PTA Minutes


Present: Kathy Cascadden, Helen Hansen, Jesse Shields, Mike Deignan, Kathy Parades, Melanie Spencer, Kristine Gallagher, Janelle Royston, Bryan Royston, Lisa Buske, Eric Kestin, Jenny Wharton, Brenda Klabacka

Motion was made and passed to accept the minutes of the last meeting

Treasure report: Helen submitted:

Principals report:

324 students registered

3-4/5 sections w/ average of 22 students in each.

New Staff: Anne Moore, she was a long term sub and a fl teacher. New to Madison.

Nancy Lendborg still on medical leave: Gwen will be long term sub.

Frances Jenson taught at Leopold and is now a bilingual

Sara Chiara is teaching at 2/3

Kirsten Kinstenser at bilingual

Katie Knudson is special ed (4/5 and 1st grade)

Sieria Alguiro w/ work with 1st grade

Jude Bremer will be new LMC and reach

Amanda Dato for Phys Ed.

Deb Carvhall 4/5 with Kass and Tate

Jenny McGenzie ESL coach w/ Barb Gerlach

Danielle Gorder is the Vista Volunteer coach (gets volunteers in the community)

Joanna Whitlock is the new social worker

Arlene Luecken Speech and Language.

Space: All full, Tate is moving to condo and Larkin is moving to small room may have to share space w/ computer room for strings. Beth Moss and Arlene Silvera came last fall and did a tour. Dan Nerad will be here in Oct. so he will be able to see first hand.

Team teaching: Katie O’Duffy and Tony Vidulich will be team teaching.

Kindergarten: 12-2pm on Thursday 8-28-08 open house for kindergarten. They will find out there teachers the next few days by a phone call from the teacher.

New Website: handout given. It will make all the schools websites look similar with the same “skin”. Will be up and running later, but can go to the direct website. Infinite campus (fees, grades, attendance, phone calls, homework missing) has not been spoken about at the elementary level. Mike will ask Kurt to see if we are going to do this.

Old Business:

Fun Run had to cancel because of tornado warning, but did do the popsicles.

Teacher luncheon: Fazoli’s was a great idea, more salad, less breadsticks, linguni went faster.

Audit of the books: all went well.

New Business:

Fund Raising:

Sherman is doing a request type environment “easy as pie”: Sent out a request and give a number and see much we get?

Keep Simplified Script: They will link to our website. A % gets given back to the school. Call Dean and have it switched over to Brenda Klabacka as only one person can see the balance and etc….

Just Coffee: Coffee coop that works with coops throughout world who buys beans. Each bag of coffee the school gets $5 per bag and the place gets $5. Donna may have mentioned this last year. Kristine Gallagher will coordinate!

Election Day: offer some sort of fundraising idea? Script? Coffee? Baked goods?

Popcorn Friday: $.25 for a bag on Friday’s. (Mike will ask teachers).

Reading Rewards:

Last year Kathy Parades ran this. Monthly she did a reading form and they got a small prize. Do we want to do the same thing this year, or give each teacher x amount and they could do a class project. ($500 would be needed if we did each classroom). Discussion ensued… Mike will ask teachers which way they prefer and let us know at the Sept meeting.

Open House:

Tuesday 23rd of Sept. 6-7 pm (with coffee)

Picture Day:

Friday Oct. 3rd. Need parent volunteers. Life touch is our vendor. Need 8 volunteers. 8:30 to 11:00 am. Free portraits may be available. Mike will check.

Fall Dance:

Wednesday Oct. 29th. Need volunteers: Booked DJ (Sounds and Lights). Rochelle has all the plans, Brenda will help. Fifth grade does all the food. Hot dogs and popcorn. Etc….

Volunteer Coordinator: Cannot use the vista person. Melanie Spencer volunteered!

Fifth grade coordinator: Kathy Parades will take this position.

Milk cap and box tops: Donna Kirschmann and Kathy Parades will coordinate.

Barnes and Noble: going to scrap. Doesn’t make enough money, and hard to coordinate.

Box tops at Hawthorne library: Kristine Gallagher will ask them if we can do a box.

Picture Day Volunteers: Janelle Royston volunteered, will need three more.

Minutes can be put on the website: email to Mike.

Kathy Cascadden stepped down as president, but will help out whenever and wherever she can. Jesse Shields will step up as Pres.