Monday, 9/20
Standards: RIT.6 and SL.6
Objectives/Teaching Points: 1. Begin to put together our nonfiction library of texts using Internet sources. 2. There are effective ways to use search engines.
Activities: We will meet in Room 109 and have a mini-lesson on search engines and strategies to use them effectively. Then students, working in pairs, will have time to search the Internet for sources and save them into our class folder on the g drive.
1. Review laptop cart rules and procedures.
2. Break students into pairs.
3. Have one student get the computer and log in. Show students how to get into nonfiction class folder on g drive. Direct students to the file with the URL for the tutorial:
4. Review how to identify keywords for searches. Do a keyword search on the Smartboard, and tuck into this part of the lesson how to evaluate sites that come up in the search. Ex: Let’s say you want to know the reasons why sharks attack. Using deadly animals for a keyword search is too broad. Using ocean injuries is off-topic. Using sharks is still too broad. Using shark attacks is more focused, but you don’t find exactly what you need. But using why sharks attack people yields the sites you are looking for.
5. Next, review how to search using and. Then have students try Practice #2 on the “Search Engines” tutorial page.
6. Then review how to search using the minus sign (under Implied Boolean: Plus & Minus. Then have students try Practice #2 on the “Search Engines” tutorial page.
7. Then show students how to save web pages into the folder on the g drive. (Click File -> Save As and choose folder).
8. Students may work until the end of class finding and saving web sites into the class folder on the g drive.
Homework: Search the Internet for a source for our classroom library and print it. Complete the worksheet “How I Found and Chose This Source.”