MountMercy is offering 92 Tuition Assistance Awards and Scholarships and
29 Work Study Jobs for the 2005-2006 School year!
Annual Scholarship & Tuition AwardsEndowed Scholarship & Tuition Awards
Amounts range from $500 -$5,750 per yearThe Majority of these awards are $500 per year
The Agnes Dolan Flynn Memorial AwardThe Carol MacPeek-Kmidowski Memorial Award
The Class of 1973 AwardThe Catherine Gorman Memorial Award
The Class of 1979 AwardThe Helen Hammond Award
The Peggy Farrell Flynn/Donna Miller JohnsonThe Hughes-Meiser Memorial Ward
Memorial AwardThe Karen Kwiatkowski Memorial Award
The Edukids Leadership AwardThe Kathleen Crowley/Vincent Bamrick Award
The Emily Prorok Memorial AwardThe Kathleen Michaels Grongborg Memorial Award
The Hempling Family Award for Value & ServiceThe Kathleen Kearns Award
The Joseph & Patricia Crowley AwardThe Margaret Hunt Lyons Memorial Award
The Legend Group AwardThe McFaul Award
The Madonna & Gerald Gawronski AwardThe Msgr. Dino Lorenzetti Award
The Marilyn Matthewson Memorial AwardThe Nora NeMoyer Memorial Award
The Mary Alice Muldoon Memorial AwardThe Sister Clare Powers Memorial Award
The Maureen Canney AwardThe Sr. Mary Assucnta Mem./Nancy Thorne Award
The Maureen Talty Franz Memorial AwardThe Sister Mary Eloise & Paracleta Mem. Award
The Maureen Long/Sr. Elenore Kam Memorial Award
The Regina McCormick Memorial AwardTwo Awards Given
The Sharon Lickfeld Meegan Memorial AwardThe Alice & William Walz Memorial Award
The Sr. Mary Antoinette Scholarship for the ArtsThe Beverly Palisano Leek Award
The Spirit of Mercy AwardThe Kathleen Ottos Barone Memorial Award
The St. Joseph AwardThe Mary Scott Meek Award
Two Awards GivenThree Awards Given
The Molly Finucane DeZastro Memorial AwardThe Jack Donohue Memorial Award
The Sister Mary Alvaretta Memorial Award
Three Awards GivenFour Awards Given
The Marie Tunney Kmiecik Memorial AwardThe Ellen Plunkett Memorial Award
The Vincent & Harriet Palisono Foundation AwardThe Schwartzott Family Scholarship
Four Awards GivenFive Awards Given
The MMA Alumnae Association Lottery AwardThe Scholarship Classic Award
The Ann Bugman Kittner Leann Leslie Rayburn
Memorial Award
The MMA parent Association Awards
The John R. Oishei Foundation ScholarshipWork-Study Jobs
13 @ $500 per year
Six Awards Given 7 @ $800 per year
The Anonymous Awards 9 @ $1,000 per year