Thurrock Swimming Club
From Beginners to Champions!
We aim to maximise the swimming potential of every member
Committee Positions
Summary of Role Descriptions
Club Secretary
Head Coach
Health and Safety
Head of SwimSchool
Welfare Officer
Vice Chair
Gala Team
Learn to Swim Rep
Membership Co-Ordinator/Team
National Age Group Squad Rep
National Youth Squad Rep
Olympic 1 Squad Rep
Olympic 2 Squad Rep
Reconciliations Officer
Press Relations Officer
Social Secretary
Schools Co-ordinator
Swim 21 Co-ordinator
Trophy Secretary
Website co-ordinator
Workforce co-ordinator
These role descriptions aim to give members of the club an idea as to the work that they and others (can) do as volunteers to help the cluband the club’s swimmers. This document is only a role summary.
Signed copies of the role descriptions will be held by the Club Secretary who shall be responsible for ensuring that all role holders sign the appropriate role description at the Annual General Meeting.
If you would like to put your name forward for a committee position, please see the Club Secretary for a nomination form.
All commitment times per week are approximate.
To promote all aspects of the club and to act as a spokesperson when required
To offer guidance and advice to the club on all matters.
Commitment :
Average 1 hour per week
Attendance at Executive and Committee Forum Meetings
The Chair of a club is seen to be a figure head, ambassador and a principal officer for the club. A Chair will chair and lead meetings within the club, be responsible for key decision making and leadership within the club, in consultation with other committee members.
- To provide direction for the club by effective leadership and management
- To chair and control meetings of the Executive Committee
- To act as principal officer within the club, and make decisions whenever the need arises, in consultation with other officers when appropriate
- To represent the club at external meetings when required
- To be involved, where appropriate, in the co-ordination of club activities
- To manage and oversee the work of officers and other club personnel
- To present the club’s annual report, in association with the Club Secretary
- To present the club’s annual accounts, in association with the Club Treasurer
- To determine the content and agenda for club meetings, in association with club secretary
- To advise the Club Treasurer on the use and investment of club funds
Commitment :
Substantial – dealing with issues as and when they arise plus club requirements.
Attendance at Executive and Committee Forum Meetings
Vice Chair
To stand in for the Chair in his absence and chair the monthly Executive Committee, quarterly full committee and annual AGM meetings ensuring that all parties are represented and have equal opportunity to state their view.
To deputise for the Chair by representing the club at any meeting or function attended.
Commitment :
As and when the need arises
Attendance at Executive and Committee Forum Meetings
Club Secretary
The Secretary of a club provides the central point of administration, information and communication. It is the Club Secretary who initially deals with all correspondence and communications, and is a key person to the smooth running of a club. The Club Secretary is also a link between members, potential members and external organisations e.g. pool operators, local authorities, and the ASA Regions. The Club Secretary should report to the Club Chair.
- To act as a main point of contact for the club, maintain records and information inrelation to queries, all administration and communications including affiliations, subscriptions, memberships, bookings, training of volunteers and mailings.
- To deal with the day to day running of the club including all correspondence (bothinternally and externally)
- To process and deliver appropriate correspondence and information to and fromCounty, Region and National ASA
- To organise committee meetings and AGMs, preparing agendas, taking minutes, anddistributing and communicating these as appropriate
- To liaise with other club committee members to ensure all appropriate administration is in place
- To represent the club at meetings
- To have a knowledge and understanding of roles and responsibilities of other club committee members
- To ensure any communication is bought to the attention of the relevant members of the Executive Committee
- To maintain up to date contact details of all members, committee members, other keyclub personnel and ASA secretaries at National, Regional and County level
Commitment :
Signigicant ongoing weekly responsibility
Attendance at Executive and Committee Forum Meetings
Gala Secretary
- To act as a point of reference for all home events and gala’s giving advice and liaising with other parties where necessary
- To arrange in consultation with the Head Coach and the swimming committee , galas held in Thurrock pools.
- To arrange the equipment and liaise with the workforce co-ordinator for officials & personnel.
- Send out entry forms to the targeted clubs for galas and invitations for other events.
- Receive in and record entrants on the club PC Gala program.
- Produce and copy programme.
- Ensure that all staff are aware of their duties on the day in liaison with the Welfare Officer
- To attend committee meetings giving a report on any pertinent facts, helping to formulate new events as well as running existing ones.
Commitment :
Substantial involvement in the club’s swimming activities
Attendance at Executive and Committee Forum Meetings
Head Coach
To oversee all aspects of coaching matters within Thurrock Swimming Club
Accountable to TSC Executive Committee monthly meeting.
- In conjunction with the TSC Head of Learn to Swim & other coaches, be responsible overall for the design, planning and delivery on a daily basis, of a training programme to meet the needs of all swimmers in line with LTAD.
- To plan control and supervise, in consultation with other coaches swimmers movements between squads.
- To continue to develop a personal knowledge and expertise in competitive swimming and to undertake training as appropriate in order to generate new ideas and to meet the changing needs of the post
- Attend all ASA, County, Regional and National events when TSC are competing.
- Ensure quality of coaching sessions through structured evaluation of coaches through regular programmed teachers meetings
- Ensure continued development of a land training programme in line with LTAD
- Abide by all policies and codes as required by the club e.g. ASA code of Ethics, TSC Club Code of Conduct, ASA child protection policy.
Commitment :
Substantial weekly commitment
Attendance at Executive and Committee Forum Meetings
Head of Swimschool
To oversee all aspects of teaching matters within Thurrock Swimming Club’s Learn to Swim programme in conjunction with the Head Coach.
Accountable to TSC Executive Committee monthly meeting.
To manage the successful operation of the Swim School
To possess the appropriate level of technical knowledge, have an ability tomotivate performers and volunteers, be able to communicate effectively anddemonstrate a high level of self commitment with good time management
Main Duties:
• To plan and deliver teaching sessions appropriate to the ability of the
swimmers in conjunction with other teaching staff.
• To manage registers for each swim session and recording swimmers
• Provide Treasurer with documentation regarding payments and class
• To manage swim school sessions to ensure all classes are covered.
• To keep the swimmers and their parents/guardians updated with their progress.
• Ensure that up to date records are held of swimmers’ medical conditionsand emergency contact numbers.
• Ensure that all persons are treated equally and that compliance to theASA Code of Ethics is maintained at all times.
• To abide by the policies of the club, and to advise the committee of anypolicy which may require attention.
• Ensure that all qualifications remain valid and that a programme for
Continuous Professional development is maintained.
• Be aware of and understand the facility, the Normal Operating Procedures(NOP) and the Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP) at all pools used.
• Liaise with the relevant officers of the club on any issues that need
• To follow and promote the ASA Child Protection policy.
Commitment :
Substantial weekly commitment
Attendance at Executive and Committee Forum Meetings
Health & Safety
It is the intention of the club to act responsibly in all matters relating to Health and Safety, and with this intention the Health and Safety Officer will:-
- Do all that is reasonably practical to promote Health and Safety
- Undertake to comply with all safety directions in the interest of the club and its members.
- Comply with all ASA Health and Safety Laws.
- Where premises other than swimming pools are used for practice or social events, promote good Health and Safety in their use.
- Where swimming galas or competitions are organised with the club as the promoter of the event, undertake to hold them in accordance with ASA Health and Safety guidelines.
- Update the committee at regular intervals in relation to current health and safety issues
- Write risk assessments for all club activities internally, externally and internationally.
Commitment :
Ongoing weekly responsibility
Attendance at Executive and Committee Forum Meetings
Club Treasurer
The Treasurer of the club is responsible for producing and managing the club’s accounts and finances, and should report to the Club Chair. This role will include being responsible for all income and expenditure for the club.
- To be responsible for all club finances through ensuring adequate accounts and records exist
- To issue receipts and keep records of all monies received
- To plan the annual budget in agreement with the Executive Committee and monitor throughout the year
- To ensure that all funds are used appropriately
- To ensure prompt banking of funding
- To maintain up to date records of all transactions and records of income and expenditure
- To prepare end of year accounts and present to the auditor and Executive Committee and AGM.
Commitment :
Substantial ongoing weekly commitment
Attendance at Executive and Committee Forum Meetings
Welfare Officer
The main purpose of the role is to assist with the safeguarding and protecting of children and young people in aquatics and to implement the ASA Wave power policy and procedures. In doing so, the person undertaking the role of a Welfare Officer should have an understanding of child protection and how best practice and the use of the criminal record bureau (CRB) checks can help prevent child abuse.
- Assist the club to put in place the ASAWavepower policy and procedures
- Assist the club to put in place implementation plans for child protection
- Be the first point of contact for club staff and volunteers, young people and parents for any issue concerning child welfare, poor practice or potential/alleged abuse
- Ensure that all incidents are correctly reported and referred out in accordance with the Wavepower guidance guidelines
- Ensure that all relevant club members, volunteers and staff have a CRB check and the opportunity to access appropriate child protection training
- Ensure that ASA Wavepower procedures for recruitment of staff and volunteers are followed
- Ensure all appropriate staff or volunteers have up to date criminal records disclosures/self disclosures
- Be aware of and have a note of contact details of the local Social Services, the Police and NGB ICPO
- Ensure that codes of conduct are in place for club staff, volunteers, coaches, competitors and parents
- Sit on the Executive Committee to advise on child protection issues or be in attendance as necessary
- Ensure confidentiality is maintained and information is only shared on a ‘’need to know’’ basis
Commitment :
Ongoing weekly commitment
Attendance at Executive and Committee Forum Meetings
A fundraising and sponsorship officer provides a central point for the club to lead, and develop opportunities forn funding, grants and sponsorship into the club. This may include the preparation and submission of funding bids to organisations, working with other organisations to develop joint bids and ensuring the profile of the club is maintained. The Club Fundraising and Sponsorship Officer should report into the Club Chair.
- To identify and target sources of funding for the club in association with the Executive Committee
- To establish and develop effective working relationships with key local funding providers
- To promote and publicise any funding and/or sponsorship secured for the club through the club newsletters, website and notice board, in association with the marketing/promotions and press officer
Commitment :
Ongoing weekly commitment
Attendance at Committee Forum Meeting
Membership Secretary
Responsible for maintaining and managing membership records and details
- Responsible for collection of monthly and annual fees, and for overdue accounts
- Responsible for swimmer and officials registrations
- To report on the membership situation to the Executive Committee
- Keep an up to date Register of all Club Members
- Maintain level of membership as agreed by the Executive Committee
- Collect subscriptions and maintain payment ledger/spreadsheet. Pay monies into the bank promptly
- Follow up unpaid subscription fees in liaison with the Club Treasurer
Commitment :
Ongoing weekly responsbility
Attendance at Committee Forum Meeting
Learn to Swim Representative
Olympic 1 Representative
Olympic 2 Representative
National Age Group Representative
National Youth Representative
To facilitate effective communication between club and parent on non-coaching matters.
- To support aims and objectives of T.S.C.
- Act as a focal point for parents issues, directing them to most appropriate committee member.
- Proactively seek out parents thoughts and feelings on club activities or initiatives
- Increase awareness of the structure of the club to ensure parents can communicate with appropriate members/level within the club.
- Raise parental concerns at committee meeting- when appropriate.
- Help maintain effective communication between all sections of the club
- Ensure parents are aware that they have a “Parents’ Representative” at committee level.
- Communicate with other parents to ensure that their views are represented at committee meetings.
- Submit “parents’ rep report” at committee forum meetings.
- Prepare and submit items where appropriate to the newsletter and website
- Ensure proposed & agreed procedures & approaches comply with ASA best practice.
Commitment :
Determined by club Approximately 1 hour per week
Attendance at Committee Forum Meeting
Press Relations Officer
- To promote and publicise all information about TSC in all media.
- To promote and publicise in a positive way all aspects of the club
- Establish a working relationship with local media
- Produce information and unbiased reports
- Report on club events (internally and externally)
- Collate and maintain news items on the website
- In conjunction with Social Secretary organise publicity for non swimming social events for the relevant members of the club as requested /approved by the Executive Committee
Commitment :
Ongoing weekly responsibility
Attendance at Committee Forum Meeting
Social Secretary
To be responsible for the development and organisation of social events for the Club
- Organises activities where members and their families can interact socially outside the swimming training and compeititon environment
- Provides reports of social activities to the Executive Committee
- Encourages members to participate in activities to promote the feeling of being part of a successful swimming club
Commitment :
Determined by the club and the role holder
Approxmately 2 hours per week
Attendance at Committee Forum Meeting
Schools Co-ordinator
- To act as a focal point for contact with all Primary and Secondary Schools in Thurrock , including Treetops and Woodacre schools for disabled pupils, encouraging and promoting swimming and Thurrock Swimming Club.
- To co-ordinate the work of the network of parents who act as individual School contacts to assist in this process.
- To organise and promote the annual Thurrock Festival of sport Schools swimming gala (dependent upon funding)
- To build on the links made through the gala , particually schools who enter for the first time establishing parent contacts if possible.
- To recruit, appoint and replace TSC parent contacts in schools
- To offer and co-ordinate assistance where schools or local organise local galas. (where appropriate)
- To follow and promote the ASA Child Protection policy
Commitment :
Determined by the Club and the role holder
Approximately 2 hours per week
Attendance at Committee Forum Meeting
Swim 21 Co-ordinator
- To liaise with the appropriate Regional Development Officer, Local Authority Sports Development Officer, TSC Executive Committee and Club members.
- To review the Swim 21 re-audit process periodically organising the completion of new audits when deemed neccesary.
- To maintain and update the TSC Action plan and Action Plan Summary, incorporating steps completed and new actions and sub-stages as agreed by the Executive Committee.
- To maintain the SWIM21 Evidence file in relation to new accreditations sought.
- To keep the Club updated on their progress through the Swim 21 process, attending quarterly ‘Club Committee’ meetings.
- To ensure that Club members are informed of Swim 21 courses and seminars.
- To liaise with the Treasurer and Executive Committee with regard to funding the implementation of the Club’s Swim 21 Action Plan.
- To follow and promote the ASA Child Protection policy
Commitment :