Chapter 1

What is the Classicworkspace?

The Classicworkspace providesall the tools abeginning Webdesigner needs, andomits features for advanced designers and programmers.

What if a message is displayed regarding default file types?

If a message is displayed, click the Close button.

What is the fastestway to open andclose panels?

The fastest way toopen and close panelsin Dreamweaveris to use the F4 key,which opens orcloses all panels andinspectors at onetime.

Can the location of the Standard toolbar change?

Yes. Previous settings determine the location of the Standard toolbar. It might be displayedbelow the Document toolbar or in another location in the Dreamweaver window.

Should the namethat appears in theSite Name text boxbe Unnamed Site 2?

Not necessarily. Yoursite number may bedifferent.

What is thedifference betweenthe Local folder andthe Remote folder?

The Local foldercontains informationabout a Website that you createon your computer,which is the wayyou develop a site.The Remote foldercontains informationabout settings on aremote computer, suchas a Web server, which iswhere you publish a site.

Is the site namenecessary?

This name isrequired, but it isfor reference only.It is not part of thepath and is not visibleto viewers ofyour site.

On what driveshould I store theWeb site files?

Because most Websites require manyfiles, you shouldcreate the projectsusing a hard drive orremovable drive withplenty of space —not the floppy drive(A:), if you have one.Steps in thischapter assume you are creating the local site on a USB drive. Check with your instructor toverify the location and path you will use to create and save your local Web site. Other optionsmay include a CD-RW disc or a network drive.

What if my USB flash drive has a different name or letter?

It is very likely that your USB flash drive will have a different name and drive letter fromthe one shown in Figure 1–16 and be connected to a different port. Verify that the devicedisplayed in the Select text box is correct.

Why should I createa folder on the drivefor my Web site?

Organizing yourWeb site foldersnow will save youtime and preventproblems later.Create a main foldersuch as edwardsd for the sites in this book. (Substitute your last name and first initial for“edwardsd.”) Create a subfolder in that main folder for the Montana Parks Web site. Finally,create a subfolder in the Montana Parks Web site folder for images.

Which files will I store in the parks folder?

The parks folder will contain all the files for the Montana Parks Web site. In other words, theparks folder is the local root folder for the Montana Parks Web site.

Am I finished defining the new Web site?

Not yet. Nearly every Web site displays graphics, photos, and other images, and you need tocreate a subfolder for these images.

What do the iconsin the Files panelmean?

A small device icon or folder icon is displayed next to each object listed in the Files panel. The device icon represents adevice such as the Desktop or a disk drive, and the folder icon represents a folder. Many of these icons have a plus orminus sign next to them, which indicates whether the device or folder contains additional folders. The plus and minussigns are controls that you can click to expand or collapse the view of the file hierarchy. In the Files panel, the site foldersand files appear in a different color than non-site folders and files so that you easily can distinguish between the two.

What else does the Local Files list in the Files panel display?

The Local Files list displays a site, including local, remote, and testing server files associated with a selected site. In thischapter, you view only the local site.

What if my data files are located on a different drive or folder?

In Figure 1–22, the location is Removable Disk (H:), a USB drive. Most likely your data filesare stored in a different location. Your data files also could be stored in a folder with a nameother than “data_files.”

My context menucontains differentcommands. Is that aproblem?

No. A file’s contextmenu often changesdepending on theprograms on yourcomputer. The Copycommand, however,always appears onthis menu.

What should I doif rulers are notdisplayed in myDocument window?

Skip Steps 1 and 2and start with Step3 to changethe defaultfile nameextension.

How can I displaythe rulers againlater?

Perform Steps 1 and2 again: click Viewon the Applicationbar, point to Rulers,and then click Show.

What if thePreferencesdialog box displaysa category ofoptions differentfrom the one shownin Figure 1–31?

The Preferencesdialog box displaysthe last category ofoptions used on yourcomputer. You’llselect the categoryfor changing thedefault extension inthe next step.

Why is the filename specifiedin all lowercasecharacters?

Some Web serversare case sensitive,which means thatthey consider a filenamed “index”different from onenamed “Index.” It’scommon practiceamong Web designersto use onlylowercase charactersfor the names of allWeb site files, includingdocumentsand images.

Why should I use abackground imageon my Web pages?

Background imagesadd texture and visualinterest to yourWeb pages.

How do I know thedocument is saved?

When the documentis saved, the Savebutton on the Standardtoolbar is dimmed.

What should I do if I make a typing error?

Press the BACKSPACE key to delete text you typed, or select the text and then press the DELETE key.Correct your typing mistakes the way you would in a word-processing program.

Why does my textwrap at differentlocations from thoseshown in Figure1–42?

Where your textwraps depends on whether your Dreamweaver window is maximized, the screen resolution(which is 1024 x 768 in the figures in this book), and whether your computer has a standard orwide-screen monitor.

When do I addbullets to the list?

You will add bulletswhen you formatthe text in the nextsection of thischapter.

How do I starta list with a differentnumberor letter?

In the Documentwindow, click thelist item you wantto change, click theFormat menu, pointto List, and thenclick Properties. Inthe List Propertiesdialog box, selectthe options youwant to define.

What other typesof formatting can Iapply to text?

To select fonts,apply underlining,colors, and otherattributes to text,you can use thecommands andsubmenus on the Formatmenu. Chapter 5 also explainshow to use CSSto format text.

What does theinformation in theCheck Spellingdialog box mean?

The DreamweaverCheck Spellingdialog box displaysthe word cultral inthe ‘Word not foundin dictionary’ textbox. Suggestions forthe correct spellingare displayed in theSuggestions list.

Does Dreamweavercontain a dictionary with American/British spelling options?

Yes. Dreamweaver contains 15 different spelling option dictionaries, including English (British) andEnglish (Canadian). Access the dictionaries by clicking the Preferences command on the Edit menu,selecting the General category, and then clicking the Spelling dictionary pop-up menu arrow.

What is the primarybrowser?

The primary browserwas selected whenDreamweaver wasinstalled on yourcomputer. In this book, the primary browser is Internet Explorer. The browser name, IExplore, was selected automaticallyduring the Dreamweaver installation. The browser name on your computer may be different.

What should I doif the Preview inBrowser dialog boxalready lists Firefoxand IExplore?

Skip Steps 2 through5. Click Firefoxin the Preview inBrowser dialog box,and then click theSecondary browsercheck box. Click IExplorein the Previewin Browser dialogbox, and then clickthe Primary browsercheck box. Thenclick the OK button.

Where can I findthe Firefox programfile?

Most likely this fileis located on LocalDrive (C:). Use thefollowing pathto locate the file:C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox. The pathand file name onyour computer maybe different.

What does theinformation in theAdd Browser dialogbox mean?

The Name text box displays firefox.exe, the name ofthe Firefox program file. The Applicationtext box displaysthe path and filename. The path andspelling of Firefoxon your computermay be differentfrom those shown inFigure 1–64.