Mr.Pittard Tutoring Hours: Tues 2:45 & Wed 6:50 a.m
Course Syllabus 2016-2017
Course Description:
Welcome to an exciting school year at AtascocitaHigh School! This course covers the fundamental biological concepts with a blend of biological principles and applications designed to clearly connect Biology to everyday life. Complete comprehensive coverage includes material on photosynthesis, respiration, protein synthesis, viruses, and the human organism. Biology is a course in which we will utilize a variety of labs, projects, problem-based learning assignments, and other group and individual activities to learn about the world around us.
Materials: These materials are strictly for student use.
- Text Title: McGraw Hill Biology.
- There is an online PDF textbook. See my website for directions to login.
- There will be a class set of textbooks to use during the class period.
You will need the following REQUIRED materials for this class:
Some materials(such as colored pencils) may be used for other classes.
Portfolio FolderRuled Paper Pencils Pens (blue or black)
colored pencils Highlighters (4 colors) Small box of Nitrile Gloves
Course Topics
*Biochemistry *Protein Synthesis and Mutations
*Cell Structure and Function*Meiosis and Genetics
*Viruses*Gene Technology
*Cell Boundaries and Transport*Evolution
*Cell Energy*Classification
*Cell Cycle and DNA
Students ( and parents ) may go to AHS website ( ), click on Staff Sites, Click on my name and you will be able access information that will assist with information that will help with student success. Due to copyright laws, not all materials used in class will be placed on the website.
Classroom Procedures
Expectations of daily routine and procedures will be covered in class including fire and shelter-in-place drills. For the best learning environment and for safety, each student is responsible for knowing and carrying out these procedures.
Here’s a description of how you will be graded in this class. The grading scale is as follows:
100-90=A, 80-89=B, 75-79=C, 70-74=D, 69 -0 =F
(Summative) Tests/Projects/Major Labs = 60%
(Formative) Quizzes/Classwork/Homework =40%
Late Work Policy
Students who are absent for any reason (excused, unexcused, school-related) are responsible for getting the work they missed and district policy must be followed. Appropriate time will be given to complete the assignment and turned in for full credit on the day specified by the teacher.
Projects are due the day assigned by teacher. If you know you are to be absent then you must turn in the project the day before your absence to get full credit.
Late Work Policy – cont.
All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. The following deductions will take place if a student turns in an assignment late:
- 1 day late = a 10 point deduction and the highest you can make is a 90%
- 2 days late = a 20 point deduction and the highest you can make is a 80%
- 3 days late = a 30 point deduction and the highest you can make is a 70%
- 4 days late = a 40 point deduction and the highest you can make is a 60%
- NOTE: after 4 days, the assignment will no longer be accepted and you will receive a 0
*** The exception will be when the answers are covered in class for an assignment on the due date. If there are no excused absences to cause the assignment to be late, the student will receive a zero. This will mainly apply to review sheets but there may be other assignments where this may occur as well.
Course Guidelines and Expectations:
When you enter the classroom each day, there are only three things that each of us needs to do:
- I will take responsibility for my own learning.
- I will work to the best of my ability at all times.
- I will help to create a respectful, positive, and productive learning environment.
All school district policies explained in your student handbook will be enforced. Students are expecting to be on time to class. Tardies will be enforced. Be in your seat ready to begin work with all necessary supplies when the bell rings. Always begin writing your objectives and beginning the warm-up as soon as you arrive.
Students are expected to follow all classroom & lab policies. There will be times when access to a computer is required. The school library is available every weekday morning & afternoon during allotted school times for anyone who needs research materials or internet access to complete assignments.
Students will have availability to print documents as well but there is a small monetary fee of 10¢ per black &white copy or 25¢ per colored copy.
Please Note: Cell/Technology Policy
This campus is a “bring your own technology” campus. Students bring technology to the school at their own risk. In no circumstances will the school or teacher be responsible for student equipment. Cell phones/technology will be used as a reference and learning tool during class time onlyand when specificallypermitted by the teacher. During testing times and most classroom assignments, a student is NEVER allowed to have any electronic device present. They must stay in their book bag, in the off position. If an electronic device is seen during a non-permitted time, consequences may range from a zero on the assignment, teacher detention and/or a referral.
* It is in the best interest, if you need to contact your child, that you call 281-641-7526 or 281-641-7729otherwise your child will not be in compliance of classroom rules and procedures and will be interrupting the learning environment.
Laboratory Clause
Laboratory contracts are part of a safety order issued in our district. NO student will be allowed into the laboratory or to participate in laboratory activities without a signed and returned safety contract. Many laboratory activities will be used in the instruction of biology. Without laboratory experiences, the student will be limited by understanding of biological concepts and lab techniques. However, safety is our utmost concern. No student will be allowed to enter the lab with open toed shoes, shorts, flowing hair (must be tied up), or without goggles. If a student cannot complete the lab due to dress code, they will have to stay after school to make-up the lab.Any inappropriate behavior conduct / behavior may result in consequences ranging from removal from lab, receiving a zero, and/or a referral.
Parents, please let me know any time you have questions. The best way to reach me is through email. () and I will return your e-mail with an e-mail or phone call.You may also contact me by callingAtascocita High School at 281-641-7529.When necessary, a conference can be scheduled.
Conference Period -2ndperiod by appointment or after school by appointment.
Course Timeline
1st Nine weeks 2nd Nine Weeks 3rd Nine Weeks 4th Nine Weeks
-Intro to Bio/Safety - DNA/Replication - Human Genetics - Ecology
- Biochemistry - Protein Synthesis - Gene Technology - Ecology Energy
- Cells - Mutations - Evolution - Ecology Human Effects/Pop
- Cell Transport - Meiosis & Genetics - Classification & Taxonomy - Immunology & Viruses
- Cell Energy - Kingdoms - Human Body Systems
- Cell Cycle & Cancer - Plant Systems - Dissections
Essential Questions
We will be utilizing the questions below to guide our study of Biology throughout the year:
Unit 1: The Science of Biology
- How is science different from other ways of understanding our world?
- How do biologists study living things?
- How do scientists distinguish living things from non-living things?
Unit 2: The Chemistry of Life
- What are the basic building blocks of all living things?
- How do the basic elements that make up a living thing interact?
- What causes the basic elements inside of a living thing to react and change?
- Why are living things made mostly of water and carbon?
Unit 3: Cells
- Why are cells important and how can they be studied?
- How are different kinds of cells similar and different?
- How does the structure of a cell relate to its function?
- What do cells do to maintain homeostasis?
Unit 4: Cell Processes: Photosynthesis and Respiration
- Why do all living organisms require energy?
- How do different living things obtain, transform, and utilize energy
- What role do energy conversion processes play in ecosystems?
Unit 5: Cellular Process: Cell cycle
- What happens during the life cycle of a cell?
- Why do cells reproduce?
- How does the process of cell reproduction occur in different types of organisms?
- How is the cell cycle controlled? What happens if a cell cannot control its life cycle?
- How are stem cells different from other cells, and why are they important?
Unit 6: DNA and Protein Synthesis
- What is DNA and why is it important to the survival of all living things?
- How are genes related to traits
- How have scientists studied DNA and how can we use this knowledge?
Unit 7: Genetics
- What are all of the factors that determine my traits?
- What were Mendel’s contributions to our understanding of genetics, and why is his work important to our understanding of genetics today?
- Why do some people have genetic disorders?
Unit 8: Classification
- In what ways are organisms alike and different from one another?
- What is taxonomy and why is it necessary?
- How do we classify organisms into groups?
- What are the distinguishing characteristics of the kingdoms and representative organisms of each?
Unit 9: Evolution
- According to scientists, how has life changed over millions of years?
- What is evolution and what drives the process of evolution?
- What evidence supports evolution?
Unit 10: Plant Structures and Adaptations
- What are the special features that allow a plant to be on land versus in water?
- What are the basic structures and functions of vascular and nonvascular plants?
Unit 11: Ecology
- What are ecosystems and how do they work?
- How do living things interact with each other and with their environment?
- How do ecosystems differ throughout the world?
- How do populations in ecosystems change over time?
- What impact do humans have on ecosystems?
Unit 12: Viruses and Bacteria
- How does our body defend us from pathogens
- What are antibiotics and how do they work?
- What are the scientific benefits of viruses and bacteria
- What are the characteristics of bacteria and viruses and how do they differ with each other?
Unit 13: Human Body Systems
- How are the structures of the human body organized?
- How do the systems of the human body work together to maintain homeostasis?
- How is the structure of the human body related to its function?
After you have read and reviewed all of the information in this packet, please complete the contract below and return signed.
I agree to create a positive learning environment, to help each student to reach their full potential, and to teach each student to the best of my ability.
Signature of Teacher: James Pittard .
I, ______, have read all of the information on the preceding pages of the syllabus. I understand all of the rules, policies, and procedures for this class. I agree to follow these policies, and to accept the consequences that will result if I do not follow these rules. My signing below indicates that I have read and understand the objectives, classroom management, grading procedures, and make up policy outlined in Mr. Pittard’sclass syllabus. It also indicates that I have read and agree to follow all of the safety rules set forth in the Student Safety Contract. I realize that I must obey these rules to ensure my own safety, and that of my fellow students and instructors. I will cooperate to the fullest extent with my instructor and fellow students to maintain a safe lab environment. I will also closely follow the oral and written instructions provided by the instructor. I am aware that any violation of this safety contract that results in unsafe conduct in the laboratory or misbehavior on my part, may result in being removed from the laboratory, detention, and/or receiving a failing grade.
Signature of Student: ______Class Period____
I have read the information on the preceding pages with my son/daughter. I understand this information, and I agree to fully support my son/daughter so that they may reach their full potential. I also agree to contact Mr. Pittardif I have any questions or concerns throughout the school year.My signing below indicates that I have read and understand the objectives, classroom management, grading procedures, and make up policy outlined in Mrs. Pittard’s class syllabus. It also indicates that I have read the Student Safety Contract, and am aware of the measures taken to ensure the safety of my son/daughter in the science laboratory, and will instruct my son/daughter to uphold his/her agreement to follow these rules and procedures in the laboratory.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______
Thank you, and I look forward to a wonderful school year!