Mrs. Moose8th Grade Science Syllabus

2016 – 2017

8th Grade Physical/Earth and Space Science

Waynesboro Area Middle School

Mrs. Moose

2016 – 2017


This year we will cover Physical and Earth/Space Science: Intro to Physical Science(1), Matter(2), Motion(9), Forces(10), Forces in Fluids(11.1 & 11.2), and Work & Simple Machines(12.1,12.2 & 12.3). Earth Science this year will consist of units on Mapping, Rocks and Minerals(2-4), Plate Tectonics(5-7), Geologic Change(8-10), Oceanography and Freshwater(12-13), Meteorology and Climatology(15-18) and Astronomy(19-21).

The curriculum will be based on a hands-on lab oriented approach. We do have a textbook that we will use in this class. The textbook has mini-labs/ demonstrations and at least 1 full lab for each chapter, as well as labs that I will add to augment the text. The text also comes with multimedia presentations and worksheets so we can touch all of the multiple intelligences that make different students learn.


We will be using the textbooksfrom the Prentice Hall, Science Explorer series.

  • Physical Science
  • Earth and Space Science

Students will not be assigned their own textbook,they may sign copies out or use the online textbook which will be available to them.

Mrs. Moose8th Grade Science Syllabus

2016 – 2017

Course Needs:

Students are required to bring the following supplies (provided by students) to class every day:

  • Daily Science Binder (2” or larger 3- ring binder, with lined loose leaf paper and 5-tab dividers)
  • Pocket folder
  • Pencil or pen and a highlighter
  • Student Agenda

Absentee Policy:

Students willcheck the “While You Were Out” Bin to catch up on missing assignments and classwork. Extra papers will be placed in appropriate class folder in the “While You Were Out” bin on my cart. It is the student’s responsibility, not the teachers, to collect this work and see that it is handed in. Students have one day for every day that you were out plus one extra day to make up the work. All tests and quizzes should be made up within five school days.

Homework Policy:

Homework is an integral part of the curriculum and essential to reinforcing material that was taught in class. Homework is posted on the board every day and on the class website. Students should copy it into their agenda at the beginning of class. Late homework will only be considered for 2 days after due date and will only count for 50% of original credit. Homework is considered late if it is incomplete and/or not in the teacher’s hands at the start of class.

Extra Help:

Students may get extra help during Braves Block. If additional help is needed, students may stay after school by appointment only and with a signed note or e-mail from a parent indicating their permission.

Grading Policy:

Several factors make up the quarterly grade in Science. In addition to daily classwork, students will have regular homework assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, and laboratory reports to complete. Effort and participation are very important. Students are expected to be on time to class and to come prepared. The breakdown of the grade is as follows:

Test/ Quizzes: 40%, Performance: 30%, Class work: 20%, and Homework: 10%.

Classroom Rules andDiscipline Policy:

  1. Be respectful
  2. Be safe
  3. Be on time and come prepared
  4. Do not touch anything that you do not have permission to touch
  5. Listen

Students are expected to behave properly at all times. Failure to do so will result in:

1st Offense:Verbal/Written Warning

2nd OffenseVerbal/Written Warning

3rd OffenseParent Contact and/or Teacher Detention

4th OffenseParent Contact and Teacher Detention

5th OffenseOffice Referral

**ANY misbehavior for a substitute teacher will result in an automatic After School Detention

*** Some severe discipline issues will result in an immediate Office Referral and Call Home.

Lab Activities:

A good portion of the science curriculum involves hands-on lab activities. Students and parents are required to read and sign the Laboratory Safety Contract. ANY inappropriate behavior will NOT be tolerated for the safety of everyone in the room. Students who cannot conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner during a hands-on activity will be given written work to do instead.

Please keep this syllabus for future reference and return the last page by Friday, August 26th.

Contact Information:

Mrs. Sara Moose

Waynesboro Middle School


Mrs. Moose8th Grade Science Syllabus

2016 – 2017


Mrs. Moose8th Grade Science Syllabus

2016 – 2017


Student Name


Parent/Guardian Name #1


Work #


Parent/Guardian Name #2


Work #


Home Phone #


E-mail address


Cell #


E-mail address



Mrs. Moose8th Grade Science Syllabus

2016 – 2017

*Please put a star next to the best way(s) to reach a parent/guardian during the school day.

Is there a computer available at home?Are you able to log-on to the Internet?


Do you give permission for your child’s picture (with no name) to be used on the class website?


I have read this syllabus with my son/daughter and we have discussed and understand all of the policies and procedures.

Mrs. Moose8th Grade Science Syllabus

2016 – 2017


Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Student Signature Date