eRPortal Maintenance Link Object
To install the object, within the ArchestrA IDE, simply import the package definition file, eRPortalMaint.aaPKG.
· In the IDE menu, click on Galaxy – Import – Object(s)
· Choose eRPortalMaint.aaPKG
· Say OK
This will create a new template in your galaxy called $eRPortalMaint
Object Configuration within IDE
It is suggested that you create a derived template and make most of the configurations to the derived template, so that the settings specific to your environment will be inherited on all the maintenance object you create.
Create a derived template from the $eRPortalMaint template object by right-clicking on it and choosing New – Derived Template.
Double-click on the derived template to bring up the object configuration screen:
Below are the object attributes that can be configured within this screen:
eRPortal Server
This is the URL pointing to the eRPortal web service that the object will use to communicate with eRPortal. For example: http://maintserv1/eRPortal or
User ID
This is the eRPortal user that the object will use to log in to eRPortal. It is suggested that you make a dedicated user within eRPortal for the object so that the password won’t be inadvertently changed, but any valid eRPortal user ID will work.
This is the password for the eRPortal user that the object will use to log in to eRPortal.
Asset Code
This is the asset code in eRPortal for the asset that the maintenance object represents within the galaxy. Note, if the asset code within eRPortal is / will be the same as the tagname of the containing asset object in the galaxy, then leave this field blank, and the eRPortalMaint object will automatically use its containing object’s tagname. If the containing object in the galaxy will have a tagname different than the corresponding asset code in eRPortal, you can put the eRPortal asset code here. This would of course be done for the individual objects rather than a derived template,
Runtime Hours Update Interval
This is the interval, in minutes, between updating the asset’s runtime hours in eRPortal. The default is 240 minutes, or every 4 hours, meaning that every 4 hours, the object will send the current runtime hours to eRPortal to trigger any PM’s.
Refetch WO Triggers Interval
This is the interval, in minutes, between re-downloading the asset’s condition based triggers from eRPortal to the object. The default is 60 minutes. In a production environment where the condition triggers have been established and rarely change, you may want to increase this value to once every 4 hours (240 minutes), or even once a day (1440 minutes). If you are creating and testing triggers, you may want to set it to 1 minute so the object will quickly receive new and modified triggers.
Work Order Retrigger Interval
This is the interval, in minutes, between when the same condition trigger will trigger another work order. The default is 60 minutes, meaning that once a condition-based trigger has generated a work order, that same set of conditions will not trigger another work order for 60 minutes.
Auto-Create Asset
If this box is checked, then the object will automatically create an asset in eRPortal for its containing object if one does not already exist for it. Use this option to be able to easily have eRPortal assets created simply by adding new sets to the galaxy, without having to re-create within eRPortal.
Auto-Create Child Assets
If this box is checked, then the object will automatically create assets within eRPortal for each contained object within the parent object. The assets will be created hierarchically within eRPortal as child-assets of the parent asset.
As a general rule, an eRPortalMaint object should be deployed as a contained object within each asset object in a galaxy that will be maintained within eRPortal.
In the image below, note how there is one eRPortalMaint object contained within each pump object. The tag name of the eRPortalMaint object is not important, you can name them however makes sense for your environment.
In the example below, eRPortalMaint_003 was dropped into containing object Pump003. If the Auto-Create Asset option was checked, then it would create an asset called Pump003 in eRPortal (if one did not already exist). If the Auto-Create Child Assets option was also checked, then it would have created another two child assets in eRPortal called Motor3A and Motor3B. The attributes of those assets will have been uploaded to eRPortal for use in creating condition-based triggers. All of this will have also occurred for Pump007, Pump008, and Pump009 by the actions of their contained eRPortalMaint objects.
Asset Configuration within eRPortal
There are two main items that can be configured within eRPortal for an asset to define it’s interaction with the galaxy object: the Runtime Hours and the Condition-Based Work Order Triggers
Runtime Hours
To have the eRPortalMaint object update an asset’s runtime hours (or any utilization counter such as cycles or miles), you’ll need to tell it which attribute of the asset object in the galaxy represents the runtime hours. To do this in eRPortal
· Go into the Asset Finder, find the asset and click on Select to bring up the Asset Detail screen
· Click on the HMI / SCADA tab
· Click on the Runtime Hours Tag dropdown. This will show a list of the containing asset object’s attributes. Select the one that represents that asset’s runtime hours (or cycle count, mileage, etc)
· Click Save to save your changes.
· The asset’s runtime hours in eRPortal will now be automatically updated by the eRPortalMaint object in the galaxy, allowing for the triggering of utilization-based PM’s within eRPortal.
Condition-Based Work Order Triggers:
Condition based work order triggers allow you to define a set of conditions that will cause the object to trigger a work order within eRPortal. To define a condition based trigger:
· In the Work Order Triggers grid, click on the + button to add a new trigger
· Click the Tag Name that represents the tag or attribute you wish to monitor
· Choose the Operator (i.e. choose > if you want it to trigger when the tag is greater than the limit value)
· Enter the limit Value
· Enter the Duration (in seconds) that this condition must persist for in order for a work order to trigger. If you want it to trigger as soon as the condition is met, enter 0.
· Enter the Work Request Description that you wish to have appear on the Work Order
· Enter the Priority that the work order should have.
You can have as many different condition based triggers on a given asset as you wish, each with its own work request and priority. When any of those conditions is met, the appropriate work order will be automatically created within eRPortal.