Alien Vs Predator 2
Written by: Cameron Mitchell Zacher
April 14, 2195
Somewhere in mid-Arizona-evening
Two friends that are 17 or so, Daniel and Alex, are driving on ATV’s down a dirt trail (30 seconds). Hunting rifles are strapped to the backs of their vehicles.
So, Alex, how did you like your first hunting trip?
Pretty good, but I wish the rest of the guys hadn’t left us out here.
Tell me about it…. Hey, can we stop for a sec? I have to take a leak.
The two stop their ATV’s and Daniel steps on to the ground. He goes into a nearby bush to pee. When he’s done he starts to turn around, but stops, sniffing the air.
Hey what’s wrong?
Do you smell that?
Smell what?
It’s some kind of animal. It must be. Or some bad stool.
I don’t smell anything, Dan. You’re just being ridiculous.
No I’m not! Listen, I’ve been hunting for over nine years, and for eight of those years I’ve learned to use all of my senses. Especially in this valley. The pumas here can get really aggressive. There’s your first lesson in hunting.
Fine, whatever.
No not fine, whatever! I’m not kidding! You could get seriously injured out here. Even die!
Alex: There’s nowhere to hide out here! We can see a cowger-
Daniel: Cougar.
Alex: Whatever! We can see anything from a mile away!
What about the cacti? Or boulders? Briars? Sometimes animals use the shadows too!
Fine, oh supreme hunter.
Damn straight! Now lets go check out that smell.
Alex gets off his ATV and grabs the two rifles.
He tosses one to Daniel, and cocks his.
Daniel does the same.
They walk off into the surrounding area. They walk around for a bit, Alex following Daniel, before finding the origin of the stench.
A huge hole has been put in the ground, not dug but burned, as if someone had pored some kind of concentrated acid on it.
Alex shudders.
What the hell is that?
It must be some kind of new trap. Fucking poachers! They’ll do anything it takes to get a kill. They take the sport out of hunting!
Daniel, don’t get so pissed off, it’s just a trap.
I know, but what I hate is how they just do anything and everything to get their kill. And when they do, the people who are actually doing it fair have to deal with it.
Alex: C’mon, lets get back to camp. It’ll be dark soon.
Yeah well tomorrow, we’re going to come out here and try and find these guys, all right?
Whatever you say.
The two go back to their ATV’s and drive off in silence.
As soon as they reach the camp, they notice something is wrong.
Hung up in the trees surrounding the area, large chunks of meat dangle from weak-looking lines, four in all.
As the two get close enough, Alex lets out another scream of terror.
The chunks of meat are actually bodies, mutilated beyond recognition. Their friends, people he had know all his life, skinned and decapitated. Spent cartridges and broken rifles litter the ground; one tent is crumpled and torn up. Human blood stains the ground, as well as a sticky, green substance.
Who the hell did this? WHO THE HELL DID THIS?!
Holy shit. We gotta get out of here! We’re all going to die!
Daniel and Alex get on their ATV’s and drive towards the road.
Alex falls off and hits his head on a rock.
Daniel stops and picks him up, putting Alex on his ATV.
As they get to the road, Daniel’s runs out of gas.
They get off and start running toward Whitman. A truck is driving buy. Daniel runs in front of it, waving his arms wildly. The truck comes to a stop, and the driver opens the passenger door.
Well hey son, what’s your name? Who’s that? What’s wrong with you two?
D-d-daniel. This-this is Alex. Can we hold off…on the story ‘till we get to town?
Thank you.
On the way, Alex falls into a deep sleep.
Doctors House-night
The town of Whitman is a rather small town, more like a village than anything. The population is around fifty, and everybody there can handle themselves with a firearm. There are five key settlements, the doctors house, gun-shop, the convenience store, the hotel, and for those that aren’t handy, the construction firm. The scene starts out with Fred talking to the doctor at his house.
So what’s wrong with Alex?
He has a mild concussion. He just needs a few days rest, and he should be okay.
What about the other boy?
He’s sleeping right now. He’s going to be fine.
A car pulls up. Two extremely worried people get out, presumably Daniels parents. (Heather and Billy) Heather’s eyes are darkened like she’ been crying. They go over to Fred and the doctor.
Oh Jesus is he going to be all right?
Your son is going to be fine.
What’s wrong with him?
Nothing at all.
So who are you?
Name’s Fred. Just out looking for my wife’s damned cat when I found him.
I’m so glad you were there. (Crying again)
No problem.
Where’s Alex?
He’s inside. Here, follow me.
The doctor takes Heather inside.
So are they your sons?
Daniel is. Alex is just staying here for the summer. He and Daniel have known each other since they were in diapers.
They looked terrified when I found them.
The doctor told me on the phone that Daniel said his friends all being dead. I hope that’s not true. They’ve all been good friends since they were at least ten years old.
That’s horrible that someone could kill four teenagers.
I know. (Shudders)
Just then, the door jerks open. Daniel comes out, followed closely by Heather. He storms up to Billy and Fred angrily.
Those fucking poachers!
There are some poachers out in the valley somewhere, and they’re making new kinds of cheap traps, and they killed Jacob, Tom, Jerry, and Chris! THEY SKINNED THEM ALIVE!!!
It’s ok Daniel. It’s ok.
No dad, you don’t get it. It’s not ok. There’s people out there, murderers, poachers, and they killed people I’ve known since I was a little kid! Tomorrow, I’m going to go out there and kill them!
I’m not going to let you go out there and confront murderers by yourself!
What are you going to do to stop me?
You’re just going to get yourself killed. I’ll tell you what, we’ll call the police from out of Helmsley, they can get here in three days, and they can handle this.
In the three days it takes them to get here, the bastards will already have left.
I’ll go with you.
No, nobody is going anywhere except back home!
Bill, you know him. You know how stubborn he is. And I’m damn sure that he is going to go back there, no matter what we say.
So we get some of guys with guns, and try to find these people.
You’re going too Bill.
I know, I know. But I don’t like it.
So I’ll call a few of the guys tonight, and you can go tomorrow in the morning.
Mom, it’s still pretty early, why can’t we go tonight?
Because, in the time it takes to get everybody out here, then to get to your camp, it will be very late!
Your mothers right Daniel. We can go tomorrow morning.
No buts Daniel! If we had our way, you wouldn’t even be going on this thing at all!
The doctor comes out of his house and walks calmly up to the group.
He’s waking up.
Cut to shot of Alex. As Heather, Fred, Daniel, Billy, and the doctor come into the room, he starts to sit up, rubbing his head. Heather gently pushes him back down.
Lie down child.
I’m fine. I’m fine.
He still has a minor concussion, but other than that, he is going to be okay.
How you feeling buddy?
My head hurts a little.
I’m so glad that you’re all right. Your parents would have killed me! (Laughs softly, no one else does)
Hey doctor-
Hey Chet, can we use your phone?
For what?
Daniel wants to get those men back.
You guys are going after them?
Well I’m coming too.
You are not!
You can’t stop me!
You have to stay in bed for at least three more days.
No. I want to do this!
You cant. You just cant.
Don’t worry Alex. We’ll get ‘em. You really do need to stay in bed.
If you wont listen to us, then listen to your best friend, who would never do what’s not best for you, for anyone!
Hey, stay here. Get some sleep. Okay?
All right fine.
Cut to shot of Billy’s truck pulling up in front of the high school.
Billy and Heather get out and go into the building.
Cut to shot of a science lab. A man and a woman are in there, looking at some kind of lizard. It is a chestburster. It is dead.
The woman (Katie) opens it up with a scalpel. The tool gets hot and Katie drops it. Nothing melts. The man (Stewart) pulls her back.
Billy and Heather walk into the room.
Hey, Stew, Kate.
What are you guys doing?
We were coming back from Helmsley when we saw this thing on the side of the road. So, being biologists, we took it.
Any idea as to what the hell it is?
Not a clue.
We think that it’s some kind of lizard.
It does seem like that doesn’t it?
What? What is it Stew?
Look at this. You see there? If you press here (presses a spot on its stomach) this happens. (The alien’s mouth opens, and an inner jaw shoots out then goes back in) You know what this means right?
We discovered something. We can name it! We could be on the Discovery Channel.
Several teenagers begin to file in.
We should leave now. Good luck.
Billy and Heather leave the room
Three days earlier
Jupiter’s orbit
A ship floats in stasis. This is a predator ship.
Cut to a large room inside. The room is empty, save a stone dais in the far right corner and eight circular panels spaced evenly around the room. Zoom in on the dais. As it fills the screen, a single, red /-| symbol appears. As it does, cut to shot of the room. The eight circular panels open. Jets of steam erupt from each one. Three cylindrical pods, connected at the back, begin to rise from each hole.
Cut to room with dais on far left corner. Pods are further up than the last room.
Cut to room with dais on near right corner. Pods are further up than the last room.
Cut to room with dais on near left corner. Pods finish rising.
Cut away to shot of the ship. It still hangs in stasis, but after three seconds, it begins to awaken. Lights power on, engines start up, and it begins to hum.
Cut to view of another larger room. 96 small pedestals fill the area, each one bearing a mask, four strange throwing disks, a spear, a suit of body armor and mesh underlay, a gauntlet, and a strange cannon that looks as if it shoots some kind of liquid, such as lava, or plasma. The spears and masks look decorated, some more than others, as if by rank.
On the other side of the room, the door opens.
Cut to shot of one of the pedestals. Two scaly hands, reptilian and almost webbed, grab the mask and pull it away with a hissing sound from the pedestal. There are more hissing sounds from off-screen.
The two hands then grab the gauntlet.
Cut to shot of the creature’s wrist. The hands begin to fasten the gauntlet securely to the arm.
When it’s on, two blades whisk out with a solid shink.
The creature shoves the blades into the already scarred pedestal, putting a small scratch on it. The blades return to inside the gauntlet, as if the creature is satisfied with the test.
Cut to creature’s shoulder. The cannon is set there, and attached to some kind of machinery. It swivels for a second, then stops, again, tested.
Cut to creature’s bare torso. The mesh is strapped on, then after reaching off-screen, the armor. The monster reaches at the pedestal once again, and takes the throwing discs.
Cut to waist. The thing attaches some kind of belt, and then clips five pouches and the discs to it.
Finally the spear is selected.
The creature presses a button on the handle, and two extensions shoot out with a woosh.
Cut to room with nothing save another stone dais in the center. No holes, no pods, just the dais. But this dais is nine feet long, three feet tall, and two feet wide.
A \^> symbol appears on the side, also red. Cut to view of dais top. It begins to slide forwards.
View of dais. Jets of steam rise from the top.
A six-foot long box slides out of the bottom.
As the steam dissipates, a roar emits from an unseen source inside the dais. It is a blood curling, deep, loud noise. The noise echoes throughout the room.
View of the box. It has no lid. Inside is a red cape, a highly decorated mask, a six-foot long spear, open, and highly decorated, two highly decorated throwing discs, a gauntlet, and a shoulder cannon.
Some kind of futuristic keypad. One of the hands presses a series of buttons, and five red symbols appear on the small screen above it.
Cut to yet another large room. There is a xenomorph queen in this room, frozen and stuck to an egg-sack. The egg-sack is attached to some kind of machinery and leads to a five by five-metal platform. Gasses are sprayed into the room, and eventually the queen thaws. The machinery starts sparking, and the queen screams.
She begins to lay eggs onto the platform. A mechanical arm moves the end of the egg-sack around to deposit the eggs on the platform evenly.
When it is full, walls made of the same metal come out of the platform and turn it into a High-Tec crate.
After this is done, the crate is set onto a conveyor belt, and carried off to a separate room. This happens fifteen more times, and then stops. Each time an egg is laid, the queen shrieks. When all of the crates are gone, the queen is frozen again.
Cut to shot of large round pod descending towards Earth. It is made of the same metal as the crates. It travels faster than light. Close in as it reaches the atmosphere. It plummets through, on fire, and crashes into the ground.
It is in a large cave in the mountains. The pod and crates vaporize on impact. Just three hundred seventy-five eggs remain.
Cut to shot of sun going down.
Cut back to eggs.
A truck pulls up to the base of the cliff. Six men and two women get out, holding meteorologist and seismology equipment.
One of the women points up at the new-formed hole in the rock.
The group puts down their science equipment, and puts on climbing gear. They begin to climb up.
The last man reaches the top.
One of the men shines a flashlight down the dark cave.
When the beam comes across the eggs, he gasps. Eight of them are opening.
The scientists stare in awe and wonder.
Then, tiny face-huggers leap out of the open eggs, and latch on to the scientists.
Shot of the sun coming up.
The scientists are all awake, and the face-huggers lie dead on the rock beside them.
One of the women starts screaming.
She rips off her shirt. A tiny bulge can be seen in her stomach. As we watch, the bulge quickly gets bigger. With one final scream from the woman, a chestburster rips out of the scientist. Fade to black.
Fade in to shot of eight chestbursters feeding on the scientists.
The city of Helmsley. Aliens are attacking it. They carry away most people to the eggs, and kill the remaining humans.