Mrs. McMillan’s8th Grade Social StudiesCourse Syllabus
Course Description: This is a World History course that is required for all eighth grade students. The course consists of an intense study of World History from prehistory to around 1500. We will study fascinating people, places, religions, and historical events that took place all over the world. There are certain objectives that must be covered with the intent to master four required End of the Quarter Tests (EQT) given at the end of each quarter.
We will engage in oral reading sessions, group activities, oral presentations, class debates, class discussions and computer activities. Two projects are required: one project per semester. The specifics of the projects will be announced at a later date; however, within time for adequate preparation.
Textbook: World History: Journey Across Time – The Early Ages.
Materials: Everyone is required to keep a three-ring binder or a three prong folder with pockets filled with loose-paper. In addition, two pens (blue or black ink), and a pack of colored pencils. Materials must be brought to class each day.
Grading System: The grading system will be established on a total points basis and will be as follows: A=100-90, B=89-80, C=79-70,
D=69-60, E=59-50 and below. These points are based on chapter tests, notebook grades, vocabulary quizzes, class and homework assignments, and projects. The EQT given at the end of each quarter will count as 20% of the final grade for the quarter. A progress report will be sent home every two weeks and grades are available on a daily basis through STI.
Behavior: All students are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct, school/classroom rules and procedures at all times.
Make-up and Attendance Policy: Everyone is expected to attend and actively participate in all scheduled classes. It is the student’s responsibility to request and to make-up any work and/or test within three days of returning to school. If, the student does not make up a missed assignment(s) and/or have a zero for an assignment(s); he/she will be assigned to next scheduledSaturday School.
Finally, I look forward to a wonderful year and I’m confident that your child will be successful. If you have any questions and/or concerns contact me at 221-2344 or .
Mrs. McMillan
Mrs. McMillan
8th Grade Social Studies