Jackson High School

Senior Capstone Project


Senior Capstone Project Committee

Melissa Griffin, Elizabeth McConnell, Kelly White, Brandi Smith, Leanne Shockley and Christa Miller


A Senior Capstone Project is the culminating activity of a student’s senior year. The project is completed through the English curriculum and will count as a percentage of the senior English course grade. If a student is not enrolled in senior English at the high school, the project will be completed under the advisement of a teacher advisor. Appointments will be scheduled with the advisor to facilitate completion of The Capstone. The project provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and showcase the skills they have acquired over the past twelve years. It fosters lifetime interests and learning habits while providing students with a sense of accomplishment. The project is a fitting conclusion to a student’s high school education.

Senior Capstone Project Goals:

*To give students the opportunity to apply knowledge in a variety of areas

*To link knowledge from courses to application through a project

*To prepare students for life after high school

*To strengthen students’ communication skills

*To allow students the opportunity to research an area of interest

*To give students the opportunity to serve in the community

*To demonstrate proficiency in written and oral communication skills.

REQUIREMENT: It is an expectation by the state of Georgia and the Butts County School System that all seniors participate in a senior capstone project either through work-based learning, move on when ready, or senior coursework.

Each student will complete the followingSix Components: The 6 P’s


Choose a career or area of interest to research. Working closely with the advisor, student will narrow topic of research and submit a proposal.

  1. PAPER

Write a research paper on the chosen topic and related career opportunities. Pre-writing activities will include a topic outline, 4 annotated sources, and a Works Cited Page.


Apply the information gained from research to create a product. The product may be an actual physical product, a performance, a demonstration, or a service, but it must be related to the research. Work within a budget with readily available materials; spend as little as possible.


Within the Portfolio,document the entire process from inception to completion. Insert theproposal, cover letter, resume, interview, research paper, presentation outline, and reflective journals.


Present findings in a formal presentation of 5-7 minutes in length. Demonstrate proficiency in speaking and communicating coherently and cohesively.The product must accompany the presentation.

Parent/student understanding and support form

Student returns with appropriate signatures

As the parent/guardian of ______, a 2016-2017 senior at Jackson High School, I am aware that my son/daughter is required to successfully complete a Senior Capstone Project. Participation in the project will be reflected heavily in my student’s grade in his/her senior coursework.

  • I am also aware that components for the Capstone Project include:
  • Signature Pages
  • Project Proposal
  • A Research Paper
  • A Portfolio
  • A Resume with Cover Letter and a Letter of Recommendation
  • A Mentor and Interview
  • An Action Product
  • A Presentation before a panel of evaluation panel
  • Community Service hours
  • I understand that the Senior Capstone Projectis student-centered.
  • I am aware that if my student does not take senior English, Capstone Project is a requirement for graduation.
  • I understand that my student is to choose a Capstone Project mentor. The mentor should be a community member. I am aware that non-school personnel are not endorsed by nor are their credentials screened by the Butts County School district. Therefore, I understand it is my responsibility to review the qualifications and/or background of the Capstone Project mentor and supervise my student’s work with his/her mentor.
  • I understand that requirements must be met by due dates.
  • I understand my student must present a project in the spring, specific time, date, and location is yet to be decided.


Print Student Name Signature Date


Print Parent Name Signature Date

____Yes, I will serve on a Community Evaluation panel in the spring (specific time and date is yet to be decided).

Please contact me by phone (______)______-______or by email______


Definition of Plagiarism:

Plagiarism in an academic setting occurs when a student deliberately uses someone else’s language, ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without crediting the original author. There are two types of plagiarism;

  • Deliberate Plagiarism: The most serious offense, involves a deliberate attempt on the part of a student to pass off as his own the writing or ideas of another person (student, parent, published or unpublished author, et al). Straight copying or slight paraphrasing of a source that the student attempts to conceal.
  • Unintentional Plagiarism: Carelessly or inadequately citing ideas and words borrowed from another source.

Both types of plagiarism are serious violations of the principles of academic integrity and will not be tolerated.

Penalties for Plagiarism:

  • When a teacher determines that a student has unintentionally plagiarized, citation errors must be corrected before a grade will be assigned. The citation error will be considered a formatting error and points deducted as appropriate. Should a student fail to re-submit the paper with corrections within five school days, he will receive a grade of zero. A pattern of documentation errors will be considered as intentional.
  • A student who intentionally plagiarizes will receive zero credit for the assignment and will be subject to a disciplinary referral. Recovery will not be given.
  • A student who allows another student to copy his or her paper or assists in the act of plagiarism will be subject to disciplinary action.

I have read and understand the above statement on plagiarism.


Print Student Name Signature

Date ______


Print Parent Name Signature

Date ______


  1. Go to
  2. Select ‘Ready to Explore Careers?’ under the Career tab in orange.
  3. Select ‘Career Cluster Interest Survey’
  4. Select ‘Get Started’
  5. When you complete the survey, you will be given your top 3 matching career clusters. List:




  1. Select ‘Research Careers’
  2. Select ‘Career Clusters and Pathways’
  3. Select ‘Career Clusters’
  4. Follow the link to your top choice
  5. Select ‘Pathways in this cluster’ and list the 3 that interest you most. Click on the educational infographic to see jobs available, education needed, and possible wages earned:

a)(Pathway) ______

(Job) ______

(Educ. needed) ______

(Wages) ______

b)(Pathway) ______

(Job) ______

(Educ. needed) ______

(Wages) ______

c)(Pathway) ______

(Job) ______

(Educ. needed) ______

(Wages) ______


  1. Go to
  2. Select ‘start your skills profile’
  3. Select ‘Continue’ and take the quiz
  4. List at least 5 job types that were suggested as a good match for you






  1. Click the link of the career that most interests you and select ‘Ga’
  2. Record the pay range for your job in GA: ______to ______
  1. Go to
  2. Click ‘Start Now’ and take the quiz
  3. Record your top 2 career clusters/categories



  1. Click on the career clusters that interest you and browse/record specific jobs that interest you.






Describe your online interest survey results.

Why are you interested in this area?

How long do you expect it to take you to complete your Product?

When and where will you work on your Product?

What are the estimated costs for completing your Product, and how will you fund these costs?

What steps will you need to take before you begin work on your Product?

What are the related careers to your chosen topic?

Who are you considering to be your mentor? Why?

What type of community service interests you?

How will you demonstrate your Product for your Presentation?


Capstone Evaluation Panel

717 S Harkness

Jackson, GA 30233


Dear Capstone Evaluation Panel:

In this paragraph, describe the career area of interest for your project and why you are interested in this career field. Next describe the process you went through for narrowing the various career field options down to this specific career field. Why does this career field interest you?

Begin this paragraph with a transitional sentence showing the relationship between your selected career field and the Action Product you will complete. Then describe your Action Product. Give it a name that can we can all use as a reference. Describe the Action Product, what it will entail, who is involved, potential costs, potential time spent, and possible resources you will utilize. Identify the person(s), organization or company you will be working with to complete the Action Product.

In this paragraph, describe what you already know, your experience that may apply, or areas of accomplishment that may be relevant, etc. Explain why this proposed project will be a stretch for you. Describe what areas you are not familiar with and possible challenges you may face. Describe how you will overcome these challenges. Discuss the skills and knowledge you expect to acquire as a result of this Project and how you expect to acquire them.

In this paragraph, describe how the proposed project connects to your post-high school endeavors. Discuss briefly what impact you anticipate this project may have on you or your community.


Your signature goes here

Type your full name

Jackson High School

Enclosures (1) – (You will include the project proposal form on p.8, proposal form on 10,and the project proposal rubric on 11 with this letter.)


Student Name
E-Mail Address
ELA Teacher
Career Interest Area(s)
Action Product Topic:
Mentor or Community Support Contact Information
Name, Address, Phone, Email

I hereby agree to complete the Senior Capstone Project as a partial requirement for my senior classes. I understand I must present my Senior Capstone Project to an evaluation panel for the presentation grade component. I also understand I must present on the day I am assigned.

Signature ______

Date ______


Please confirm your agreement to serve as a Capstone Project mentor for the student indicated below by completing this form and by signing the subsequent statement.

Student Name ______

Capstone Project Mentor’s Name ______

Place of Employment ______

E-mail Address ______Contact Phone# ______

Please list your credentials in this Capstone Project area: ______


Briefly describe the qualifications that you feel would make you suitable as a mentor for this student’s Capstone Project:





I, the undersigned, have met with the above named student and have reviewed plans for completion of his/her product as outlined in the student’s proposal. I have read and understand the role of the Capstone Project mentor which includes a 3 hour commitment to meet with the student and writing a letter of recommendation for this student to place in the final portfolio for this project. I acknowledge that it is the responsibility of the student to complete the product on his/her own and that I will not be held responsible or liable for the outcome of the project.

Mentor Signature ______Date______

  • Yes, I would like to serve on an Evaluation Panel in late spring (location and date is yet to be decided)
  • I acknowledge the above person as my student’s mentor for his/her senior Capstone project. I understand the role the mentor is to play in aiding and guiding my student in completion of the product stage of the senior Capstone project. I approve of my student’s mentor choice.

Student Signature: ______Date______

Parent Signature: ______Date______


Student ______

English Teacher ______

Topic ______

Mentor ______

You will keep documentation of your service learning hours and work for your Capstone project on this form. This log will be included in your portfolio. You must complete 3 hours of service learning that is related to your research topic.

Date & Time Spent / Location & Mentor’s Initials
If you skype, take a screenshot and still include the location of each of you. / Description of Task:
How does this relate to your Research Topic and/or Action Product?
Date & Time Spent / Location & Mentor’s Initials / Description of Task:
How does this relate to your Research Topic and/or Action Product?
Date & Time Spent / Location & Mentor’s Initials / Description of Task:


Name: ______

Advisor: ______

Up to 10 points / DOES NOT MEET
0 points
1 / Minimum of 3 service hours is documented
2 / Location and Mentor’s initials are provided
3 / Accurate and precise descriptions regarding the tasks
4 / Insightful connections to the research topic
5 / Writing is neat and legible whileutilizingcorrect grammar

______The attached rubric has been approved.

______Therubric has NOT been approved.

Please make the appropriate changes and resubmit no later than

______(resubmit date)

Notes for improvement, resubmission, attaboys











Advisor Date

MENTOR INTERVIEW - suggestions

During the time spent with your mentor, you will conduct an interview that will be later used in your research paper. This is an important step that will give you guidance in your learning. In your portfolio you will submit the prepared interview questions, your notes during the interview, and the typed, final version of the interview.

Preparation tips:

  • Be focused and polite.
  • Make an appointment with a specific date, time, and location.
  • Make sure you are on time and dressed neatly for this appointment.
  • Arrive at least ten minutes before the scheduled time.
  • Introduce yourself in a professional manner. This means a firm handshake, smile, and eye contact.
  • Remember to speak clearly and loudly enough to be heard easily.
  • State the purpose of the interview again and thank the person for his or her time.
  • Ask about any pamphlets or other sources the interviewer can provide for you as additional resources that you can take home with you after the interview.
  • Gain as much specific information as possible about the topic so that you can incorporate these facts/data/statistics into your paper.
  • Prepare a list of questions.
  • Design questions based on the thesis of the research paper and on the expertise of the person to be interviewed.
  • Identify the three main prongs/points of your thesis. For each prong / point construct specific questions.
  • You must have at least 10 well-constructed questions. This does not include questions that are introductory, yes/no response questions, or one-word answer questions.
  • Type the questions with space between them to write the answers as the interviewee gives them.
  • Be prepared during the interview to “piggy back” additional questions to the ones you have already written prior to the interview.
  • Write exact quotes for some items.
  • It is OK to say, “Let me make sure I’ve quoted you correctly. You said….” Then read back the sentence or sentences to him or her.
  • Thank this person again for his/her time at the end of the interview

Interview Sample Questions

The student will need to write out their interview questions prior to meeting with their mentor.

Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  1. Ask the person’s full name and title. This basic information will be needed for the research paper. It will also serve as an icebreaker to make you feel more comfortable during the remainder of the interview.
  2. What is your background in…..?
  3. How did you get involved with…?
  4. How long have you…?
  5. Where did you receive your education or training in…?
  6. Who else has…?
  7. What is the most difficult aspect of … ? Why?
  8. In my research I have come across this term which I do not understand. Can you explain … ?
  9. Can you explain the process for… ?
  10. What are the salary expectations for…?
  11. What is the average cost for lessons in…?
  12. Whom do you consider the most influential person in the field of…? Why?
  13. What has had the greatest impact on…? Why?
  14. What is most challenging or rewarding about…? Why?
  15. What is next in terms of…?
  16. What opportunities exist locally for…?
  17. What advice would you give for someone considering…?
  18. This is my working outline for this topic. Do you have suggestions or addition for…?
  19. What is the procedure for…?
  20. How do you envision the future of…?

Writing an MLA citation for the interview

Write this source citation at the top of the interview as it will be used on your Works Cited for your research paper.

Last name, First name.Type of interview.Date.

Martone, Michael. Telephone interview. 6 Jan. 2016.

Patterson, Annette. E-mail interview. 16 Feb. 2016.

Anderson, Paula. Personal interview. 22 July 2016.


What is a Research Paper?

A research paper is the culmination and final product of an involved process of research, critical thinking, source evaluation, organization, and composition. It is, perhaps, helpful to think of the research paper as a living thing, which grows and changes as the student explores, interprets, and evaluates sources related to a specific topic. Primary and secondary sources are the heart of a research paper, and provide its nourishment; without the support of and interaction with these sources, the research paper would morph into a different genre of writing (e.g., an encyclopedic article). The research paper serves not only to further the field in which it is written, but also to provide the student with an exceptional opportunity to increase her knowledge in that field.

N.p., n.d. Web. 13 June 2016.

Specific Requirements:

  1. Length requirement: 750-1000 words (This word count does not include the Works Cited page.)
  2. You must conduct research and write citations for at least 4 credible, related sources. (One source will be an interview with your mentor.)
  3. Information from at least 3 sources must be used throughout the paper. You will NOT write about each source separately (i.e., one paragraph to summarize one source) but rather present the information from all sources in a logically-organized and fluid paper.
  4. No block quotes are allowed. Quotations must be shorter than 3 typed lines. It is preferred to integrate quotations where possible.

How can I tell if a source is useful?