MPM 2D: UNIT #2 – Linear Systems
Day / Topic / AssignmentDay 1 / The Line
- define linear
- forms of a linear equation
(slope/y-intercept, stardard form, special lines –
horizontal and vertical)
- rewriting in y = mx + b or standard form
- determining if a point lies on a line / Handout
- The Line
Do #1-5 on the sheet
Do #6 & 7 on lined paper
Day 2 / Graphing a Line
- using table of values
- using slope and y-intercept
- using x-intercept and y-intercept / Handout
- Graphing a Line
#1 – 4
(need graph paper)
Day 3 / Graphing a Line Application
- by hand
- using technology (Graphing Calculator) / Handout
- Graphing a Line Application
a) – f)
(need graph paper)
- *Application Assignment
(to be handed in)
Day 4 / Solving Linear Systems by Graphing
- define a linear system
- define the solution to the system
- solve by graphing
- CHECK the solution to the system
- Interpreting solutions of applications / Textbook
- page 12
#1a, 2c, 8
- Where Do We Meet?
4 questions
Day 5 / Number of Solution and Type of Lines
- linear systems investigation (with graphing calculators)
- number of solutions (one unique solution, no solution
or infinitely many solutions)
- type of lines (intersecting, parallel or coincidental) / Textbook
- page 12
#6, 13
Investigation – Linear Systems
#3 a, b, c
Day 6 / Solving Linear Systems by Elimination
- eliminate one of the variables then solve
- eliminate the denominators (if necessary)
- no solutions and infinitely many solutions algebraic
form / Textbook
- page 30
#5 a,b,c, #6 g,h,i, #8 a,c,e
- Only CHECK #5a and 8a
Day 7 / Solving Linear Systems by Subsitution
- isolate one variable and substitute into the other
equation then solve
- no solution and infinitely many solutions algebraic form / Textbook
- page 21
#3m,n,o,p,q, $4a,c, #10a,c
Day 8 / Review for Unit #2 Test (Part 1) / Handout
- Test Review
#1 – 6
- page 50-53
#1a, 3, 6a,b,c, 7b, 9a,c,e, 12a
Study Sheet
Day 9 / Unit #2 Test (Part 1)
The Line and Solving Linear Systems / After the Test
-Translating English to Algebra
Day 10 / Solving Linear System Word Problems
- Review steps to problem solving
- Solving number problems
- Solve interest problems / Textbook
-page 44
#4, 5, 8, 14
Solve using either elimination or substitution
Day 11 / Solving Linear System Word Problems
- Solve solutions problems
- Solve distance, speed, time problems / Textbook
- page 44
#6, 10
- page 53
#16, 18
Solve using either elimination or substitution
Day 12 / Work Period
Solving Linear System Word Problems / Handout
Solving Systems – Word Problems
#1 – 10
Day 13 / Unit #2 Test (Part 2)
Solving Word Problems using Linear Systems / After the Test
- Unit #3 Definitions
(define using the back of the textbook glossary or dictionary)