MPA’s monthly briefing for the Haringey September 2009

The purpose of this monthly briefing is to update Haringey’s CPEG on developments within the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA).

Policing priorities public consultation

Public consultation plays an important part in setting the policing priorities for London. The Metropolitan Police Authority is considering the priorities for 2011/12 and would like to know what you think the police in London should be focusing on.

Have your say on policing in London by taking part in this year’s consultation questionnaire, by:

§  completing an online questionnaire,

§  or by calling (020) 7202 0063 or (020) 7202 0173 (minicom)

·  to leave your contact details for a paper copy to be posted to you for completion; or

·  to leave your contact details and we can call you back to conduct the survey over the telephone.

If you or the organisation you represent would like additional paper copies of the questionnaire (available in a variety of different font sizes) please call (020) 7202 0063.

The closing date for consultation is the 30 November 2009. To find out more please visit

Revision of the joint MPA and MPS Community Engagement Strategy

The MPA and MPS will be undertaking London wide consultation to inform the revision of the joint MPA and MPS Community Engagement Strategy 2006 – 2009. The MPA will be formally contacting all CPEGs regarding their input on the revision of the strategy.

Turning ‘Met Forward’ into a Reality

It was reported to this group in May that ‘Met Forward’, the Authority’s three year strategy was agreed in principle, by all Members at the April meeting of Full Authority. The strategy developed to guide the Metropolitan Police Service, is divided into eight sections, and addresses the issues that affect communities most including serious youth violence, hate crime, violence against women, safety on buses and dangerous dogs.

In order that the MPA has the necessary capacity and capability to deliver ‘Met Forward’, the organisation is currently going through a consultation exercise with staff regarding restructuring proposals.

If you would like further details on the restructuring proposals please contact Sharon Ruckwood, the MPA’s Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development on (020) 7202 0069.

An electronic version of Met Forward’ can be found at or alternatively please contact Susan Doran, to receive a paper copy of the report.

Inspection of Police Authorities

The Audit Commission and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary will be carrying out a joint inspection of all Police Authorities in the coming year.

The four assessment themes are:

1. Setting strategic direction and priorities;

2. Scrutinising performance outcomes;

3. Achieving results through community engagement and partnerships; and

4. Ensuring value for money and productivity.

It is anticipated that the MPA will be inspected at the end of this year. As part of the assessment phase the Inspection team will be seeking the views of key stakeholders’, including a selection of community safety partnerships and the voluntary / community sector (including Community and Police Consultative Groups). The MPA is not aware at this stage which boroughs will be selected as part of the inspection regime.

London Week of Peace

Peace week, now in its eight year, will be held from the 20 to 27 September and will focus on the theme of ‘Unity’. The Peace Alliance in partnership with the MPS and MPA is organising a series of events in each borough during Peace Week. To find out more about what’s happening in Lambeth please refer to

Recent Senior Metropolitan Police Service appointments

Following recommendations made by a panel of MPA members, Her Majesty the Queen gave royal approval to Tim Godwin’s appointment to the role of Deputy Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police Service.

Finding out more about the MPA

To find out more about the work of the MPA and the latest news and updates from Full Authority and specialist committees please go to To be alerted about the latest news releases from the MPA please sign up at via the MPA website on

For more information on this briefing please contact Susan Doran, from the MPA Engagement and Partnerships Unit at or by telephone on (020) 7202 0197.

Produced September 2009