1st Grade Newsletter

Mrs. Ginn and Mrs. Phillips

Week of October 29th, 2012

Important Information

·  Parent Teacher Conference is this Tuesday for those parents who have a scheduled time. Please check your times on the paper that was sent home last week.

·  October Book It forms are due October 31st. Please send in your form filled out and signed by you and your child.

·  With the weather changing please make sure your child comes dressed with a coat, gloves and hats appropriate for the day. We will go outside for recess unless it is below 32 degrees.

·  Remember to return the green half sheet survey about the red binders we are using this year. You got them at conference last Thursday or you will get them Tuesday.

·  If you missed your conference or did not attend a conference, your child’s report card will come home on Wednesday. Please sign the envelope and return ONLY the envelope.

·  Since we wore costumes on Friday the children will not be allowed to wear them on Wednesday.


This week in Reading we are learning about wild animals and how the parents take care of their babies. We will be learning to add inflected ending –s and – ing to verbs, the high frequency words eat, five, four, her, this, and too, the main idea of a story is and details that help you comprehend the story. We will also identify declarative (telling) sentences and put words into ABC order.


Spelling test is on Friday so please study each night with your child. Those students who made a 110 will not take the test on Friday. Spelling words are coming home today.


We are finishing Unit 3 today and tomorrow. We will review on Wednesday and take a test over Unit 3 on Thursday. The test will cover representing and recognizing on a ten-frame, parts of 10 and finding the missing part of 10.

Homework for the week:

·  Reading packet that is due on Friday.

·  Tuesday night read The Fox and a Kit.

·  Math – Making a table 3-5

Every night students are to study spelling words and read AR books.