The purpose of the Conference Travel Grant is to support MREM students traveling to conferences to present ideas/findings based on their MREM internship and project. In order to be eligible, students must present a poster or paper based on their program work at a national or international scholarly meeting or conference.

Funding for the MREM Conference Travel is dependent upon donations received from alumni and others. The number of travel grants available will vary from year to year and applications will be approved on a first-come-first-served basis.

Travel costs can be claimed only for travel from Halifax to the location of the conference, and must be based on the lowest available fares. For conferences held in Nova Scotia only registration costs can be claimed, travel costs and per diem costs are not eligible. (Abstract, poster, banquet costs are not eligible). A letter of acceptance from the conference, or a copy of the conference program must be attached to the application. The letter of acceptance or conference program must include the name of the applicant, the title of the poster or paper to be presented and the date and location of the conference. The conference registration cost list should also be included.

Students must be registered in the MREM graduate program at the time of application and at the time of the conference, and are eligible to apply for one travel grant during the period of their program.

The maximum travel grant awarded is $400.

Applications must be submitted prior to the conference date as no travel can be reimbursed unless undertaken with prior authorization.

Submit your completed application, signed by you and your Faculty Advisor, to the SRES Travel Grant Committee, c/o Susan MacDonald, Suite #5010, Rowe Building.

Application for MREM Conference Travel Grant
Application must be word-processed or typewritten.
Name: / Student ID #:
Department: / Programme:
Year of Study: / SIN #:
Phone: / E-Mail:
Mailing Address:
Purpose: TO PRESENT PAPER / POSTER (letter of acceptance/conference program and registration cost listmust be attached)
Conference Name:
Conference Location:
Conference Date(s):
Conference Website (if available):
Will you be a registered student at the time of the conference?: / Yes / No
Is the paper/poster based on your current Programme?: / Yes / No
Title of Paper/Poster:
Name(s) of Authors:
Allowed Costs:
Item / Details / Amount
Ground Transportation
Registration Fee
Meals (max 5 days per diem)
Contribution to this trip from other sources:
Contributor / Amount
Amount of Travel Grant Requested:
Name of Applicant / Signature / Date
The paper/poster to be presented is based on the applicant’s current programme: / Yes / No / Initials:
Faculty Advisor / Signature / Date
School Director / Signature / Date

March 2008Application for Student Travel Grant