Australian Water Association South Australian Branch Committee

Nomination Form 2017

The South Australian Branch is calling for nominations for its biennial committee election. We are seeking motivated and enthusiastic members to help to lead the Australian Water Association in South Australia over the coming two years.

It is important to gain an understanding of what is expected and the time commitments required of Association volunteer Committee Members before nominating. As a guide, it is anticipated that an allocation of approximately 12 hours per month to attend committee meetings, undertake actions assigned during the committee meetings, seek speakers, presenters and support from your business and professional networks, review policy papers and awards submissions and represent the Committee at functions including seminars and dinners.

All current financial Australian Water Association Members who reside in South Australia are entitled to nominate for the SA Branch Committee. A nomination is for General Committee Member.

The elected Committee will then select Office Bearers at the first meeting of the new Committee.

In the event that more nominations are received than positions available, an election will be held.

Please note that if an election is required, your Name, Organisation and Position along with your nomination statement (exactly as provided on the nomination form) will be made available to members in support of the election process. No contact details will be published in accordance with our Privacy obligations.

Please complete the form and return by 5pm, 30th June 2017to

Note: No late nominations will be accepted.

Australian Water Association South Australian Branch Committee

Nomination Form 2017

Nominee: / AWA Membership No.
Nominee must be a current, financial Australian Water Association Member
Work phone: / Mobile:
We are seeking a diverse range of skills and backgrounds for the Committee to service all areas of the existing and future membership. For your nomination to be valid you must include a brief (not more than 150 words) statement that can be forwarded with election information – no exceptions. Your statement should include:
A brief outline of your relevant water industry experience(do NOT send your CV), committee experience, area(s) of expertise and area(s) of interest including any other relevant organisations or groups you are associated with.
Your vision for AWA in South Australia and any specific activities you may like to be involved with to support that vision.

Please complete and return by 5pm, 30th June 2017to

Note: No late nominations will be accepted.

The Australian Water Association is committed to protecting the privacy rights of all individuals associated with AWA. Our Privacy Policy details our practices for the gathering, protection and handling of personal and sensitive information for our members, employees, customers and other stakeholders, and we voluntarily comply with the National Privacy Principles. The full AWA privacy policy is available for download on our website. Click here for more.