05-27-2011 - 09:59:29
HB 1003 / McDaniel, Randy / Save Oklahoma Act of 2011Remarks: / Its my understanding this bill will change opers from a defined benefit system to a defined contribution system for all participants who begin work after 1-1-12. Huge change.
Bill History: / 02-16-11 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted House Econ. Dev., Tourism & Financial Svcs.
03-07-11 H Set on the House Floor Agenda
03-18-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1004 / McDaniel, Randy / Creates the Leadership by Example Act
Remarks: / would put new legislators and statewide officials into defined contribution plan instead of defined benefit.
Bill History: / 02-16-11 H Emergency Clause Striken.
03-07-11 H Set on the House Floor Agenda
03-18-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1013 / Pruett / May allow non-party participation in primaries
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-08-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1033 / Cooksey / Officials must resign before subsequent filing
Remarks: / Bill has been amended and now states that any state or federal elected offical who files for another office cannot continue to draw pay for their current office starting 10 days after filing for the new office. .
Bill History: / 02-16-11 H Meeting set for 10:30 a.m., Room 412C, State Capitol, House Rules
02-16-11 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted House Rules
03-18-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1038 / Roberts, Dustin / Permits voting in unaffiliated primary
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-08-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1050 / Sanders / Candidate filing requirements
Remarks: / Fair Association Board candidates to file with county election board instead of county clerk.
Bill History: / 04-25-11 H House refused to concur in Senate amendments
04-25-11 H House appointed a conference committee: Conference Committee
on Natural Resources
05-03-11 S Senate appointed a conference committee: Ballenger,
Johnson (Rob), Wyrick, Anderson, Justice, Barrington
HB 1051 / Sanders / County officers to access records and files
Remarks: / County Clerk cglc bill. Would place duty on each county office to create their own inventory records however said records would continue to be filed in the County Clerks office.
Bill History: / 05-02-11 H Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 93/N: 0)
05-03-11 G Sent to the Governor
05-09-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1052 / Sanders / Blanket purchase orders authorization
Remarks: / County Clerk cglc bill. Raises blanket purchase order amount for repair of equipment, machinery or vehicles from $2500 to $5000.
Bill History: / 02-23-11 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House A&B
03-17-11 H Set on the House Floor Agenda
03-18-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1055 / Farley / Opens elections to all voters in certain terms
Remarks: / All voters can vote in primary if only one party represented in race.
Bill History: / 02-16-11 H Meeting set for 10:30 a.m., Room 412C, State Capitol, House Rules
02-16-11 H Failed in Committee House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1060 / Sanders / Removes reimbursement for county bridges
Remarks: / CC cglc bill.
Bill History: / 04-11-11 S Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 45/N: 0)
04-12-11 G Sent to the Governor
04-18-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1080 / Grau / County sheriff elections to be nonpartisan
Remarks: / Sheriff nonpartisan bill.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-08-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1191 / Grau / Allows tax roll board to examine evidence
Remarks: / County Assessor cglc bill.
Bill History: / 02-23-11 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 432A, State Capitol, House General Government
02-23-11 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted House General Government
03-18-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1226 / Ownbey / Eminent Domain
Bill History: / 05-19-11 S Senate finally passed conference bill (Vote: Y: 38/N: 0)
05-20-11 G Sent to the Governor
05-25-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1232 / Sherrer / Road closing authorization
Remarks: / Allows county to close flooded highways and it also now provides that Environmental studies as otherwise required by state or federal law shall not be required prior to the replacement of any existing county bridge.
Bill History: / 05-11-11 H Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 97/N: 0)
05-12-11 G Sent to the Governor
05-18-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1238 / Sherrer / Nonpartisan elections for county officers.
Remarks: / County officers and DA to be nonpartisan.
Bill History: / 02-16-11 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 432A, State Capitol, House General Government
02-16-11 H Failed in Committee House General Government
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1247 / Grau / Plat Filing
Remarks: / Would require developers to convey title of al common areas to homeowners association at the time of the final plat filing. This is a good idea and would help prevent the situation where the common areas go into limbo and end up being sold at tax sale.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-08-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Judiciary
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1283 / Dank / Salary increases for county officers
Remarks: / I just now realized this has been changed. it was the salary bill however it now has a new section in it that authorizes the use of highway funds to fund community service supervisors and to enhance any public property within the county in counties with a population in excess of 225,000.
Bill History: / 05-09-11 H Motion to reconsider vote by which the bill falied passes
05-09-11 H Grau and Blackwell debate in opposition to the bill; Key and
Dank debate in favor of the bill.
05-09-11 H Failed to pass (Vote: N: 54/Y: 42)
HB 1288 / Proctor / Prohibits lobbying for some elected officials
Remarks: / No county officer shall receive any compensation for personally engaging in lobbying nor are they eligible to registered as lobbyist.
Bill History: / 02-16-11 H Meeting set for 10:30 a.m., Room 412C, State Capitol, House Rules
02-16-11 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House Rules
03-18-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1293 / Derby / Raises cap on head of household exemptions
Remarks: / Title stricken.County Assessor cglc bill. Raises qualifying income amounts to qualify for double homestead and other exemptions.
Bill History: / 03-02-11 H Title stricken in committee House A&B
03-02-11 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as amended House A&B
03-18-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1307 / Richardson / County Officer and DA election requirements.
Remarks: / County Officers and DA to be nonpartisan.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-08-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1316 / Morgan / Cell phone usage while operating vehicles
Remarks: / would ban texting while driving
Bill History: / 03-17-11 H Inman moves Previous Question on the bill.
03-17-11 H The motion carries by a vote of 59 ayes, 16 nays.
03-17-11 H Failed to pass (Vote: N: 40/Y: 47)
HB 1323 / Wright / Makeup of County Energy District Authority
Remarks: / CC cglc bill. County engineering district board of directors shall be trustees of county energy district authority.
Bill History: / 04-06-11 S Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 45/N: 0)
04-07-11 G Sent to the Governor
04-13-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1362 / Peters / The Board of Equalization communications.
Remarks: / Limits communication between the Board of Equalization and the County Assessors office.
Bill History: / 04-13-11 S Ballenger continues debate, saying that the bill will only
offer relief to large companies.
04-13-11 S Brown closes debate saying that the Title is off and he will
work with the House author to improve the language.
04-13-11 S Failed to pass (Vote: N: 39/Y: 6)
HB 1367 / Peters / County Clerk offices.
Remarks: / county shell bill
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-08-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1393 / Roan / County Commissioner eligibility rules.
Remarks: / CC cglc bill. CC candidate must have resided and be registered voter of district for at least 6 months prior to filing.
Bill History: / 02-09-11 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 432A, State Capitol, House General Government
02-07-11 H First Reading
03-07-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1410 / Joyner / County not responsible for courthouse security
Remarks: / CC cglc bill.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H Committee hearing cancelled House General Government
02-07-11 H First Reading
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1412 / Joyner / Modifies title of court filing clerk
Remarks: / Report of seized booze to be filed with court clerk instead of county clerk.
Bill History: / 04-11-11 S Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 43/N: 0)
04-12-11 G Sent to the Governor
04-18-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1414 / Joyner / Oklahoma Court-Appointed Special Advocates
Remarks: / newocasa fee to be collected by court clerks.
Bill History: / 04-19-11 S Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 28/N: 19)
04-20-11 G Sent to the Governor
04-26-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1417 / Joyner / Clarifies bill language
Remarks: / county shell
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House General Government
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1420 / Casey / Deputy police course training
Remarks: / Deputies or reserve deputies have right to attend certain training.
Bill History: / 02-23-11 H Meeting set for 10:30 a.m., Room 432A, State Capitol, House Public Safety
02-23-11 H Not heard in committee House Public Safety
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1437 / Cox / Sheriffs to determine inmate transfers
Remarks: / Sheriff shall have sole discretion on the order and manner in which inmate transferred to DOC.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1446 / Faught / Oklahoma Immigration Act of 2011.
Remarks: / Immigration bill.
Bill History: / 05-17-11 H Faught moves to table the bill.
05-17-11 H Laid over
05-17-11 H Set on the House Floor Agenda
HB 1468 / Johnson / County commissioner eligibility requirements
Remarks: / CC cglc bill, candidate for CC must be registered to vote and reside within district for which running for at least 6 mos. prior to filing.
Bill History: / 05-02-11 H Terrill makes a point of order regarding the germaneness of
the Senate amendments.
05-02-11 H The chair rules the Senate amendment is not germane; Johnson
moves to reject the Senate amendment and requests
conference committee.
05-02-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Conf. Comm. on Gov. Mod. and Rules
HB 1469 / Johnson / Administrative Office of the Courts
Remarks: / CC cglc bill. County to remimbursed by Adminstrative Dir. of Courts for providing courthouse utilities.
Bill History: / 02-23-11 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House General Government
03-17-11 H Set on the House Floor Agenda
03-18-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1487 / Brumbaugh / Raises income limit for tax exemptions
Remarks: / Assessor cglc bill. Raises qualifying income limits for manufactured home exemption.
Bill History: / 02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House A&B
02-11-11 H Sent to subcommittee House A&B Sub on Revenue and Tax
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1519 / Liebmann / Revenue and Taxation Reform Act
Remarks: / We need to watch this bill,i could see it being used as a vehicle for the cities to come after the counties 10 mills.
Bill History: / 02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House A&B
02-11-11 H Sent to subcommittee House A&B Sub on Revenue and Tax
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1525 / Nollan / County Excise and Equalization Amendments
Remarks: / county related shell
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House General Government
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1530 / Morrissette / Public Competitive Bidding Act
Remarks: / Adds term of "best value" to consider when awarding contracts under the public competitive bidding act.
Bill History: / 02-23-11 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 432A, State Capitol, House General Government
02-23-11 H Voted from committee - Do Pass as substituted House General Government
03-18-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1553 / Kern / Concealed carry in public places.
Remarks: / This bill allows you to carry your gun in all county, state or city, school building and to all meetings in such buildings and to bypass security checkpoints.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Public Safety
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1559 / Jordan / Exemption to attorney-client privilege
Remarks: / Relates to attorney/client privilege between public officers or agencies and their attorneys.
Bill History: / 05-18-11 H Meeting set for 9:00 a.m., Room 432A, State Capitol, House Conf. Comm. on Public Safety and Jud.
05-17-11 H House appointed a conference committee: Conference Committee
on Public Safety, Judiciary and Military Affairs
05-18-11 H Conferees unable to agree
HB 1560 / Jordan / Availablity of sales tax reports
Remarks: / Resale fund financial statement to be posted on county website within 10 after filing.
Bill History: / 03-02-11 H Voted from committee - Do Pass House A&B
03-17-11 H Set on the House Floor Agenda
03-18-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1593 / Martin, Steve / Repeals Sections 1-21 of the bill
Bill History: / 04-20-11 S Motion to reconsider vote. Motion Tabled.
04-25-11 G Sent to the Governor
05-02-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1600 / Martin, Steve / Gender neutral language relating to counties
Remarks: / county shell
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House General Government
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1615 / Banz / Modifies election and filing dates
Remarks: / Would move Primary to last tuesday in June and filing to 2nd Weds in April.
Bill History: / 05-03-11 H Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 73/N: 15)
05-04-11 G Sent to the Governor
05-10-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1641 / Ritze / Property acquisition by eminent domain
Remarks: / Additional requirements on acquiring by eminent domain.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Judiciary
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1643 / Ritze / Regulations for election dates
Remarks: / Changes county and city election dates.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1670 / Sanders / Act relating to revenue and taxation
Remarks: / county shell
Bill History: / 02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House A&B
02-11-11 H Sent to subcommittee House A&B Sub on Revenue and Tax
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1685 / Peterson / Counties and county officers
Remarks: / Consumable road or bridge items to be contained in quarterly report prepared by consuming district and may be in an electronic format.
Bill History: / 04-06-11 S Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 45/N: 0)
04-07-11 G Sent to the Governor
04-13-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1689 / Russ / Abandoned Property
Remarks: / Requires Sheriff to determine for mortgage holder if property is abandoned.
Bill History: / 02-22-11 S First Reading
03-22-11 S Referred to Senate Committee Senate Judiciary
04-08-11 S Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1692 / Russ / County and Munipal Government Act of 2011
Remarks: / House Comm Sub now relates to county floodplains. county shell bill
Bill History: / 05-04-11 H Emergency failed (Vote: Y: 48/N: 21)
05-05-11 G Sent to the Governor
05-11-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1700 / Dank / Clean Campaign Act
Remarks: / Defines election cycle and places limits on campaign contributions.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1709 / Hilliard / Utility services for county courthouses
Remarks: / CC cglc bill requiring agreement with Adm Director of Courts to pay utility cost for county courthouse.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House General Government
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1711 / Hilliard / Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund Act of 2011
Remarks: / county shell
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House A&B
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1762 / Nelson / Oklahoma New Development Fee Act
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1764 / Nelson / Ad Velorum Tax Code Technical Amendments Act
Remarks: / county shell
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1776 / Roberts, Sean / Candidate contribution report filing.
Remarks: / I just found out about this bill and it appears to require county officers in counties with a population in excess of 250,000 (Tulsa and Oklahoma) file their campaign contributions and expenditures report electronically with the Ethics Commission.
Bill History: / 04-20-11 S Passed/Adopted (Vote: Y: 45/N: 0)
04-25-11 G Sent to the Governor
05-02-11 G Signed by the Governor
HB 1781 / Roberts, Sean / Oklahoma Tax Reform Act of 2011.
Bill History: / 02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House A&B
02-11-11 H Sent to subcommittee House A&B Sub on Revenue and Tax
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1796 / Tibbs / Establishes unconcealed handgun licenses
Remarks: / would allow voters to decide on open carry law.
Bill History: / 03-15-11 H Not heard in committee House Rules
03-17-11 H Set on the House Floor Agenda
03-18-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1802 / Tibbs / Electronic Monitoring Devices
Remarks: / Provides for electronic monitoring of certain inmates by the county sheriff.
Bill History: / 04-26-11 S 1 Floor amendment(s) adopted
04-26-11 S Title restored
04-26-11 S Failed to pass (Vote: N: 20/Y: 20)
HB 1803 / Tibbs / State Auditor and Inspector
Remarks: / Allows county to hire their own auditor instead of using SA&I in certain circumstances.
Bill History: / 03-02-11 H Meeting set for 3:00 p.m., Room 432A, State Capitol, House General Government
02-28-11 H Committee hearing cancelled House General Government
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1806 / Tibbs / Elections
Remarks: / Requires court clerk to do monthly report to county election board of the names of all people summoned for jury duty that are determined to be ineligible.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1807 / Tibbs / Counties and county officers
Remarks: / county shell
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1829 / Trebilcock / Medical aides distribute medication in jail
Remarks: / Certified medication aides authorized to distribute medications at county jail.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1830 / Trebilcock / Clarifies language relating to sheriffs
Remarks: / Sheriff or certified deputy sheriff may accompany reserve deputy until reserve deputy completes training.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1847 / Shelton / Defines powers of the county clerk
Remarks: / county shell
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1850 / Blackwell / Modifies definition for "lobbyist".
Remarks: / Appears to be aimed at expanding the definition of a lobbyist to include public employees.
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1887 / Morrissette / Revenue and Taxation Review Act
Bill History: / 02-07-11 H First Reading
02-09-11 H Referred to House Committee on House Rules
03-04-11 H Dormant pursuant to the rules
HB 1891 / Reynolds / Modifies taxation and homestead exemption