provide advanced facilitation practice
TAEDES501A Design and develop learning strategies
TAELLN401A Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills
TAEPDD501A Maintain and enhance professional practice
Elective units
TAEASS503A Lead assessment validation processes
TAEASS504A Develop and implement recognition strategies
Delivery and facilitation
TAEDEL501A Facilitate e-learning
TAEDES502A Design and develop learning resources
TAEDES503B Design and develop e-learning resources
TAEDES504A Research and develop units of competency
TAEDES505A Evaluate a training program
Industry and community relations
TAEICR501A Work in partnership with industry, enterprises and community groups
Language, literacy and numeracy
TAELLN501B Support the development of adult language literacy and numeracy skills
Training advisory services
TAETAS501B Undertake organisational training needs analysis
TAERES501A Apply research to training and assessment practice
TAESUS501A Analyse and apply sustainability skills to learning programs
TAESUS502A Identify and apply current sustainability education principles and practice to learning programs
Packaging Rules for TAE50211
Total number of units = 10
5 core units plus
5 elective units
3 elective units must be selected from the elective units listed below.
The remaining 2 elective units may be selected from any currently endorsed Training Package or accredited course.
Where a unit is chosen from another currently endorsed Training Package or accredited course, it must be from a qualification or course at Diploma level or above.
Elective units must be relevant to the work outcome, local industry requirements and the qualification level.
Core units
TAEASS502B Design and develop assessment tools
TAEDES501A Design and develop learning strategies
TAEDES502A Design and develop learning resources
TAEDES505A Evaluate a training program
TAETAS501B Undertake organisational training needs analysis
Elective units
TAEASS501A Provide advanced assessment practice
TAEASS503A Lead assessment validation processes
TAEASS504A Develop and implement recognition strategies
Delivery and facilitation
TAEDEL501A Facilitate e-learning
TAEDEL502A Provide advanced facilitation practice
TAEDES503B Design and develop e-learning resources
TAEDES504A Research and develop units of competency
Professional development
TAEPDD501A Maintain and enhance professional practice
Industry and community relations
TAEICR501A Work in partnership with industry, enterprises and community groups
Language, literacy and numeracy
TAELLN401A Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills
TAELLN501B Support the development of adult language literacy and numeracy skills
TAERES501A Apply research to training and assessment practice
TAESUS501A Analyse and apply sustainability skills to learning programs
TAESUS502A Identify and apply current sustainability education principles and practice to learning programs
Required Evidence Check List
The following evidence MUST be provided to be eligible for the Fast Track TAA50104 Upgrade. If any evidence listed below is unavailable, please contact our Learning Support Team on FREECALL 1800 287 246 to discuss your specific situation.
□A certified copy of your TAA50104 qualification including a transcripts of units completed
□A certified copy of a transcript showing competence in TAAASS403 (if applying for TAEASS502B)
□Job/Position description that shows you have been employed in a Training and Assessment role within the last 2 – 3 years
□CV/Resume showing Training and Assessment experience within the last 2 – 3 years
□Letter of appointment / Letter from employer stating Training and Assessment related experience
□Evidence of professional development related specifically to vocational competence(ability to teach/assess industry-related content) undertaken within the last 2 – 3 years
□Evidence of professional development related specifically to maintaining/extending your Training and Assessment skills and knowledge undertaken within the last 2 – 3 years
□Evidence of a minimum 100 hours of Group facilitation (If you are applying for TAEDEL502A)
□Evidence that you have discussed (with another assessor) and reflected on feedback from a minimum of 10 assessment candidates
□At least 1 assessment tool you have created including instructions for the assessor and instructions for the candidate
□Evidence that you have discussed (with a peer) and reflected on feedback from a minimum of 10 hours of facilitation practice
□Evidence that you have discussed (with another assessor) and reflected on feedback from a minimum of 10 assessment candidates
Fast Track TAA50104 Upgrade to
TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training and/or
TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development
Section 1: Account Responsibility
Who is responsible for paying the account for this training?
Student(You do not need to complete Sections 3 and 5)OR Employer/Organisation
Section 2: Student’s Details
Please write the name as you want it to appear on the qualification. If you are enrolling more than one student submit this page multiple times.
Student’s Surname: / Student’s Gender:Female Male
Student’s First Name(s): / Student’s Date of Birth:
Student’s Postal Address (Line 1): / Student’s Home Phone:
Student’s Postal Address (Line 2): / Student’s Work Phone:
Suburb: / State: / Student’s Mobile Phone:
Postcode: / Country: / Student’s Email:
Section 3: Your Contact DetailsComplete this section if you are NOT the student listed in Section 2.
Your Surname: / Your Work/Mobile Phone:Your First Name(s): / Your Email:
Section 4: Referral DetailsHow did you first hear about MRWED?
BRW or other magazine Conference or event
Bing or Yahoo Google Other Internet Search
Employer or manager Friend or family Other referral
Facebook TwitterLinkedIn or social media
TV, radio or other media Unsure (cannot remember)
If you were referred to MRWED by a manager, other person or company who was it?
Referring Contact’s Surname: / Referring Contact’s Phone:Referring Contact’s First Name(s): / Referring Contact’s Email:
Referring Contact’s Employer/Company: / Referring Contact’s Position Title:
Section 5: Accounts Department’s Billing Details
Complete this section if the student is not responsible for paying this account.
Accounts Department Contact’s Surname: / Employer/Company Legal Name:Accounts Department Contact’s First Name: / Employer/Company Trading Name:
Accounts Department Post Address (Line 1): / Accounts Department Phone:
Accounts Department Post Address (Line 2): / Accounts Department Email:
Suburb: / State: / Purchase Order Number:
Postcode: / Country:
Section 6: Course Selection DetailsComplete either Option 1, 2, or 3
You are enrolling in the Fast Track TAA50104 Upgrade. The price for participating in this program is $750 for the Eligibility Check plus the pricing for the additional units you complete via RPL or Face-to-Face studies.
Option 1:TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training $750 + Cost of Additional Units
Option 2: TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development$750 + Cost of Additional Units
Option 3:Double Diploma TAE50111 and TAE50211$750 + Cost of Additional Units
The pricing for the additional units is:
- Free for any unit of Credit Transfer where the previously completed unit is still current at the time of issuance and is being recognised on your Statement of Results with the same unit name and code
- $250/unit for RPL
- $300/unit for Online
- $300/unit for Correspondence
- $350/unit for Face-to-Face
A discount for undertaking the Full Course with MRWED is factored into the pricing of the Eligibility Check. MRWED gives you up to 12 months from the date of enrolment to complete your qualification.
Section 7: Unit Selection Details
After your eligibility has been confirmed a member of the MRWED Learning Support Team will contact you and help you organise the completion of the remaining units for your Diploma/s. You will be able to finalise/change this later, but as a reference please indicate how you currently expect to complete your remaining units.
RPL Correspondence Online Face-to-Face Undecided
Please use the optional text box below if you have any requests or questions to which you would like a response.
Section 8:Payment Details
Cheque (made payable to MRWED) to be sent to:MRWED, P.O. Box 325
Caboolture QLD 4510
Money Order BPAY POSTbillpay
EFT (Ring FREECALL 1800 2 TRAIN for bank details)
Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express only)
Credit Card Details
Card Holder’s Name:
Card Number: - - -
Expiry Date: / Authorised Amount: $
Card Holder’s Signature:
Section 9:Terms and Conditions
MRWED pricing is reviewed on an occasional basis and subject to change at any time prior to MRWED receiving my enrolment. Before submitting an enrolment to MRWED all students are required to confirm that they have read and accept the current Code of Practice and Policies related to this course, including the Fees and Refunds Policies.
For MRWED face-to-face courses, payment should be finalised more than ten (10) business days before the course commencement date. MRWED reserves the option to cancel a face-to-face course enrolment for non-payment if it has not been paid ten (10) business days before the course commencement date, unless the student's organisation has varied their terms of payment with an approved credit account with MRWED. For MRWED Correspondence courses, full payment must be received before the student is sent their Correspondence course materials. For MRWED Online courses, full payment must be received before the student is given their login details for accessing their MRWED Online Ecampus course materials. RPL applicants are required to complete the RPL process within less than three months of their enrolment, and payment is not requested until after the RPL submission has been assessed.
Do you agree that the student has read and accepts the current Code of Practice and Policies related to this course and confirm that they accept these Terms and Conditions related to this enrolment?
I agreeSignature - DATE: / /
If you are submitting this form electronically you can type your name as an electronic signature.
You can submit this form to Freefax 1800 333 082 or email to
or Post to MRWED, P.O. Box 325, Caboolture, QLD 4510.