You will create a complete multiple page website using Macromedia Dreamweaver which will be enhanced by adding graphics designed in Macromedia Fireworks. The following are the mandatory inclusions in the website:

  1. The design of your website is up to you – be creative but keep in mind good website design considerations. You must use a table for your major page layout and the color scheme must compliment your website and make text easy to read.
  2. You index page should have a banner at the top.
  3. Make sure you website pages are easy to navigate for the user. All links must be working and all pages should have a way to navigate back to the homepage.
  4. You should use a combination of graphic and text links.
  5. The main navigation for your page should be set up as a navigation bar and should be consistent through your website.
  6. The navigation bar should include the rollover effect for all buttons.
  7. You should have at least one e-mail link
  8. You should have some internal links (links between pages of your website).
  9. You should have at least one external link (link to a webpage outside of your website).
  10. You should have some internal navigation links (“bookmarks”), linking to specific parts of a webpage (example a link to take the user back to the top of the page or jumping to a specific part of the page without the user having to scroll down).
  11. Your site should have no less than 5 pages and should have at least 3 levels of pages: your index page would be the first level, the main pages off of the index page, and pages off of the second level pages.
  12. Your site should include graphics appropriate to the content of your pages. These graphics should complement your content. There should be no missing graphics when your page is viewed in the browser. Your graphics should be stored in a folder separate (“assets”) from the main folder, where the html pages are stored.
  13. You should include at least one graphic that your have created and/or modified with special effects in Fireworks.
  14. For extra credit, you may include additional features such as:
  15. custom graphics you create in Fireworks or other graphics software
  16. rollover effects for graphics
  17. image maps
  18. pop-up menus
  19. JavaScripts