School Family Council

March 19, 2012

In attendance: Amanda Kowalik, Georgia Woerner, Dan Hellerbach, Joanne Huey, Matt Croson, Jessica Reighard, Craig Bedford, Nancy Lewin, Margo Candelaria, Craig Williams, Dan Pontious, Eumekca Horsey, Sandy Fink, Connie DuCroix, Carolyn Cole, Heidi Mozoki, Tish Hild, Rhoda Goff, Melanie Carter, Betsy Garry, Kathy Rivetti, Vanessa Lopez-Sparaco, James Lindsay, Catherine Gearhart, Deborah Claiborne, Trish Pilla, Kate Phelan

Mrs. Kowalik called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM.

Mrs. Kowalik asked that the minutes be approved, as posted on the website. Mr. Pontious said that he had not had a chance to read them, and asked that the approval be postponed. No objections were heard.

Ms. Lewin gave an update on Values, Vision, Voice. They have had several recent meetings and spoke about some themes that had emerged.

Ms. Hild gave the Family Community Relations update. They recently met and discussed partnerships such as PNC Bank, Girls on the Run, and possible sponsorship of a scoreboard for the gym. PNC would like to become more involved with the school and will hand out free items at May Mart. They also continue to work on sponsorship for debate. Mr. Pontious added that he may have a contact at Hopkins.

Mrs. Carter stated that the achievement committee has not met yet this month, due to MSA, but will meet on Thursday of this week. Mrs. Kowalik added that we have had a parent donation for Enrichment, matched by the parent’s company, and that future donations will continue to be matched. Miss Woerner shared that Baltimore City adopted official gifted and talented materials, and Mrs. Cole mentioned that our middle school will offer honors courses.

Ms. Goff gave the attendance report. We continue to meet our attendance goals.

Mrs. Carter gave the PBIS report. The committee is working with teachers to plan special events for all grades. Mr. Hellerbach added that the committee is discussing character education. For the climate committee, he stated that the committee has discussed interventions other than suspensions that may possibly be implemented next year. Additionally, climate surveys have been completed by students and sent to parents, and the committee is awaiting the results.

Ms. Horsey, our Network Family Community Engagement specialist, distributed a series of questions to attendees meant to gather information about priorities for the upcoming budget. Ms. Horsey asked attendees to complete the form, and stated that she would compile results for the first budget forum. Mrs. Cole distributed information about the budget forum dates: March 29th at 8:30 AM, April 12th at 6PM, April 19th at 6 PM. She stated that the budget will be due April 30th.

Mrs. Cole presented on the state of the school. Baltimore City sent out an announcement about robotics, and unfortunately, we were unable to fund a team this year. Informal groups exist in the elementary and middle school, but did not attend the competition. The National Academic League is again the City champions, and went to the second round of national competitions. All 8th graders have received their high school acceptances, including Ingenuity at Poly. Some students are on a wait list for lottery schools. The 8th grade dance will take place on April 14th. The volleyball intramural and travel teams have been playing games. 50 students were recognized as High Achievers by Morgan State University. The week of April 16th will be the My Word festival, run by parent Ms. Wayner. An alumni event will take place, featuring tours of the school. Postcards are being sent to invite alumni. Career day will take place on April 26th. Mr. Lindsay offered to connect the school with MD Business Round Table to find additional speakers.

Mrs. Huey gave the PTA update. May Mart will take place on Saturday, May 12th, and volunteers are needed. A speaker on the adolescent brain will speak at school from 6:30 to 8:30 on April 26th. The last meeting will take place on May 17th, and elections will take place. Sandy Fink will participate as part of the nominating committee, and the PTA hopes to have faculty representation on the board as well. Mrs. Huey attended the Baltimore City PTA Council meeting, and more information will be forthcoming. The teacher appreciation lunch will take place on April 30th, and volunteers are needed. The Scholastic Book Fair kickoff will take place this Friday evening.