INSIDE: Mission of the Month – Relay for Life!…Lenten Series…Many Different Community and Events To Attend….Mission Investment Message……New Members Class….First Communion Class….National Gathering Meeting….What Are We Collecting These Days….Hint --- Soap!!!….Meetings… Classes….Field Trips….Lots of Thanks…
Dear Friends in Christ,
You know, sometimes you come across a new fact or idea that is so amazing, it just makes you sit up and take notice. I recently came across such a fact. Did you know that the average human being grows approximately 1,000 new layers of outer skin throughout his or her lifetime? That's right, we shed and re-grow skin cells so often that it is the equivalent of growing 1,000 new skins over the course of a lifetime.
So, I have two questions. What would we do if we didn't shed the old skin? The second question is, why don't we feel as new on the inside as we are on the outside?
Golfer George Archer, a competitor on the Senior PGA Tour, was interviewed about his many surgically-replaced body parts. "My knee's only a few months old," he said, "my back is only 17, and I recently got a new hip." Then he joked, "I might be too young now [for the Senior Tour]."
Wouldn't that be something? Before too long advances in medical technology may make it possible to have a majority of new "parts" in an over-the-hill body. Will we feel any newer? I, for one, certainly hope so. Getting a new body would feel mighty good for some of us.
Scripture talks about a more profound and ultimately more fulfilling idea --- namely, getting a new mind and heart.
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26).”
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come (1 Corinthians 5:17)!”
“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self,…to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:22-24).”
What does it take to feel new again? To get rid of our old mind. To get rid of our old heart. To get rid of the self-centered attitudes and emotions that separates us from God. Opening our hearts and minds to a new way of thinking and being. Opening Scripture to hear the promises. Hearing other people’s stories of faith and how God works in our lives.
In 1992, Professors Gloria Clayton and Leonard Poon published their results of an intensive study of centenarians--people who live to 100 years old, or more. One of the men they studied was Jesse Champion, 102 years old, who was active in his local church. In his interview, Mr. Champion said, "I know I've been born again." Then he added, "My hands look new. My feet look new. Yeah, he changed my heart. I had a hard heart, but he changed it.”
Can you imagine being able to say, at the age of 100, that everything about you is new? That's truly a man who has found the abundant life that Jesus promised us.
This is the time of the church year set aside for the express purpose of looking deep within our hearts and asking if we really have the heart of Jesus Christ. "Rend your heart and not your garments (Joel 2:13)."
Lent is a season of reflection. It comes from an Old English word meaning, "a lengthening." During Lent we Christians are called upon to reflect together on the final weeks of Christ's ministry. We remember his betrayal, arrest and suffering upon the cross. Lent is a time for us to reflect, as well, on our own discipleship, our own motivations in serving the Messiah. Like a deep sea fisherman plunging to the coral reef below, we, too, plunge below the surface and examine who we are and why we are here in God’s world.
Is this the appointed time for us to draw closer to God than we have ever been before? It can happen if we are ready for a new heart and mind.
Blessings to all of us as we begin our Lenten journey to the cross of life and salvation.
In Christ,
Pastor Jennifer J
Peter Marshall, "... Faith is belief plus what you do with that belief."
Mission of the month: Relay for life
This month we are invited to give some extra support to Relay for Life. Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature activity. It offers everyone in a community an opportunity to participate in the fight against cancer.
It is a life-changing event that brings together more than 3.5 million people to celebrate the lives of those who have battled cancer. The strength of survivors inspires others to continue to fight. It’s a time to remember loved ones lost to the disease. At Relay, people who have walked alongside people battling cancer can grieve and find healing. It’s an opportunity for people who have been touched by cancer to come together and put an end to the disease.
Wimberley’s event will take place May 16-17. We are yet unsure if we will have a team to Relay – but money can still be given towards the event and the cure. We can support the efforts of Relay as teams of people from all walks of life have fun while raising much-needed funds to fight cancer and raise awareness of cancer prevention and treatment.
If you would like to make a contribution, please indicate on your offering envelope or check that it is designated for Relay for Life.
Soap collection continues
Don’t forget to grab some soap as you are shopping to support the Soap Lady. We collect soap for LWR. Stop by the table and see what you can do to help us reach our goal. This will be the last full month for collection. Check out the table by the soap for kit content sheets for the sewing, health, school and layette kits. Beverly Ladzinski will again spearhead our efforts on the layettes and school kits with purchasing the items needed and taking monetary help from the congregation. Any questions, talk to her or Colleen Kaye.
March 12th – Liver Lovers at Ed’s Old Windmill in Canyon Lake. Meet at the church by 6:00 pm to carpool or at Ed’s at 6:30 p.m. It’s a great time and you aren’t required to order liver. Sign up at the welcome table.
March 26th – Dinner Night Out is at Kobe’s Japanese Steak House in San Marcos. Meet at the church at 6:00 to carpool or meet at the restaurant by 6:30. Please sign up at the welcome table so we can make reservations.
Lenten journey gets underway
Beginning on March 4th with a meal being served at 6:30PM and service at 7:15PM. (Sign up sheet is on the Welcome Table to help with food). This year we will be using the Holden Evening Prayer service utilizing the gifts of our vocalists and musicians in the congregation. We will also be hearing testimonies of faith from our LCR friends and family. Come and hear how faith in Jesus Christ has affected the lives of people in our midst. It will truly be a blessing to see, hear and enjoy the gifts of God’s people in this Holy Place. We continue each Wednesday –same time, same location – until competing our Lenten Journey on April 1st.
History Lesson:
Lent in its earliest form was a period of fasting and prayer for 40 hours (the approximate time our Lord spent in the tomb between Good Friday and the early hours of Easter Sunday). Eventually Lent was expanded to a season of 40 days (to correspond to our Lord’s 40 days of fasting and temptation in the wilderness). During the 40 days candidates who wished to be baptized on Easter were prepared for the Sacrament. Those who had lapsed from the faith and wanted to return to the Church were prepared for reconciliation and Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday.
The word Lent is from the Old English lengten, which means spring. It is related to our word “lengthen,” referring to the lengthening of daylight hours in the northern hemisphere. The 40 days are all weekdays. Sunday is always a festival day, a “little Easter,” and not included in the count of the 40 days, nor in the Lenten fasting.
In modern times the season of Lent has become an opportunity for the whole Christian community to renew and deepen their personal relationship with the Lord through the faith practices of prayer, fasting and care for the poor (Matthew 6).
Blessings on your spiritual lenten journey.
First communion
Attention parents and young people…..if you or your child is interested in participating in Holy Communion, receiving the bread and wine at the table, now is the time to talk to Pastor Jennifer. We will have a class to prepare for this special event to take place on Maundy Thursday (April 9th). If you are interested in beginning this sacramental journey, please talk to Pastor Jennifer ASAP.
Attn: National gathering youth
We will gather on Sunday, March 29th immediately after worship to being our preparation work for New Orleans. Bring a Bible and readiness to begin the journey! Parents are welcome, but not required to attend.
Each year our confirmation students attend summer camp for a week. This year they will be going to Ebert Ranch. In an effort to raise enough funds to send all the kids who will be attending they are sponsoring a silent auction. The silent auction will be held at the church where the bidding will start on Sunday, March 29th and close on Sunday, April 19th.
Items that are newly made or purchased or lightly used as well as services that can be bid on by interested parties are welcome. If you or someone you know would be interested in donating a special item or service to this worthwhile cause please contact Melinda Ellisor at (512) 567-2493 or email her at . If you have any questions or need any help please feel free to call or email. Thank you.
Prayer Shawl
Can you knit or crochet? Would you like to be part of a heartwarming ministry team? Come and join our prayer shawl ministry group on March 14th at Carol Kleppers’ home at 1:00 PM. We will be carpooling from the church at 12:30. We meet to make prayer shawls as well as bless and pray over the shawls we’ve completed. Sign up on the welcome table. If you want more info, talk to Harriet Powell, Signe Griffin or Nancy Volotko or pick up one of the brochures on the welcome table. As always these shawls are available for friends and family in need. To request a prayer shawl for someone please talk to Harriet, Signe, Nancy or Colleen Kaye.
tieing quilts
As the sew-in was so successful we will meet to tie quilts again on Monday, March 9th from 1-3:00 pm in the fellowship hall. Any question, see Colleen Kaye.
field trip
This month a group will travel to Boerne for no other reason than shopping and lunch. Watch for the sign up sheet to join the group on Friday, March 27th.
Mexican train
An event that takes place each month at the church – and is open to all who wish to come and join the fun. In case you aren’t aware – this is a dominoes game. If you’ve never heard of it and wish to learn – come and join us. Whether you are an expert or a beginner – you will fit right in with this crowd of LCR folks. We play on the 3rd Thursday of the month, beginning at 12:30pm. The next play date is March 19th. If you would like to be on the e-mail list of dates, please contact Colleen Kaye in the church office.
On March 21st it’s a two-for-one learning opportunity as Sandy Thomas will teach how to make casserole carriers (fun gift item for Christmas!) in the morning and in the afternoon, Mickie Ladd will teach how to make a padded, fold-up seat cushion – great for comfortable seating anywhere. Watch the welcome table for a sign up sheet and materials list.
Yes, we all fall short sometimes – even the Pastor!! J Please help me and others remember to sign the black book during worship. The attendance keepers informs us that only 68 people signed out of 91 in attendance at worship. Oops. Even though it seems like a trivial task – it is important to the keeping of records at the church. Please help one another to remember.
Chester Bammel is reforming our choir with new ideas and a new format for participation. If you’re interested, please contact Colleen or Pastor Jennifer.
New Members
If you or someone you know is interested in participating in the New Member class, please contact the church office or Pastor Jennifer directly. The new class will take place on March 22nd, immediately following worship (noon)
Thank you to all who attended the Valentine’s Dinner. What a wonderful evening of supporting the young ladies going to New Orleans this summer. Your contributions have helped us raise all of the money needed!! Praise God. And thank you to Brandon Merkord, Mike Schliessmann, Signe Griffin, Jim & Sandy Thomas, Nancy Carney, Harriett Powell, Ben Raska, Danny & Lois Hickman, and Brenda & Chuck Tise, for all of your hard work before, during and after this event.
Thank you to Jody Johnson, Jim and Sandy Thomas, Harriet Powell and Pastor Jennifer for providing food for the young folks at Christ Chapel in San Marcos. Thanks to Jody, Jim and Sandy for being there to serve and join in fellowship with Pastor Jaime and the crew.
Thank you to all who gave canned good items throughout the month for the youth activities – Souper Bowl of Caring and 30 Hour Famine. The Crisis Bread Basket was very grateful for the 200+ cans and $161 they received. Way to go!!
Thank you to the Fellowship Team and the working crew that helped to prepare and serve the Shrove Tuesday meal. Yummy!
Dear LCR Friends,
Thank you for all the cards, calls, and donations in memory of my daughter, Dawne King-Sweet. Your love and caring mean so much to me.