The 20th Century: International Contacts & Conflicts 1914-Present


AP World History Ch 28 #2 P. 657-669

1. What ‘spectacle’ was provided to the colonized and subjugated people of Africa and Asia by WWI?

2. How did the events of WWI undermine the European claim to be the most fit ‘race’ to rule the globe?

Read: Document- Lesson for the Colonized from the Slaughter in the Trenches

3. On the basis of this sample, what aspects of the West’s claims to superiority would you say were called into question by the suicidal conflict of the leading powers within European Civilization?

4. Which two parts of the British Empire were home to pre and post WWI resistance to the empire?

5. Why did the British allow the National Congress to be formed and to operate?

6. How did it become the nucleus of an Indian independence movement?

7. How did B.G. Tilak appeal to Hindu religious beliefs in his quest for Indian nationalism?

8. How did the Morley-Minto reforms expand involvement of Indians in their own governance?

9. How did the Mantagu-Chelmsford reforms & the Rowlatt Act send mixed messages to India?

10. Who emerged as a champion of Indian independence during this time? Why was he so popular?

11. How did British occupation of Egypt lead the natives to feel a form of “double colonization”?

12. What groups benefitted most from Lord Cromer’s administration in Egypt?

13. Who were the effendi?

14. What group made up the leadership of the nationalist movement in Egypt?

15. What happened in the Dinshwai Incident?

16. How did Mustafa Kemal rise to prominence in Turkey?

17. List some of the reforms of the great Mustafa Kemal AKA Ataturk (Ataturk = Father of the Turks).

18. What is Zionism? Why were Zionists encouraged by the Balfour Declaration?

19. What specific shocking event led Theodor Herzl to believe that Zionism was the only viable option for European Jews?

20. How were the Zionists seen as unfair to Arabs currently living in Palestine?

21. What was Britain’s top priority in Egypt during WWI?

22. What was the Wafd Party? What did they want?

23. How did Egyptian politicians view public office? (Plus ca change)

24. List some of the deplorable conditions in semi-autonomous Egypt.

25. Which American political figures influenced the beginnings of the liberation struggle in Africa?

26. What was the purpose of the negritude literary movement among French-speaking Africans?