February PTO Minutes


Meeting was called to order on February 22, 2016 at 4:30 by Kate Kelley. The January minutes were read by Lisa Ann Deleo. The minutes were approved by Mr. Butts and second by Kate Kelley.

Mrs. McKinney gave the principal’s report. She reported that our school has went from a D grade to a C grade. She reported on upcoming events that include testing season, field day, spring pictures, reading across America, and VPK registration for 2016-2017 school year.

Mrs. LeMoyne reported for Mrs. Holmes regarding our school spirit wear. We are in the process of switching to a new t-shirt company. We are hoping to get a spring order soon.

Mrs. LeMoyne gave the balance, which is $7,544.25 and a box top balance is $1,268.30. We spent $21.00 on pencils for the candy grams. We talked about spending the box tops money on desktops. One desktop cost $350.00 that is the hard drive only. Mrs. McKinney stated that we are 5th on the list to get all new desktops. We put on the table to hold off on the desktop and amend the use of box top money. Mrs. LeMoyne stated to use the money for technology as needed. Lindy Martin second the motion.

Lindy Martin reported on the Reading for Education fundraiser. This was a fundraiser that students filled out postcards to friends and family. We received 5 cents per postcards. We had 605 filled out with a profit of $302. Lindy reported that this profit is down from last year.

Our first Zumbathon was a great success. We earned $1,575.21. We look forward to continue this next school year. We had our Valentine’s candy grams sale. We made a profit of $186.

We will be having our next Staff and Appreciation go out on March 18th. We are looking ahead to the staff and appreciation week which is May 3rd. We are looking at a superhero theme.

Seussville will be on May 14th. We are looking for volunteers for the dunking booth.

We will be having a 5th grade parent meeting on 3/14/2016 at 4:30. A letter will be going home with the 5th graders to invite parents to the meeting.

PTO in the pass has given out scholarships to a high school senior that has completed their school years at Tavares Elementary, Middle and High School. We normally give out 2 of them. It was decided that we would continue with the 2.

Talent Show will be happening again this year but the date has not been decided. We will be needing volunteers to help with this event. Please let us know if you are interested in helping.

The meeting was closed at 5:17. Next meeting will be April 4, 2016 at 4:30.