All Star Library and Technology

Mr. Meehlhause, Technology Teacher and MsRusch Library Media

March 2017 Newsletter

Spring is here! Here is what your child has been doing during Third Quarter in Library and Technology Classes! Mr. Meehlhause and MsRusch closely together to bring your child an enriched and exciting media and technology experience every day!
Fourth and Fifth Grade Activities:

Fourth and Fifth Graders who read at least 3 Maud Hart Lovelace books had a great time voting for their state award favorite and received a voting sticker just like grown ups do at voting polls. The winning books selected by J.W. Smith students have been announced. The state winners will be announced in late April. Fourth graders began learning about bibliographies and how to cite print and nonprint sources for their State Research Project. We are learning about plagerism and how to avoid it in research. We will continue this unit into the last quarter. Fifth graders also learned about the Newbery award for chapter books. At the end of the quarter, we began an author study on Chris Van Allsburg. This study will continue into last quarter.

In Technology Fourth and Fifth Grade students took and finished both the OLPA (Optional Local Purpose Assessment) Reading and Math tests. These tests are the perfect practice tool for the big MCA tests that will be coming up in April. After completing them, the fourth and fifth grades earned themselves a well-deserved break and began to venture into the world of coding. Using the website, students have begun how to learn and write basic computer code using popular games such as “Angry Birds”, “Plants vs Zombies”, and “Minecraft”! Looking ahead to the final quarter of school the students will be preparing for and taking the MCA tests in April before looking ahead to summer break.

Third Grade Activities:

Third graders are reading up a storm! Third graders have also read and shared books by various authors and illustrators and have been working on and discussing the Maud Hart Lovelace state book award nominated books. Third graders who read at least 3 of the 12 nominated books, took an AR test on each book and passed each test were able to vote for their favorite. The winning books selected by J.W. Smith students have been announced. The state winners will be announced in late April. During third quarter, third graders also began learning about the Caldecott picture book award and were able to check out Caldecott books from the library. During the last quarter,

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we will learn how to use print and electronic encyclopedias as a primary source for research projects.

In Technology, third grade students took and finished the OLPA reading and math tests. For third grade, this is the first time they have taken these and it is quite the learning experience. Though the OLPA is a big challenge, it is a great tool for third graders to prepare for the spring MCA tests that they will also be taking for the first time. After taking a well-deserved break, the third graders began learning proper typing skills on a new website called Typing Club. They have spent most of their time focusing on proper finger positioning and typing on the Home Row. They have also begun learning how to code computers using Using popular games like “Minecraft”, the students have been practicing with basic code and giving commands to characters on the screen. During the last quarter the third grade will take the MCA tests in April and continue to practice their typing and coding skills.

Second Grade Activities:

Second Graders are able to locate the AR reading level in books independently to find books at our reading level. During third quarter, second graders read and shared books on winter, friendship and not bullying. We celebrated kindness week and Dr. Seuss’ birthday with many books and discussions. We finished reading all 10 Star of the North State Award Books and voted for our favorite. The state winner will be announced at the end of April. At the end of third quarter, we began a large unit on Fractured Fairy Tales and Folk tales. This until will continue into the first few weeks of fourth quarter. At the end of the unit, students will be able to identify and define terms such as “folk tale”, “fractured fairy tale” and “fantasy.”

In Technology, Second grade students have been working on their reading and math skills. Using the game “Teach Your Monster to Read”, students created their own monster and helped him on his quest to fix his spaceship. Along the way, the students practice reading sentences and tricky words while evading pirates, meeting mystical Island Kings, and playing educational mini-games. By far the most popular game is still Prodigy, a math game where students have created their own wizard to catch monsters and battle each other. Students must answer math problems correctly if they want their spells to be effective, and it is a great way to reinforce math skills. Heading into the final semester, 2nd grade will begin learning how to read and write basic code on computers.

First Grade Activities:

First graders are becoming independent library users and have started checking out two books each. Not only do we visit the library with our class, we come down with a library pass during the school day to choose new books! During third quarter, first graders read and shared stories by various authors and illustrators on topics such as friendship, no bullying, kindness, character, and Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Finished reading all 10 Star of the North State Award Books and voted for

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our favorite. The state winner will be announced at the end of April. At the end of third quarter, we began a focus on various authors and author’s purpose.

In Technology, First grade students began keyboarding skills. We began typing using our left and right pointer fingers and can locate all of the letters of the alphabet and a few characters too! We also worked on reading and math skills using and We celebrated Dr. Seuss week with a visit to All of these websites are free and can be used at home. During your child’s screen time at home, encourage them to visit any of these sites and show them what they are learning in the classroom and in Technology class.

Kindergarten Activities:

During third quarter, kindergarteners continued taking their book home if they turned in their permission slip. Reading with family is a wonderful way to help your child get a great start in reading! If your child has turned in a permission slip and takes their book home, please help your child remember to put their book in their backpack so they can return it to school each day. Kindergarteners also read and shared stories about kindness, being friends, taking turns and Dr. Seuss’ birthday. We have been learning the term “picture books” and know that “picture books are meant to be read and shared over and over. We also know the terms “title” and “true stories” and “made up stories” and can identify features of each. At the end of third quarter and for the first few weeks of fourth quarter, Kindergarteners will be doing an author study on Eric Carle and his wonderful stories.

In Technology kindergarten students have continued to practice their mouse skills while focusing on their alphabet and letters. Students have been playing games on the website ABCYa where they can practice recognizing letters and sight words, hone their counting skills, and have fun with some holiday-themed puzzles. Heading into the final quarter, the kindergarten will become familiar with a new website called ABC Mouse where they get to experience new games that help reinforce their learning from the classroom.

Looking Ahead in the Library:

  • Millionaire’s Club: Don’t forget to keep reading for ONE MILLION WORDS!!!! Those students who read and take AR tests and get to 1,000,000 words will be able to join in the Millionaire Celebration at the end of the school year. READ READREAD
  • Overdue reminders: notices for overdue books will be sent home at the end of third quarter. If your child is missing or has lost a library book, please help them look for it. If the book is lost, please have your child tell MsRusch right away so a payment plan can be set up for your family. All lost or damaged library books MUST be paid for by the last day of school.

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  • If it is difficult for your family to pay for a lost book in full, the library will be glad to set up a payment plan and you and your child can pay a little each week.
  • Please keep reading! Parents/Families, you are your child’s first teacher. Let them see you reading every day. Read together as a family- books, magazines, newspapers, billboards on the road while driving in the car provide opportunities for reading growth and learning for you and your child!

Looking Ahead in the Computer Lab:

  • 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will be taking the MCA Math and Reading tests starting on April 17th, with 5th grade also taking the MCA Science test soon after. It is extremely important to make sure students get a good night’s sleep and breakfast before the test to help them do their very best.
  • If your child is interested in continuing their tech activities at home, please check the JW Smith website and you will find a link to my website (from which we go to almost all of our activities) under my name. It can also be found at