Jason Erdman
Doug Arango
Movement Analysis Project
Professor Biren
Name: Jason Erdman
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 70 inches/ 177 cm
Weight: 190 lb/ 86 kg
Body Mass Index: 27.3
Medical and Physical History Questionnaire
1.Have you had any previous injuries that still affect you to this day?
I had a torn labrum in my right shoulder and also had nerve damage from my neck down my right arm.
2.Have you had any surgeries? If yes, where and what for?
I have not had any surgeries in my life.
3.Do you have any current injuries? If yes, where?
I still have pain in my shoulder because I never had surgery. I also have a lot of back pain due to poor posture along with poor lifting techniques.
4. Do you have pain anywhere in your body? If yes, where on the body and what is your pain scale out of ten?
I have back and shoulder pain. I would say it fluctuates based on activities but right now it’s a 4.
5. How would you describe your activity level? Sedentary, mildly active, or active?
6.Do you play any current sports? If so what sport?
I do not play a current sport.
7.Do you ever feel limited in a certain activity? If so, when?
My back pain sometimes limits me from doing daily chores that include lifting.
8. How often do you exercise per week?
I exercise 6 times per week.
9. What kind of exercise do you use?
I only lift weights but occasionally play basketball for cardio.
10. Do you have a job? If so what do you do?
I do not have a job at this current time.
11. Do you have any back problems such as scoliosis, lordosis or kyphosis?
I am diagnosed with having kyphosis.
Movement Goals
1. Correct kyphosis posture through the use of a flexibility, strength and rehabilitation program
2. Rehabilitate both my shoulders to reduce pain, increase flexibility and eliminate instability
3. Focus on strengthening my core and low back
Initial Summary
After reviewing the previous sections of this project, it has become very apparent to me that I have a lot of work to do in order to become the strongest version of myself. Looking at my demographics, my BMI is classified as overweight but I am not concerned with that because I do workout often and have a lot of muscle that isn’t accounted for in body mass index. I recognize that my main area to focus on is improving my kyphosis and getting my body properly aligned. I have excessive kyphosis so I am going to be really focusing on improving my posture each and everyday. I have been making minor steps to improving my kyphosis by strengthening, improving flexibility and foam rolling. I think that the most important thing I can do to move towards achieving my goals is to begin to study the body in depth to figure out how I can fix my muscular imbalances and posture. I have been taking pictures and videos of my posture to recognize where I need to improve. I believe that if I continue to strengthen, rehabilitate, stretch, foam roll, and keep studying the body that I will have no problem reaching my goals.
Range Of Motion Assessment
Ranges of Motions for Cervical Spine
Range of Motion For The Glenohumeral Joint
Range of Motion For The Hip Joint
Range of Motion Summary
This section of the project was a very eye opening experience. It was very beneficial to be able to assess your body in each picture and take a close look at your range of motion. I believe that most of my joints in my body have a normal degree for range of motion except for the glenohumeral joint and my hip joint. After looking at my shoulder, I realized that in internal rotation for my shoulder I am very restricted. By having this restriction, I am putting my shoulder in a dangerous position while working out when doing exercises such as a bench press or upright row. My hip flexors are also very tight which limits my range of motion. I realize now that my tight hip flexors definitely play a major factor in the result of my low back pain. I believe that the root of all my dysfunctions is from my excessive kyphosis. My kyphosis makes my shoulder round forward which results in limited of range of motion in certain motions. The excessive curve in my posture puts me at a high risk for injuries because my body is out of alignment. I have big restrictions with abduction in both shoulders. Also, I had a good sit and reach number but I believe that is the result of my curve in my back that allows me to reach farther forward then I should be able to. I came to this conclusion because in my straight leg raise test I have restricted range of motion, which is caused by my tight hamstrings. If my hamstrings have tightness, which they do, my sit and reach should not be as good as it was. In conclusion, I think that the main problem overall is fixing my kyphosis and that will help prevent any further injuries to my body.
Postural Analysis
After analyzing these photos I have realized that I have a few postural dysfunctions that I need to focus on correcting. Looking at the frontal view of my body, I do not see any misalignments. I started at the top of my body analyzing for a head tilt, uneven acromioclavicular joints then moving down my body looking at my patellas and lastly looking at my feet to see if they pronate or supinate. After analyzing my body from the posterior view, I recognized that my right foot is pronated. Pronation of the foot can affect the whole body causing knee pain and even hip pain. Pronation of the foot can be a sign of weak arch support. The fact that my patellas are straight is very good because I know that now it is just a foot problem rather than an internally rotated tibia or an internally rotated hip. Looking at my body at the sagittal view, this is where I recognize my most major dysfunction, which is kyphosis. This dysfunction causes the most problems in my body and is my main focus of correcting. Having kyphosis can lead to a forward head posture and also protracted shoulders. Kyphosis is my main source of back pain because my spine is not in proper alignment putting to much stress on my back. Kyphosis also adds to neck pain from the forward head posture and also shoulders pain and instability. By having the increased curvature in the spine that impacts the whole body and leads to muscles that are too overactive and underactive. To correct my kyphosis, I need to incorporate a rehabilitate program focusing on stretching the pec major and pec minor while increasing the strength in my rhomboids, posterior deltoids, and middle and lower traps to pull my shoulders back and put my body in proper alignment.
Overhead Squat Assessment
Using the overhead squat is a great way to assess posture by doing a functional movement. After analyzing these photos, I recognized that I do have a very noticeable asymmetrical shift to my left side. Looking at my squat from the posterior view, I can see muscle atrophy in my right gluteus Maximus/ medius. These means that these muscles are underactive and letting my adductors on my left side pull my body that way when I squat. It is also visible in the frontal view where my left knee is higher than my right knee. This can cause problems putting more stress on my right side of my body that is weak. I will need to begin to stretch my left adductors and strengthen my right gluteus medius/ maximus. Analyzing the rest of my posture in each photo, I don’t see any dysfunctions in my back such as an excessive or reduced lordosis. Looking at my heels they are not rising and my knees also are in proper alignment.
Gait Analysis
Walking Posterior View
Walking Saggital View
Jogging Posterior View
Analyzing gait is a very important aspect that plays a huge role in injury prevention and functioning at your highest level. Looking at the way I walk from the posterior view I do not see any alarming dysfunctions in my walking mechanics. I do see that my foot is slight pronated in each phase. When looking at the mid-stance phase of walking, I see that my left leg has some external rotation at my hip when walking through. This could definitely put me at a high risk for a knee injury because my knee will experience a varus force when making contact with the ground. When analyzing my walking from a sagittal view, it is hard to see on the computer since I was wearing black shoes but on my phone it is easy to see. My foot is in dorsiflexion during heel strike which allows for a longer step length with less hip flexion. During the mid-stance phase I feel that I should have more a little more knee flexion when making contact with the ground. When jogging it is clear to see that my ankle is pronated during the mid-stance phase. This will increase forces up the kinetic chain of my body. During toe off, I feel that I should have more plantar flexion when pushing off. I also see a major problem in my upper body when running that I have a too much rotation in my shoulders and core when running. This will definitely slow me down making my body function less efficiently since I want to be traveling forward and not side-to-side. Overall, these slight dysfunctions should be corrected before the stresses they are causing begin to add up and impact me later on in life.
Corrective Exercise Program For The Trunk And Shoulder Complex
Stretching Exercises:
---Hold each Stretch for 20 seconds 3 times
Sitting Hamstring Stretch
Strengthening Exercises:
Corrective Exercise Program For The Trunk and Shoulder Complex Summary:
From the beginning of the semester I have set goals, analyzed and studied my posture and body movement. I am finally at the point where I can recognize, evaluate, and begin to treat my dysfunctions. I set the goals of correcting my kyphosis, increasing shoulder flexibility, reducing pain and improving my shoulder instability, and my last goal was to increase my core and low back strength.
I chose 6 stretching exercises that I will preform daily. I will hold each stretch for at least 20 seconds and preform 3 times. By holding each stretch for 20 seconds it allows the muscle spindles to die out allow the muscle to fully stretch and increase flexibility. My first stretch I will preform is a sitting hamstring stretch. Having overactive hamstrings can cause major low back pain. The hamstrings pull on the pelvis posterior tilting the pelvis and creating back pain. Increasing flexibility of the hamstrings will help ease low back pain. The next stretch, which is the lunge stretch, is focused on stretching the overactive hip flexors, which can contribute to an excessive lordosis and low back pain. It is important to utilize this lunge stretch to help loosen and increase flexibility. The doorway stretch is a very important stretch regarding my kyphosis. This stretch helps stretch the overactive muscles of the pec major/minor, which cause my shoulders to be protracted and put my shoulders in an unsafe position. On the other side of the body it is key to stretch the latissimus dorsi, which is often overactive. This stretch is important to improving my goal of increasing my shoulder flexibility because having tight lats will restrict your arm from going through the full range of motion. These stretches are key to improving back flexibility and reduce pain. After preforming the latissimus dorsi stretch, I will preform a shoulder flexion stretch, which will also increase my shoulder flexibility. This will help stretch out the latissimus dorsi as well to improve flexibility in my shoulder. The last stretch I chose to incorporate is the cobra stretch. This exercises stretches out the anterior longitudinal muscle, which can contribute to a kyphotic posture. This stretch also helps push fluid back into the disk which can reduce pain in the spine.
After focusing, on stretching my overactive muscles in my body it is equally important to strengthen the underactive muscles. For each exercise it is important to squeeze the muscle and hold it to increase the time under tension to activate the muscle. I started my strengthening rehab program with wall presses. Wall presses are a great exercise to work the stabilizer muscles of the scapula to improve function of the shoulder joint. When doing this exercise it is important to squeeze the shoulder blades together for at least five seconds to active the muscles. Preforming rows are on the most important exercises to increase posture by strengthening the rhomboids and middle traps to prevent the shoulders from rounding and becoming protracted. I also incorporated supine punches with a weight to help stabilize my scapula by strengthening my serratus anterior muscles. Next I chose to preform, external rotation exercise with a resistance band. This really helps strengthen the teres minor and infraspinatus, which tend to be underactive and strengthening improves the function of the shoulder joint. The last exercise I did for my shoulders was preforming the alphabet I, Y, and T’s, which work the middle traps, lower traps, rhomboids, and posterior deltoid. This helps to depress and retract the scapula. The combination of all these exercises will serve to stabilize the scapula and strengthen external rotators. This will overall increase posture, increase flexibility and strength of the shoulder.
Lastly, my last goal was to increase core and low back strength. I chose six exercises to implement into my program to help achieve this goal. The first exercise is stiff legged deadlifts. Stiff legged deadlifts will help to increase my erecter spinae strength. The erecters help you stand up tall and should be trained with high reps since it is an endurance type of muscle. Pelvic tilts are a great exercise to train the stabilization system of the inner core which contributes to stabilizing the spine and providing strength to the inner core. Planks are a great exercise that will help improve my core strength by working my transvers abdominis. I chose to incorporate hip raises because in my overhead squat I realized I have gluteus medius/maximus atrophy. The hip raises help work the gluteus/maximus when bridging up and squeezing the muscle. This is also very important for generating power in the lower body. My last exercise was to utilize superman’s which strengthen the stabilizers in the inner core and also the erecter spinae. By completing all these exercises my core and lower back will be very strong and stable.