Investigation Unit:8
CC Standards:
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction- 2.OA.1
Working with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication- 2.OA.4
Understand place value- 2.NBT.2
Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract- 2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.6, 2.NBT.7, 2.NBT.8
Work with time and money- 2.MD.8
Mathematical Practices: MP1 (make sense of problems), MP2 (reason abstractly), MP3 (viable arguments), MP4 (model with mathematics)
Materials/Technology:seating arrangement rectangles (attached-it is recommended that they are copied on colored paper), “Movie Theater Seating” page (attached), scissors, glue, hundreds boards (for students needing additional support), number lines (for students needing additional support), Google imagesof movie theaters and concession stands to show the class
In this lesson, students will…set up their own movie theaterby making a plan to arrange seats, set up a concession stand, and monitor the number of tickets being sold.
Task Outline:
Background:Before presenting students with this task, lead a class discussion about movie theaters. Ask students who has been to a theater and have them share their experiences. If no one has been show pictures of a movie theater. Students can discuss the set-up of theaters they have been to, food they can buy there, and types of movies they have seen. Regardless of students’ experiences you may want to show pictures of theaters.
You have been put in charge of building your own movie theater that people from all over the city will come and visit! Read each task below carefully to know what you need to do in order to run a successful movie theater.
Task A: (2.OA.4) The first thing you need to think about is the seating arrangement of your theater. Each rectangle on the attached sheet represents a seat. Cut out the rectangles and arrange them on the “Movie Theater Seating” page to show how your seats will be arranged. You must follow the guidelines below in order to arrange your seats correctly.
1)You must have at least 15 seats in your theater
2)You cannot have more than 25 seats in your theater
3)Your seats must face the screen
4)Each row should have no more than 5 seats in it
5)Each column should have no more than 5 seats in it
6)There must the same number of seats in each row
Task B:(2.OA.1, 2.MD.8)
Ticket prices for your theater are listed below.
Adult ticket price: / $10
Child ticket price / $5
Your goal is to earn as much money for your theater as you can. Would you rather have your seats be filled with adults or children? Explain why?
Task C: (2.OA.1, 2.NBT.6, 2.NBT.7, 2.NBT.8) It’s opening weekend for your movie theater. The chart below shows the number of people who bought a ticket on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night.
Friday / Saturday / Sunday
Number of people / 308 / 423 / 197
1)How many more people went to the movies on Saturday than on Friday?
2)Your goal was to have 1000 people come to your theater on opening weekend. How far away were you from your goal?
3)The following weekend, you had 100 more people come on Friday, 60 less people come on Saturday, and 70 more people come on Sunday. Fill out the chart below to show the number of people that came each night.
Friday / Saturday / Sunday
Number of people
Show your work in the space below:
4)In which weekend did you have the most people visit your theater? How many more people came on that weekend?
Task D: (2.OA.1, 2.NBT.5, 2.MD.8)) It’s time to set up a concession stand where customers can buy snacks. In order to get more customers than the movie theater across town, your prices should be better. Customers love a good deal!
This is a list of food prices at the theater across town:
Popcorn / $15
Hotdog / $6
Nachos / $12
Drink / $10
This is the deal you are offering at your movie theater during it’s opening week:
Family Meal Deal
Includes: 2 adult tickets, 3 child tickets, 3 hotdogs, 1 order of nachos, 3 drinks, and 1 bucket of popcorn / All for
Mr. Brown, his wife, and his 3 children want to go to see a movie during their summer vacation. Mr. Brown wants to save the most money he can on tickets and food for all of them. He knows his children will be hungry and wants to get them each a hotdog and a drink. He also wants to share some nachos and popcorn with the whole family.
Write a letter convincing Mr. Brown that he will be saving money by taking his family to your movie theater instead of to the one across town. Be specific by telling Mr. Brown how much money he would be spending if he went to the theater across town and how much money he would be saving by going to your park. Be sure to show your work!
Task E (enrichment for high flyers): (2.OA.1, 2.NBT.5) Figure out the prices of each individual item at your movie theater. Remember, they all need to equal $100! Show and label your work.
Cut out the “Theater Seats” and arrange them.
Cut out the “Theater Seats” and arrange them.
Movie Theater Seating
Now write an equation to that matches your seating arrangement below.