Elizabeth I
Web quest
i Instructions:
Read the information and the questions below very carefully. Click on the hyperlinks and you will be taken directly to the relevant site where you can begin your hunt for information. Paste your answers or your evidence directly below each question onto this word document. Use a different font color for your answers. Don’t forget to keep saving your work as you go.
Section one - Who was Elizabeth?
Visit the BBC History site and record the following information:
What were the dates of Elizabeth’s reign?
Elizabeth had other nicknames, write down two of them
What was Elizabeth’s relationship to these people: Anne Boleyn, Mary Tudor, Mary Queen of Scots
Search Google images for a copy of Elizabeth I’s family tree and paste it below. How is Elizabeth related to Mary Tudor and Mar Queen of Scots – students often confuse these?
Section two – Elizabethan pastimes
Find out what Elizabeth enjoyed doing in her free time. List 5 different activities she enjoyed below by visiting Elizabeth I's Pastimes:
Which activity was most fitting for a queen in your opinion?
Section three – challenges
Elizabeth faced many challenges during her 45 years as Queen. In 1587 she decided to execute Mary Queen of Scots, but why? Visit the History Learning Site and find the section headed, ‘Mary Queen of Scots’ and give 3 reasons why she ordered Mary’s death.
Read to the end of the page and find out what strange discovery was made after Mary Queen of Scots was executed. Note your findings below:
Visit a second section of the History Learning Site to find out about another major challenge - the Spanish Armada and list 3 reasons why Philip II launched this attack on Elizabethan England.
Do you think Mary or the Armada posed a bigger threat to Elizabeth? Write your answer below:
Section four – portraits and propaganda
Propaganda is basically information that is used by people in power to brainwash others into accepting their ideas. Elizabeth used images of herself as propaganda, but how? Read about the ‘Armada Portrait’ by visiting a site dedicated to portraits of Elizabeth
Paste a copy of the portrait below and explain the message behind the picture.
Section five – summing up
What made Elizabeth such an effective leader? Write a paragraph explaining your ideas using examples from your research below:
Interactive zone
Explore life in Tudor Britain through the online activities on this site
Find out about how Sir Francis Walsingham cracked Mary Queen of Scot’s secret codes by playing the ‘Spy Game’
Test your knowledge of events in Elizabeth’s life by trying out these Quizzes