Mrs. Lyssa Stonitsch

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to English 9 Honors!! This course consists of an accelerated, intensive curriculum that builds upon the English/Language Arts skills learned in previous grades and further supports and enhances the development of grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, and oral communication. The students will extend and enrich their English skills through the use of technology and multimedia activities as well. In addition, this course also requires each student to challenge himself/herself in every activity through active participation, critical thinking, self-assessment, and creative expression.


  1. Count of Monte Cristo(summer reading requirement)
  2. 100 question objective test5. Poetry Assignment
  3. one50 pt in-class essay6. Oral Presentation (including preparation)
  4. Character Analysis & Novel Charts7. Performance Pamphlet
  5. Socratic Discussion8. Characterization and Historical Background work
  1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo(This will be tied to your research paper during the 2nd quarter)
  2. The Odysseyby Homer (Epic)G. Anthem by Ayn Rand (Novella)
  3. Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare (Drama)H. Without You, There is No Us by Suki Kim
  4. A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare (Drama) I. Elements of Literature 9th Textbook
  5. West Side Story (Drama)

We will also cover various short stories, poems, and nonfiction works. Students may also need to purchase other books for independent reading projects..


The students will recognize and practice the principles and components of the writing process. Students will develop descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive essays. Students will do some journal writing, free writing, and an in-depth research process. Due to construction, there is limited access to computer labs or the media center during class time. SHS is now a Google Chrome School; so, students will be working on chrome books in the class as well as doing a lot of typed work independently, either at home or other location such as the media center on students' own time.

  1. GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY:Sadler-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level G Elements of Language Textbook

Students will be completing several vocabulary units that focuses on improving one's knowledge of vocabulary through synonyms, antonyms, choosing the best word, completing the sentence, and analogies.Other activities such as group work and writing assignments will also be incorporated into vocabulary units. Students will be assessed at the end of each unit that will focus on 20 words at a time. Grammar assignments will be geared towards the needs of the students as the teacher assesses their writing, syntax, and punctuation skills. Skill building activities will include reviewing parts of speech, punctuation, and other helpful grammatical learning tips.

  1. Communication:

Students will give informative (character project) and persuasive speeches (debate), will be required to participate in group activities, group and classroom discussions, and will also develop critical listening and viewing skills.

Materials:Make-Up Work:

Will check on Monday 08/17/151. Planned absences—please inform teacher at least one week

1. Blue/Black pens & pencils & highlighter in advance

2. 3-Ring Binder (size up to you) for English only2. Unexcused Absences will result in an automatic zero

3. Plenty of notebook paper (college or wide ruled)3. Excused Absences--Make-up tests/quizzes must be completed

4. Dividers may be used but are optional 1-2 days after absence by appt. Becomes a zero after 4 days.

5. Folders that go in binder may be used but optional

Student Evaluation:Classroom Procedures & Student Behavior:

Students will be assessed on the following:1. All school rules apply (See student handbook)

  1. Writing assignments2. Follow all directions the first time they are given.
  2. Quizzes and tests3. You will have assigned seats in this class
  3. Projects (individual and group)4. Be on time and be in your seat at the bell.
  4. Class Participation5. Make sure you have all necessary materials daily.
  5. Speeches (individual and groups)6. Keep the room clean. Food only by approval. Drinks are
  6. Group and Socratic Discussion permitted unless spills occur.
  7. Homework7. Respect everyone in the classroom.
  8. Formal debate8. Restroom passes are for emergencies only.
  9. Group and Socratic Discussions9. Always raise hand to speak unless otherwise notified.

10. Cheating will not be tolerated (see handbook)


*** NO CELL PHONES DURING CLASS TIME UNLESS TEACHER DIRECTED. 1st Offense--Warning. 2nd Offense--Put on teacher's desk. 3rd Warning--Call home and referral. If cell phone policy is abused, then all phones will be turned in to teacher at beginning of class and retrieved at the end of every class. Please do not make me do that.

Homework Policy:

  1. When homework is assigned, it is due at the beginning of the class unless otherwise specified.
  2. Homework is checked for completeness, effort, and accuracy. There will be some check grades but very few.
  3. Homework must be neat, legible and properly identified. (name, date, period, teacher’s name in upper left-hand corner)
  4. Late homework will only be allowed for 1 day (excludes HW due on Fridays) and at 50%.
  5. No credit will be given for identical homework. THIS IS STILL CHEATING. All work needs to be done individually including study guides, vocabulary units, etc.
  6. HW Passes may be used for HW assignments less than 20 pts as an exemption or as a 1 day extension. This does not apply to writing or projects. However, HW passes may be used as a 1 day extension for ANY homework assignment. HW Passes are very rare and must be earned through academic challenges, class contests, teacher recognition, etc. But, the 1st HW pass is the easiest to obtain. You may donate ONE of the following by Wednesday, Aug. 19 for 1 HW pass: PLEASE DONATE THESE UNOPENED AND NOT IN BAGGIES. These are donations--not mandatory.

A. One pack of purple pens (2 or more)C. One pack of #3 mechanical pencils (2 or more)

B. One pack of dry erase markers (2 or more)D. 1 pack of colored 3 x 5 or 4 x 6 note cards

Grading Policy:

Grades are recorded numerically. Possible points are used instead of a weighted system in percentages. Each assignment will be given a set number of points relative to the time and difficulty of the assignment. The school grading scale will be used: A: 89.5-100 B: 79.5-89.4 C: 69.5-79.4 D: 59.5-69.4 F: 59.4 or below

I do expect a lot from each of you, but I love to have fun at the same time. My objective is to give you the best possible learning environment! Remember to be respectful, participate, and do your best. We are going to have a memorable and entertainingyear. I know I will learn many things from each of you; my goal is to make sure you learn from me.

Mrs. Lyssa R. Stonitsch


I have read all of Mrs. Stonitsch’s rules, expectations, and requirements for my success in her English class. I will do my best to follow all of the procedures and work hard to achieve these goals. I will come prepared to class and have a positive attitude during class. I will participate during reading and writing activities, discussions, debates, etc.

Student signature: ______Date: ______

I have read my child’s syllabus and will help him/her to achieve these expectations.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

***Please be legible so that I can accurately file each student’s parent signature
