Education Methods Course

Field Experience School Choices

One of the requirements in education methods courses calls for students to spend 20 hours per course in an actual classroom setting gaining field experience. The time spent in the classroom must be accounted for and evaluated by the host teacher at the end of the 20 hours. Augsburg students are expected to be actively engaged with the students in the class they are working with. While the professor of each course will have different requirements for this field experience, the following general framework is recommended by the education department.

  1. Minimal initial observation – getting to know the classroom
  2. Tutoring or helping small learning groups – getting to know the students
  3. Develop a lesson or small unit to be delivered to a small learning group or an entire class
  4. Implement the lesson
  5. Suggest videotaping if possible
  6. Assess the lesson and give students feedback
  7. Reflect on classroom experience – Journal, collage, portfolio collection, etc

In order to have a successful and positive experience it is important to find a school and classroom early in the term. While there are hundreds of schools in the metropolitan area to choose from, it is advisable to work in a school that has worked with Augsburg students previously. Augsburg has made a commitment to serving urban students and has therefore developed relations with many Minneapolis schools. While you are not required to do your field experience in one of these schools, it is strongly advised, as the schools are set up to provide an optimum experience for you and the students you will work with. If you need help in finding an appropriate placement that serves both your course requirements as well as fitting in to your schedule please do not hesitate to contact Chris Brown, the Field Experience Coordinator. I can also provide letters of verification if the school or teacher calls for one. I can be found or reached at:

Chris Brown

Memorial Hall 208

Phone: 612-330-1545

E mail:

To find out further information about each school or to see a more extensive list of school available in the Minneapolis school district visit the following web site:

If you are interested in finding a charter school you may find further information at this web site:

If you are interested in an alternative school that may offer more non-traditional hours (evening and weekend classes) visit the following web site:

Partnership Schools Index

ElementaryMiddle Schools 6-8 High Schools 9-12

Anne Sullivan K-8Franklin Edison

Armatage Community PK- 5Folwell Roosevelt

Barton Open K-8Northeast South

Dowling Environmental K-5Benjamin Banneker Southwest

Anishinabe K-8 (Four Winds)Crosswinds Middle (Woodbury El Colegio Charter

Richard GreenK-8

Hale K-4

Jenny Lind K-5

Kenny PK-5

Marcy Open

Pillsbury PK-5

Powderhorn K-5

Seward Montessori K-8

Cedar Riverside Charter K-8

Southside Family School

Tri District K-5 (St. Paul)

Family Learning Center K-7 (St. Paul)

If you would like a detailed explanation of what unique features each of the schools we are partnered with offers, you can find the document on my website. You can also find the course evaluation form and the field experience hours log. To get there, go to:

Then go to the documents button on the sidebar. Click on documents and then click on Field Experience Coordinator. The list of downloadable document will then appear.

Have a good term and do not hesitate to contact me (prefer email) for help.


Chris Brown

Elementary School Choices (K- 8)

Anne Sullivan – K-8

3100 East 28th Street

Minneapolis, MN 55406


School Day:8:05 a.m. - 2:20 p.m

Enrollment:878 students

Principal: Tom Hegranes

NCLB Coordinator: Joel Beck

Expect These great things:

 Deaf and hard-of-hearing program for preschool through seventh grade

 Continuum of learning using effective grade level teaming and porfolio collection, multi-age

and graded looping classrooms

 New middle school expansion: auditorium, band room, computer and science labs, art room

and expanded media center

 Gifted Catalyst program, grades K-3, and Gifted & Talented, grades 3-8

 Peer mediation

 Song/sign language choir

 International Peace Site

 Sister school exchange programs: Costa Rica and Iceland

 Arts for Academic Achievement: the Annenberg Challenge grant supported school

 National Science Foundation grant supported school

We Offer:

 All day & half day kindergarten

 American Sign Language

 Spanish

 Band

 Choir

 Tech prep lab

 ELL program: Somali

 Family involvement liaison

 Gifted/Talented

 Parent-involved leadership

 Special Education

 Theatre

 Visual arts

Armatage Community PK-5

2501 West 56th Street

Minneapolis, MN 55410


School Day:7:30 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Enrollment:418 students

Principal: Joan Franks

Expect These great things:

 Collaboration with the Armatage Neighborhood Association, the Minneapolis

We Offer:

 All day & half day kindergarten

 High Five


 ELL program: Cambodian, Hmong, Somali

 Gifted/Talented

 Minneapolis Kids

 Music

 Parent-involved leadership

 Special Education

 Theatre

Barton Open – K-8

4237 Colfax Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55409


School Day:7:30 a.m. - 1:45 p.m

Enrollment:594 students

Principal: Steve DeLapp

Contact Community Liaison: Russ Thomas

Expect These great things:

 Emphasis on strong social skills and academic choice

 Multi-age classrooms and cross age teaching

 Emphasis on the arts and the sciences

 Writing emphasized throughout the curriculum

 Emphasis on multiple intelligences and visual learning

 Active parent leadership and classroom involvement

 Portfolio sharing and student exhibition events

 Options program for grades 1 - 8

 Student led goal setting conferences

 Performance opportunities in music and theatre

We Offer:

 All Day & Half Day Kindergarten

 Band

 Strings

 Choir

 ELL program

 Spanish

 Gifted & Talented Program

 Special Education

 Visual & Performing Arts

 Swimming at the Blaisdell YMCA

 Specialist Classes in Art, Music, Physical Education, Media & Technology, Science (intermediate) and Spanish (primary)

 Open School teachers view the student as an active partner in learning. The classroom curriculum is tailored to individual learning styles, developmental needs and the intellectual interests of students. The arts, sciences and humanities are equally valued in an interdisciplinary curriculum.

Dowling Urban Environmental K-5

3900 West River Parkway

Minneapolis, MN 55406


School Day:8:40 a.m. - 2:55 p.m.

Enrollment:400 students

Principal: Jeff Raison

Expect These great things:

 18-acre site includes orchard, tree nursery, greenhouse, natural prairie area and aquatic study locations across from the Mississippi River

 Core knowledge curriculum

 IBM computer lab, swimming pool and handicap accessible playground

 Students with severe disabilities learn alongside others

 Arts for Academic Achievement: the Annenberg Challenge grant supported school (puppetry, story telling, dance, video)

 High student achievement in math and reading

 Use quality concepts in school management

 Winner of Business Week award for curriculum and innovation

 National principal of the Year (1996)

 Voyageur afterschool & summer programs

 Quality Performance Award recipient

We Offer:

 All day & half day kindergarten

 Band

 Choir

 Gifted/Talented

 Minneapolis Kids

 Music

 Parent-involved leadership

 Special Education

 Theatre

 Visual arts

 Magnet focus: Urban environmental education offers an integrated and thematic curriculum that emphasizes the environment and uses outdoor learning opportunities.

Anishinabe (ah-NISH-ah-knob-ay) Academy K-8

(Formerly Four Winds American Indian)

2225 E. Lake St.

Minneapolis, MN 55404


School Day:7:30 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.


Principal:Mike Huerth

Expect These great things:

 Pow-wows to honor parents, students, elders

 CCC computer lab for reading/math support

 Internet access

 Safe Schools model site

 Visionquest/Upward Bound Program

 Located near park, connected to community center and new first grade playground

 Telecommunications network

 Building Elder

 Youth Advocate

We Offer:

 All day & half day kindergarten

 Band

 Choir

 ELL program: Oromo

 Gifted/Talented

 Music

 Native American languages

 Parent-involved leadership

 Special Education

 Strings

 Student Council

 Visual arts

 Magnet focus: Ojibwe and Dakota history and culture are a core part of the curriculum

Richard Green – K-8

3416 Fourth Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55408


School Day:8:05 a.m. - 2:20 p.m

Enrollment:665 students

Principal: Judi Golden

Expect These great things:

 Three computer labs

 PTO information nights in both English and Spanish

 Science fair

 Lego Logo robotics programs

 Best Friends Program

 Preschool (ages 3-5) program (through Pillsbury House)

 Southside Family Clinic

 GEMS (Girls in Engineering and Mathematics)

 REA Reading Grant

 21st Century Learning Community Grant

 Gifted Catalyst program weekly, grades K-2

We Offer:

 All day & half day kindergarten

 Band

 Choir

 ELL/ESL Program: Spanish

 Family involvement liaison

 Gifted/Talented

 Minneapolis Kids

 Parent-involved leadership

 Special Education

 Student Council

 We continue to emphasize and throughout the curriculum integrate science, math and

technology to encourage understanding and enjoyment of these areas by students.

Hale – K-4

1220 East 54th Street

Minneapolis, MN 55417


School Day:7:30 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Enrollment:600 students

Principal: Bob Brancale

Expect These great things:

 Hale/Field: one school on two campuses; grades 5-8 are at Field

 Collaborative teaching and various grants support student achievement

 Senior citizen volunteer program

 Art Adventure, art projects and displays

 Junior Great Books, Science Fair, multicultural activities

 Strong emphasis on arts & music, including 4th grade band

 New gymnasium and art room

 Active PTA, site council, Hale/Field Foundation

 Reading lab, Accelerated Reader and Read Naturally programs motivate students to improve reading

 Gifted Catalyst program weekly, grades K-2

 Quality Performance Award recipient

 Lego League competition team for 4th graders

We Offer:

 All day & half day kindergarten

 Band

 ELL program: Hmong & Hispanic

 Family involvement liaison

 Gifted/Talented

 Minneapolis Kids

 Music

 Parent-involved leadership

 Special Education

 Visual arts

Jenny Lind K-5

5025 Bryant Avenue North

Minneapolis, MN 55430


School Day:8:05 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.

Enrollment:590 students

Principal: Susan Dreves-Libson

Expect These great things:

 Active Shared Leadership Team

 Active FIT (Family Involvement Team)

 Computer lab with 30 stations

 CCC computer lab with 38 stations for reading/math support

 Accelerated Reader/Math and Read Naturally programs

 Americorps program

 Seniors for Schools program

 Student of the month

 Adjacent to Lind-Bohanan Park

 Gifted Catalyst program weekly, grades K-2

 Quality Performance Award recipient

 Active Student Council Program

We Offer:

 All day & half day kindergarten

 Choir

 ELL program: Native Hmong Literacy Program

 Family involvement liaison

 Gifted/Talented

 Music

 Parent-involved leadership

 Special Education

 Student Council

Kenny PK-5 (H5)

5720 Emerson Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55419


School Day:8:05 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.

Enrollment:400 students

Principal: Franks

Expect These great things:

 Accelerated Reader, Junior Great Books, Read Naturally lab, Computer lab, CCC lab, and portable Alpha Smarts

 Special features of the facility: located near park, new playground; outdoor classroom and award-winning butterfly garden; new CCC interactive computer lab; media/technology center; Internet access in every classroom with new computers Award winning teachers! Who inspire students to excel

 Arts for Academic Achievement and Arts residencies with the MN State Arts Board, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts - Art Adventure Program; collaboration with the Weisman Museum of the U of M campus; partnership with the MN Landscape Arboretum

 National Science Foundation grant supported school; Math/Science Matters Project; Annual Science Expo; Math Masters, Lego robotics; Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration Grant (CSRD)

 Annual overnight experience at Audubon Nature Center and Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center for grades 4-5

 Conflict resolution/peer mediation program; Junior Achievement with the Mpls. Rotary Club

 Quality Performance Award recipient

 Supportive parents and community involvement

We Offer:

 All day & half day kindergarten

 High Five

 Band

 Choir

 ELL program

 Enrichment

 Minneapolis Kids

 Music

 Parent volunteers/leadership in PTA & Site Council

 Special Education

 Visual Arts

 Student Council

 ALC Extended Day classes and activities

Marcy Open K – 8

415 Fourth Avenue S.E.

Minneapolis, MN 55414


School Day:8:40 a.m. - 2:55 p.m

Enrollment:615 students

Principal: Jane Ellis

Marcy Open School offers a learning climate where the student is the center. The twelve intelligent behaviors adapted from Arthur Costa's Teaching for Intelligent Behaviors are the basis for emphasizing academic achievement as well as personal development that promotes lifelong learning and individual goal setting. Learning takes place in multi-grade classrooms where many activities occur at the same time, using an integrated curriculum in which students are expected to take responsibility for themselves and their learning. Teachers function as guides and facilitators of learning. Parents are welcome in school as observers, helpers and classroom participants.

Expect These great things:

 Multi-age classrooms

 Networked computers in every classroom

 Arts for Academic Achievement: the Annenberg Challenge and MN Arts and Education Partnership grants support an artist-in-residence program and arts throughout curriculum

 National Science Foundation grant supported school

 Easy access to the Mississippi River

 International Peace Site

 Involved in many programs with the University of Minnesota

 Quality Performance Award recipient

 Gifted Catalyst program weekly, grades K-2

 The middle school program focuses on integrating the middle grades platform into curricular activities in work that challenges and motivates students

Pillsbury Pre K- 5

2250 Garfield Street N.E.

Minneapolis, MN 55418


School Day:7:30 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Enrollment:580 students

Principal: John Googins

Expect These great things:

 Computer lab and research lab with Internet access

 Connected to Windom Park building and play area

 Science Fair

 Evening concerts

 Math and science nights

 ELL nights

 Accelerated Reader

 Middle school information nights

 Rope Power

 Teachers who have received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics

 Quality Performance Award recipient

We Offer:

 All day & half day kindergarten

 Band


 ELL program: Hmong, Somali

 Family involvement liaison

 Gifted/Talented

 Minneapolis Kids

 Music

 Parent-involved leadership

 Special Education

 Visual arts

 All courses integrate science, math and technology to encourage understanding and enjoyment of these three areas.

Powderhorn K – 5

3328 Elliot Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55407


School Day:7:30 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Enrollment:700 students

Principal: Louis Boone

Expect These great things:

 MAC Lab

 CCC computer lab for reading/math support

 Located next to Powderhorn Park

 Collaborative education program

 New playground

 Parent partnership

 Lightspan computer curriculum

 Parent Resource Center

 Volunteer program

 Quality Performance Award recipient

 Gifted & Talented services K-5 and Catalyst K-2

 Diverse studentbody

 All-day kindergarten

 High Five Program

 Solid Teachers Services & Strategies

We Offer:

 All day kindergarten

 High Five

 Band

 Choir

 ELL program: Hmong/Somali

 Family involvement liaison

 Gifted/Talented

 Music

 Parent-involved leadership

 Special Education

 Student Council

 Visual arts

 Media

 Arts integrated Curriculum

 Band

 Read 180 (grades 4-5)

 Artful teaching/learning

 Reading Excellence Act Grant receipient

 Science/computer lab (grades 4-5)

Seward Montessori PK-8

2309 28TH Avenue South

Minneapolis, MN 55406


7:30 a.m. - 1:45 p.m

Enrollment: 700 students


Expect These great things:

 Multi-age classrooms

 Curriculum moves from concrete to abstract in all subject areas

 International Peace Site

 School, park and neighborhood collaboration

 Park complex/latchkey program

 CONNECT Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra program

 Minnesota Sinfonia

 Internet access in every classroom

 Artists-in-residence

 Quality Performance Award recipient

We Offer:

 All day & half day kindergarten

 Band

 ELL program: Hmong

 Family involvement liaison

 Gifted/Talented

 Parent-involved leadership

 Special Education

 Strings

 Student Council

 Magnet focus: Based on the theories and practices developed by Maria Montessori, this school uses an individualized, self-directed approach that supports students progressing at their own rate.

Cedar Riverside Charter K- 8

Directors: Shelton Rucker

1610 South 6th Street, #100
Minneapolis, MN 55454

Hours: 9:55 – 4:10
Phone: 612-339-5767

Contact: Stephanie Byrdziak

612 339-0183 or

Enrollment: 99

Cedar Riverside adopted service learning as an integral part of its school mission. Every individual at Cedar Riverside participates in service learning and is given specific projects. Currently, there are 35 individual service projects planned for this school year. Every employee, from the cook to the principal, is expected to write a service plan. New this year is a selection of service representatives from grades K-8 that serves as a voice for their classmates. We meet once a month with the assistant director to review our service plans. Our projects range from our neighborhood to Wisconsin and serve as a model to many organizations throughout the country. Cedar Riverside firmly believes that service learning will help our students become better neighbors and active citizens.

We are fortunate to have strong partnerships within our immediate neighborhood and throughout the metro area. These partnerships provide opportunities for our students to learn about college life, careers in health care and life in high school. The collaboration of these partners brings 50-100 volunteers into our school each week.


30 East County Road B
Maplewood, MN 55117

Phone: (651)487-5450
Fax: (651)487-5062

Principal: Florence Tantoh

The Tri-District Community Cultures/Environmental Science School is one of several initiatives sponsored by the East Metro Integration District (EMID) 6067 to promote desegregation/voluntary integration. The "dream" and planning for Tri-District School began 11 years ago, during the 1989-90 school year. At that time, the Saint Paul and Roseville school districts began to dialogue around the topic of voluntary desegregation; specifically, how to break down urban/suburban barriers and create an integrated learning community. Soon after, these two districts were joined by another suburban district: North Saint Paul /Maplewood /Oakdale. After several steering committees were formed to develop the concept for the school, the Tri-District elementary school opened its doors in September 1996 to students in kindergarten through sixth grade. First housed in a Saint Paul high school, the school soon moved (in November of that year) to a new building in Maplewood with a student capacity of 425.