Outcomes: The SPSA ensures that High Quality First Instruction is a priority; SPSA is in alignment with LEA Addendum.

MHUSD LEA Plan Goals / SPSA Goal Alignment / Proposed SPSA Revision
Coherent Standards-based Curriculum (ELA, Math, ELD):
Institute and fully implement with fidelity the State Board of Education (SBE) adopted curriculum in English Language Arts (ELA) and math based on state academic content and achievement standards. / Coherent Standards-based Curriculum (ELA, Math, ELD):
Continue to meet or exceed AYP math goal by increasing number of students at proficient/advanced by 11%
  1. Determine greater needs students
  2. Data analysis protocol to monitor progress
  3. Implement standards-based math with fidelity
  4. Intervention
  5. Increase use of strategies
1)Use data to guide instruction
2) Identify essential ELA standards
3) Crafted “I Can” statements in student friendly language to further define standards in the classroom.
4) Establish an after school intervention program targetingELA/ELL achievement standards using Standards Plus Program.
1)Use data to guide instruction
2)Identify essential Math standards
3) Crafted “I Can” statements in student friendly language to further define standards in the classroom.
4)Establish an after school intervention program targeting Math achievement standards
English Learner Services and Support:
Full and consistent implementation of standards-based ELD instruction for all students classified as EL at all grade levels. / English Learner Services and Support:
  1. Identify specific student needs through analysis of the four CELDT domains
  2. Skill grouping of students to target differentiated instructional strategies
  3. Select and implement English language supplemental technology materials for targeted EL support
/ English Learner Services and Support:
1)Teachers will work collaboratively to identify essential standards and develop student friendly “I Can” statements.
2)Implement classroom cycle of inquiry protocol during weekly grade level meetings.
3)ELD instruction, minimum 30 minutes (Kindergarten 20 minutes), has been implemented using a new English Language Development (ELD) supplemental curriculum, LitConn, to ensure the English Learners have access to ELD and increase the use of research-based instructional strategies to increase student achievement.
Assessment and Monitoring:
Develop/identify an assessment system, including ongoing diagnostic assessment, to appropriately place students in intervention. / Assessment and Monitoring:
  1. Using grade level collaboration, establish common assessments to serve as benchmarks through the year to assess progress
  2. Implement data analysis protocol to monitor student progress and validate targeted students’ needs
  3. Collaboratively ensure data analysis drives instructional delivery
/ Assessment and Monitoring:
1)Using weekly collaborative meetings to develop essential standards in ELA and Math and assessment strategies
2)Consultants and Instructional Support Specialists will work with teachers weekly in ongoing diagnostic assessments to for effective student intervention and differentiated instruction for target students.
Scientifically based research strategies:
Review and examine research on school improvement and closing the achievement gap. Select and prioritize one or more strategies from above reports. / Scientifically based research strategies:
Reading Proficiency
  1. Use data to guide instruction
  2. Data analysis protocol to monitor progress
  3. Implement standards based ELA with fidelity
  4. Intervention
  5. Increase use of instructional strategies
/ Scientifically based research strategies:
  1. Use of data to guide instruction include weekly collaboration meeting to analyze benchmark test data to determine students level of mastery of essential standards and design lessons for reteaching.
  2. Progress will be made transparent to students, teachers and parents through charting of individual student progress in all classrooms.
  3. All curriculum and instruction is being aligned to the essential standards and the benchmark tests.
  4. Instructional Support Specialist (ISS) will work with teacher by planning, modeling lessons and providing feedback on observed lessons which incorporate a variety of research-based instructional strategies to support student mastery.

Implement intervention services for student 2+ years below grade level in ELA and math. / Interventions:
  1. Research-based instructional strategies applied consistently to collaboratively-derived targeted need students
  2. Aggressively regroup students each 4-6 weeks, using agreed-upon data points, to ensure effective intervention application
/ Interventions:
Based on student assessment data teacher will identify student in need of additional academic support to attend Homework Club, Extended Day Academy, or the Leap Frog lab. Teachers will provide the instruction for the ExtendedDayAcademy using the Standards Plus Program. Training in the Standards Plus Program will be provided to all teachers.
Professional Development:
Develop and institutionalize a system of professional learning to provide opportunities for all employees to engage in professional learning around common learnings and specific skills and knowledge. / Professional Development:
  1. Provide appropriate and timely site-based professional development on state- and LEA-adopted curriculum
  2. Establish a classroom observation protocol to enhance teacher effectiveness regarding instructional delivery
  3. Implement Datawise training to facilitate timely and effective data analysis
/ Professional Development:
1)Provide a curriculum consultant to establish a process to select the essential standards and support teachers in the classroom to implement strategies for mastery
2)Consultants and Instructional Support Specialist will provide professional talk on a weekly basis and feedback after classroom observations
Convene a districtwide committee consisting of teachers, site administrators, and district staff in order to provide opportunities for ongoing collaboration for the purpose of developing a K-12 coordinated curriculum and developing a toolkit of research-based instructional strategies to close the achievement gap. / Collaboration:
  1. Establish a Professional Learning Community through monthly book readings and discussions
  2. Full day per month, split bi-weekly, for planning, data analysis, and curriculum building – highly structured; actionable outcomes
  3. Ensure collaboratively-designed instructional delivery strategies implemented with fidelity across grade levels
/ Collaboration:
1)Every Monday establish collaborative meeting time for planning, data analysis and lesson planning and design.
Promote Parent Involvement:
Conduct districtwide forums so parents have opportunity to discuss and share ideas on improving student achievement. / Promote Parent Involvement:
  1. Provide parent trainings on curriculum (Literacy/Math Nights)
  2. Establish a parent outreach and training program to support subgroup families
  3. Actively recruit parent volunteers for support in all classrooms for ALL students
/ Promote Parent Involvement:
1)Establish information nights to inform parents of the ExtendedDayAcademy and the transportation of the students after the program to their homes
2) Establish small group meetings with parent of targeted subgroup students


  • Significant increase in collaboration time available to staff (SPSA pgs: 5-9, 12-16, 18)
  • Quality instructional delivery has greatest impact on student achievement
  • Highly structured process with action items and outcomes being tracked
  • Increases effectiveness of instructional delivery
  • Weekly grade level collaborative meetings to analyze subgroup and individual student data from state, district and locals assessments to determine students level of mastery of essential standards
  • Increased emphasis on skill grouping to target differentiated instructional strategies (SPSA pgs: 6-7, 13-14, 18)
  • Groups derived through grade level collaboration using common agreed-upon data
  • Regrouping 4-6 weeks to ensure effective and proper group placement
  • On-going professional development to hone data analysis and grouping skills to ensure effective interventions
  • Continuation/expansion of after-school interventions (SPSA pgs: 9, 16)
  • Expanded Leap Frog lab both in-school and after-school
  • More rigorous and focused Homework Club
  • Establish and implement an ExtendedDayAcademy for grades 2-6
  • Assured transportation support for identified need students
  • Establishment of a Professional Learning Community (SPSA pgs: 8,10, 17)
  • Monthly book club discussions
  • Books reviewed and chosen by staff for site applicability
  • Subjects of current educational best practices and instructional strategies
  • Differentiation, grouping, 21st Century learning, technology in the classroom, data analysis, cycle of inquiry, etc.
  • Consultants and Instructional Support Staff will support and extend the skill set of each staff member
  • Parent Involvement (SPSA pgs: 22,23)
  • Initiate and institutionalize Family Literacy Nights
  • Initiate and institutionalize Math Curriculum Nights
  • Increase student achievement through increased support for,and collaboration with families