Disability Network/Michigan

Fiscal Year 2015

Public Policy Strategy

Developed by Disability Network/Michigan Public Policy Leadership Team


Disability Network/Michigan (DN/M) and its member CILs have identified that developing a collective voice around public policy issues as a priority for our Network. The purpose of our efforts is to enhance and shape public policy that has a benefit on people with disabilities in Michigan.

The forum for setting strategic direction around policy is the DN/M Public Policy Leadership Team, with endorsement by the Executive Directors of Michigan’s 15 CILs.


In 2014 Disability Network/Michigan executed a survey to gather feedback on public policy priorities. The results of the survey and a strategic planning session in September serve as the basis of this document.


The purpose of this Public Policy Strategic Plan is to communicate the public policy priorities and the specific strategies, tactics and action items DN/M and its members will engage in over the next twelve months, and beyond, to move our policy agenda forward.

Defining our Priorities

Our public policy priorities are divided into three tiers. Below is a description of the tiers:

Tier One-DN/M and the network of CILs will heavily engage in these issues.

Tier Two- DN/M will collaborate with others on these issues, and engage the network as necessary.

Tier Three- DN/M will follow the issue, provide updates, but will take minimal action.

Summary of Public Policy Priorities

Issue / Desired Outcome
Tier One
Mobility / Long-Term: Increased mobility options for people with disabilities to get around their communities Short-term: CILs engage in local transit mileage activities and educational activities, promote passage of Vulnerable Users Law and collaborate with SILC to develop a shared message to the State Transportation Commission.
Long-Term Community Services & Supports / Long-term: Increase community-based services & supports, reduce the number of people living in nursing homes in Michigan and have fully functioning ADRCs. Short-term: engage with AAA Association of Michigan (4AM) to develop public policy strategies that are mutually beneficial, impact diversions from nursing homes by working with acute care and develop resources for ADRC sustainability (MI Hospital Association)
Employment / Long-term: People with disabilities have access to ALL supports needed to find and maintain employment. Short-term: Work with DHS regarding implementation of the Better off Working report and other DHS/MRS employment initiatives. Monitor state/federal policies regarding implementing Employment First and sub-minimum wage laws.
Tier Two
Mental Health / Monitor the work of the Wellness and Mental Health Commission, the Mental Health Court bills and engage when necessary.
Auto No-Fault Reform / Ensure that benefits are not significantly cut for people seriously injured in a car accident
Certificate vs. High School Diploma / Ensure that kids are not improperly placed in a Certificate program due to perceived limitation & opportunities for students with disabilities.
National Housing Trust Fund / Work with our federal legislators to enact the trust fund to make home ownership a reality for lower-income families
Tier Three
Medswipe Technology / Encourage passage of Senate bill to provide for voluntary disclosure of medical conditions/disability related information for first responders. Information is accessed through a driver’s license/Michigan ID or alternate source.

Tier One Public Policy Strategies


Desired Outcome

Long-Term: Increased mobility options for people with disabilities to get around their communities

Short-term: CILs engage in local transit mileage activities and educational activities, promote passage of Vulnerable Users Law and collaborate with SILC to develop a shared message to the State Transportation Commission.

Action / Outcome / Responsible Group / Timeframe
Identify House & Senate Transportation Policy Committee members & match with appropriate CIL representatives. / Engage in ongoing communications about transportation needs in Michigan / Identified CILs, DN/M Public Policy Team / Ongoing
Follow the work of the House & Senate Transportation Committees & engage in action as necessary / The Transportation Committee understands the relationship between policies and the impact on people with disabilities / DN/M will take the lead and engage the CIL Network as needed / Ongoing
CILs engage in local transit activities to ensure local support for public transportation. This will done through leading or participating in millage renewal campaigns, participation in Local Transit Advisory Committees and/or other local identified activities / Michigan’s 83 Counties have adequate public transportation that meets the needs of people with disabilities; and CILs have a voice in transit planning activities including leading discussions on regionalize transit. / CILs / Ongoing
Develop a DN/M Position Statement on Mobility / CILs have a unified message to share with their legislators / DN/M & Public Policy Leadership Team / Draft and present at February 2015 Public Policy Meeting
Collaborate with SILC Transportation SPIL Workgroup / Enhance collaborate efforts and seek shared outcomes for future SPILs / DN/M / Ongoing

Long-Term Services & Supports

Desired Outcome

Long-term: Increase community-based services & supports, reduce the number of people living in nursing homes in Michigan and have fully functioning ADRCs.

Short-term: engage with AAA Association of Michigan (4AM) to develop public policy strategies that are mutually beneficial, impact diversions from nursing homes by working with acute care (MI Hospital Association)

Action / Outcome / Responsible Group / Timeframe
Collaborate with Aging Service Providers on Silver Key Campaign (non-Medicaid in-home support funding) / With adequate funding nursing home admission rates (diversion) will be lower / DN/M will engage with Silver Key Campaign Coalition / Ongoing
Engage in on-going communication with the Offices to the Services on Aging, 4AM, MDCH/HCBS Waiver Program / Ensure that the IL voice is represented in policy and programmatic changes. / DN/M / Ongoing
Work with ADRC Advisory Committee to develop funding strategy for sustainability / Resources for ADRCs will be developed / ADRC Advisory Committee/Sustainability Subcommittee / TBD
Develop a DN/M Position Statement on Long-term Community Services & Support / CILs have a unified message to share with their legislators / DN/M & Public Policy Leadership Team / Draft and present at February 2015 Public Policy Meeting
Identify House & Senate Health & Human Services and DCH Appropriation Committee members & match with appropriate CIL representatives. / Engage in ongoing communications about long-term community services and supports in Michigan / Identified CILs, DN/M Public Policy Team / Ongoing
Follow the work of the House & Senate Health & Human Services Committees & engage in action as necessary / The Family, Children and Seniors Committee understands the relationship between policies and the impact on people with disabilities / DN/M will take the lead and engage the CIL Network as needed / Ongoing


Desired Outcome

Long-term: People with disabilities have access to ALL supports needed to find and maintain employment.

Short-term: Work with DHS regarding implementation of the Better off Working report and other DHS/MRS employment initiatives. Monitor state/federal policies regarding implementing Employment First and sub-minimum wage laws.

Action / Outcome / Responsible Group / Timeframe
Identify House & Senate Appropriation and Policy Committee members & match with appropriate CIL representatives. / Engage in ongoing communications about policy issues that relate to employment / Identified CILs, DN/M Public Policy Team / Ongoing
Follow the work of the House & Senate Committees & engage in action as necessary / Legislators understands the relationship between policies and the impact on people with disabilities / DN/M will take the lead and engage the CIL Network as needed / Ongoing
Gain an understanding to the issues with implementation of FTW amendments and develop strategies to overcome challenges / Freedom to Work amendments have been implemented / DN/M Public Policy Team / Ongoing, until resolved
Gather & review data regarding personal assistance supports needed by people to maintain employment in a competitive, integrated setting / If data supports, seek an increase to the PASrep funding so that more individuals can successfully become employed / DN/M will lead the data collection. CIL Directors will determine if a funding increase will be sought. DN/M Public Policy Team will develop a position statement. / February 2015. If a funding increase will be sought it would be for the FY 2016 budget.
Collaborate with MRS, DHS and BSBP on implementing recommendations in the Better Off Working Report / To support a unified voice and support on state initiatives that lead to employment for people with disabilities. / DN/M & Public Policy Team / Ongoing
Develop a DN/M Position Statement on Employment / CILs have a unified message to share with their legislators / DN/M & Public Policy Leadership Team / Draft and present at February 2015 Public Policy Meeting

Disability Network/Michigan