Mr. CampioneSocial Studies 6
Classroom Rules
1)Be respectful and polite to all students and teachers in the classroom. You should treat others how you want to be treated.
2)When the teacher or other students are talking, all students should be listening and not engaging in other conversation or being disrespectful to the speaker.
3)Before the bell rings make sure there is a sharpened pencil or pen, notebook, and any work from the previous day on your desk and you are ready.
- As soon as the bell rings, you should read the objective for the day and work on the “Do Now” on the board in the “Do Now” section of your notebook.
- All work in notebook should have a date of when completed. (Any Do Now, Vocabulary, or writing in notebook) as I will frequently check Do Nows for a grade.
4)If you need to go to the bathroom, please raise your hand and wait to be chosen quietly. Do not ask in the middle of the teacher talking unless it is an emergency.
- If you need to throw something out or need a tissue, please do so before the period begins or after as you leave the room.
5)No cell phones allowed at any time in class. Cell phones are for before and after school. Cell Phones will be brought to the principal’s office to be picked up after school.
6)You are dismissed from class when the bell rings. Do not pack up until the bell rings or if I say we are done for the day.
7)Please free to ask any questions that are needed to understand anything we are learning in class.
Extra Help
Extra Help will occur before school from 8:15-8:35am Tuesday-Friday. Please inform me the day before that you plan on coming for extra help or any questions so you can be given a pass. After school extra helpwill occur only when absolutely necessary as I am a coach at the High School.
Contact Information: I can be contacted any time before 9pm at through the Remind Appwith questions or concerns.
Classroom Website and Homework Text Messages
The class website is located on, then click Staff, then Staff Directory, and then click Mr. Nicholas Campione. The website will have access for an online version of the textbook, Homework, Teacher’s Notes, and extra copies of worksheets. I expect students and parents to check there daily to keep up-to-date for class. There is also an application to receive text messages about homework assignments. To receive text messages, text the message “@mrcampione”to the phone number “81010”.
The grading policy is as follows: 40% tests, 30% quizzes, and 30% homework. Other assignments including projects will be included as tests, quizzes, and homework grades as applicable. Grades can be checked on the On Course website to check the progress of your grade and to check on missing assignments and upcoming assignments. If you fail one core content class, per District Policy, you will be forced to attend Summer School!
Classroom Penalties
If a student is being disrespectful to the teacher or other classmates the following will occur:
First Offense: Verbal Warning
Second Offense:Before School Detention Served with Teacher
Third Offense: Parent Called and Central Detention for one hour after school
Homework and Class work
1)All work is due on the due date. Homework is worth 10 points each. Any homework handed in later than the assigned due date will be lowered 1 point if handed in the first day after the due date and so forth. Homeworkwill receive a “0” if not handed in after 5 days.
2)No cheating or plagiarism allowed of any kind. Plagiarism is the copying of another student’s work or work of any kind. If caught plagiarizing, you will receive a “0” as well as the student you copied the work from immediately and your parents or guardians will be notified.
Materials Needed in Class Every Day
1)Binder or Notebook with 3sections titled: Do Now, Notes/Vocabulary, and Homework.
2)Folder for Worksheets handed out in Class
3)Set of Colored Pencils
4)2-3 Pencils or Pens (any color is acceptable besides Red pen)
5)Textbook (Will be left in school and brought home only if needed to complete work; Online version will be posted on the class website.)
Student Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______