January 22, 2018
A meeting of the Mountville Borough Council was held on Monday, January 22, 2018, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Mountville Borough Hall, 21 East Main Street, Mountville, PA 17554.
The following Council members were present: Richard D. Spiegel, Harry L. Morgan, Lenny D. Heisey, Council President Paul B. Chin, Christine D. Eshleman, Michael A. Trimble and Charles H. Thomas. Mayor Philip S. Kresge was absent. Also attending were West Hempfield Township Police Cpl. Ryan P. Draper, Mountville Fire Company #1 Chief Dean R. Gantz, Jr., and Pamela J. Mitchell, Secretary/Treasurer.
The meeting was called to order by Council President Paul Chin.
M. Trimble moved to accept the December 11, 2017 minutes as presented. H. Morgan seconded the motion, Council was in accord and the motion carried.
R. Spiegel moved to accept the financial report including disbursements, C. Eshleman seconded the motion, Council was in accord and the motion carried.
At this time, Council President reminded everyone present that the meeting of January 8, 2018 was cancelled due to the ice storm the Borough was experiencing.
Chair R. Spiegel recognized West Hempfield Township Police Cpl. Draper who had nothing new to report. M. Trimble asked if there was any closure on the recent shooting on East Main Street. Cpl. Draper reported that to the best of his knowledge there is a lack of cooperation and no charges have been filed.
Mountville Fire Company #1 Chief Dean R. Gantz, Jr. asked if there were any questions regarding his monthly report which had been distributed digitally. With no questions from Council, Chief Gantz reviewed the cover page of the 2017 Year End Report presented to Council. P. Chin asked if the number of calls had decreased, they have by about 20. M. Trimble asked if the volunteer hours are similar to other departments, and C. Eshleman asked about the number of active personnel. The hours are comparable with 22 active fire personnel.
Chief Gantz reported that the year end fund drive total stood at $46,763.04. R. Spiegel asked if it is accurate that donations are trending down countywide. The 2018 Spending Plan will be presented to Council when it is available. Chief Gantz reported on a Leadership change for 2018 which includes the appointment of Andrew M. Kalbach as Deputy Chief and Bryan P. Duquin as Assistant Deputy Chief. Former Deputy Chief Michael Dicely has stepped down because of family concerns.
President Chin recognized Bryan Duquin, Mountville Fire Company #1 Carnival Chair, who was present to request that Council work with the Fire Company and Field of Screams to move the 2018 Carnival from Froelich Park to Field of Screams. With growing parking concerns and the added expenses of providing shuttle service from satellite parking, electric expenses, the donation made to the Community Services Foundation and the time required for line painting, setting up and teardown, as well as a neighborhood conflict, the Carnival Committee feels that this move would be in
the best interest for overall fund raising.
P. Chin reminded B. Duquin that Field of Screams is private property and as such the owners would need to make a request for Council to consider this change in venue. Per the agreement between Mountville Borough and Field of
Screams dating to 1996, any changes to the operation are required to be brought before Council, including extended hours or days for any operations.
PUBLIC SAFETY – Planning/Zoning
Chair L. Heisey had nothing new to report from the Mountville Planning Commission (MPC), but plans to attend the scheduled meeting to be held on February 19, 2018 to have a better understanding of the MPC recommendation for proposed ordinance updates prior to the presentation to Council.
L. Heisey reported that there were four zoning permits and one building permit issued in December 2017. Several complaints have been addressed and three certificates of occupancy were issued.
L. Heisey reported that Mr. Ken Kuipers, 1 South Pearl Street, had received a variance from the Mountville Zoning Hearing Board (MZHB) in 2015 which has expired. To advance the project that the variance was granted for required a second Zoning Hearing at an additional cost of $600.00. Upon the advice of the MZHB, Mr. Kuipers requested a refund of any funds not used for the second hearing. L. Heisey moved to refund $118.36 to Mr. Kuipers, H. Morgan seconded the motion, Council was in accord and the motion carried.
Chair M. Trimble reported that Council has received a note from Beth M. Hess informing Council that she does not wish to be re-appointed to the Mountville Borough Authority upon the completion of her five year term ending December 31, 2017. M. Trimble requested that the website and sign in front of the Borough Hall reflect the Authority vacancy. M. Trimble thanked Beth Hess for her service to the Borough.
Chair C. Thomas reported that with the recent snowfalls, he is implementing some changes of practices and has insured that the staff will have an earlier response time when winter weather is imminent. C. Thomas reported that West Hempfield Township Police and County Control now have been advised of the new contact numbers for Scott Haas and Dave Pott. Some neglected street signs have been replaced and goals are in place for 2018 projects. C. Thomas also reported that a trailer of road salt was delivered today.
PUBLIC WORKS – Health & Sanitation
Chair H. Morgan had nothing new to report, but reminded everyone that the trash service is subject to change when the weather causes unsafe driving conditions.
M. Trimble reported that the resident at 9 Carriage Drive had an automatic payment set up at their bank, but the $45.00 quarterly fee was being disbursed as a monthly fee resulting in an overpayment of $416.25. M. Trimble retroactively moved to reimburse these funds. H. Morgan seconded the motion, Council was in accord and the motion carried.
Chair C. Eshleman reported that the annual contract for weed control services provided by Tomlinson Bomberger has been received and a 4% discount is offered if the contract is prepaid in full. C. Eshleman moved to prepay the contract in the amount of $3,342.10 which is a savings of $139.26. R. Spiegel seconded the motion, Council was in accord and the motion carried.
C. Eshleman reported that the VFW is planning the annual Memorial Day Parade for Saturday, May 26, 2018 beginning at 10 a.m. The parade route will require the closing of College Avenue from Clay Street to East Main Street and East Main Street westbound to Froelich Park at 350 West Main Street. C. Eshleman moved to approve the parade plans, C. Thomas seconded the motion, Council was in accord and the motion carried.
Due to the absence of Mayor Kresge, there was nothing new to report.
The Secretary offered to respond, for those who wish, to an invitation that Council received from Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority for a Public Officials Breakfast to be held on January 31, 2018.
The Secretary is pricing new shirts for Council, please notify her if a long sleeved or short sleeved shirt is requested and the size required.
Karl Smith, 234 Froelich Avenue, questioned if there are plans to repair the VFW Clock. An estimate to service and repair damages to the clock workings in the amount of $3,200.00 has been received from Bob Desrochers. M. Trimble moved to have the initial work done at a cost not to exceed $3,200.00. R. Spiegel seconded the motion, Council was in accord and the motion carried. Further discussion will take place after the initial work has been completed.
President Chin recognized Rachel Miller who was observing the meeting. Ms. Miller stated that she may have an interest in filling the vacancy on the Mountville Borough Authority. M. Trimble will contact her with further information regarding the position.
With no further business, H. Morgan moved to adjourn at 7:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela J. Mitchell
Rachel Miller
Steve Mitchell
Karl Smith