MPH Community Health Education Major (42 credits)

Academic Advising and Tracking Form

Department of Health Promotion & Policy-Community Health Education program

You are required to meet with your adviser at least one time per semester to review your progress. (Requirements Apply to Students Admitted Fall 2015 and after)

Name: ______ID# ______Entered: ______

  1. Required Public Health Core (15 credits)

Sem/Yr Credits

______EHS 565 Environmental Health Practices (Fall & Spring)

______HPP 601 Applied Social & Behavioral Theories(Fall)

______HPP 620 Introduction to the US Health Care System(Spring)

______BIO/EPI 540 Introductory Biostatistics (Fall)

______BIO/EPI 630 Principles of Epidemiology (Fall)

(If test-out passed or substitution allowed, cross out above and write name of substituted course)

  1. Community Health Education Core Requirements (6 Credits)

______HPP704 Program Planning (Spring: Prerequisite for 622)

______HPP622Program Evaluation (Fall)

  1. Community Health Education Additional Core Courses (Choose 3 or 4, one can be an elective)

______HPP602Community Development(Spring)

______HPP 603Group Dynamics(Fall)

______HPP608 Communication Theory(Fall)

______HPP690FSocial Justice(Spring)

  1. Electives (6 Credits) Students need written approval to take courses outside of public health. This documentation needs to be sent to the Graduate Program Director.



  1. HPP 698Practicum (3 Credits)

All MPH students are required to complete a practicum or practice experience (200 hours). To register, students must complete 3 of the 5 required core public health courses (Section A). Students must register for the practicum during the semester in which the bulk of the work is being done. To complete the practicum, students are expected to prepare a concluding paper and a public presentation.

  1. HPP 696DCulminating Experience: MPH Project (3 credits)

Student must complete a M.P.H. project and oral presentation. Practicum hours must be complete and students must attend a two-hour MPH seminar before registering for the PUBHLTH 696D. MPH committees must include the student’s advisor and an additional CHE faculty member.

MPH Project
Topic (Identified by November 15th of second year): ______
Committee Chair (Identified by December 15th of second year): ______
Second Faculty (Identified by December 15th of second year): ______
Proposal filed (Due by February 1st of second year): ______
Draft report filed (Due by March 15th of second year): ______
Final report filed (Due by April 15th of second year): ______
  1. Course Credits Approved for Transfer by Graduate Program Director (max of 12 credits)

No more than6 max from UMass/Worcester, 6 max non-degree, 6 max non-UMass school. Graduate Credits must not have been previously used for a degree, and must carry a “B” or better.

Sem/Yr TakenCreditsCourse NameInstitution





  1. Statute of Limitations

Maximum extension 4 months under extraordinary circumstances.

New SOL DateReason for ExtensionFaculty Requesting


  1. Financial Support Record

RA, TA, traineeship, if available, awarded only in first 4 semesters.

Sem/Yr AmountName of Grant or Other SourceP.I. or Dept. Funds





  1. Advisor Contact Record

When a MPH/MS project is submitted, the chair of the committee becomes the student advisor. This record should be transferred if chair is not the former advisor.

AdvisorDateNature of Contact







  1. Permanent Contact

NameAddressTelephoneEmail address


Certification of Total Credits Toward Degree/All Requirements Satisfied


Faculty AdvisorDate

Copies of all administrative memos related to degree requirements must be stapled to this sheet. This form, attachments, and a copy of the final transcript are filed in the departmental archives.

