April 14, 2015
Regular session of the Minden City Council was called to order by MayorArmstrong at 6:00pm on above date. Councilmen present: Ploen, Dooley, Wellman, Zimmerman Absent: Arnold Also attending Rich Schuning, Steve Perry, Raymond Arnold.
Motion by Ploen, second by Dooley to approve the agenda with the addition of Meadow Lane discussion with Raymond Arnold & Councilman Dooley resignation. M.C. 4-0
Motion by Zimmerman, second by Wellman to approve minutes of the MarchMeeting. M.C.4-0
Motion byWellman, second byPloento approve the financial statement. M.C.4-0
Motion by Dooley, second by Ploen to approve the bills for payment. M.C.4-0
Steve Perry explained to the council the process needed to get our lagoon a current permit. Steve is working with the DNR regarding the permit and will keep in contact with Rich Schuning and the council as we move forward.
The council discussed the condition of Meadow Lane. Raymond Arnold informed the council that several areas of Meadow Lane need patching or total replacement. Steve Perry was asked if engineering would need to be completed for a total replacement of Meadow Lane. Steve informed the council a complete tear out and rebuild would require engineering but patching would not. Motion by Dooley, second by Zimmerman to have Steve Perry do preliminary cost evaluation on reconstruction of Meadow Lane. M.C. 4-0
Kevin Zimmerman showed the council some of the design choices for the triangle which include a slight change to the position of the pergola and the design of the pavers. Kevin plans to start the triangle reconstruction on Wednesday.
The council was updated on the possibility of financial support for the Community Club. No action taken.
The council was informed the new ICAP agent “Thams Insurance” was adding an agency fee to the ICAP policy. The city had never been charged an agency fee for the policy. The council asked the city clerk to contact ICAP and find out the process to change insurance agents. Motion by Dooley, second by Ploen to look for a new insurance agent for the city. M.C. 4-0
Motion by Dooley, second by Wellman to approve clean-up days for May 6th & 7th. M.C. 4-0
Bridge repair was discussed. No action taken.
Darcy Hood donated $150.00. Darcy asked that the City use the funds in the city triangle. The council appreciated the donation.
Motion by Dooley, second by Zimmerman to approve the 2015-16 Minden Township Fire Protection contract. M.C. 4-0
Councilman Dooley submitted his resignation. Joe will be moving from Minden therefore no longer able to serve on the city council. Motion by Zimmerman, second by Wellman to accept Councilman Dooley’s resignation. M.C. 4-0
Motion byPloen, second by Zimmermanfor adjournment at 7:30pm. M.C. 4-0
Approved bills:
MidAmerican energyUtilities(March)2232.47
Post MasterPostage water bills/stamps182.32
T. TennerSalary1653.60
R. SchuningSalary2983.79
P. BintzSalary1306.76
W. VanNordstrandsalary427.44
ETTPSFed, SS2426.30
United of OmahaIns.148.08
R Schuningreimb for training/bolts60.90
ICAPinsurance prem19566.98
State of Iowasales tax1195.00
State if Iowawithholding1321.00
McCarthy trenchingwater to triangle/water plant repair3000.00
Pott Co. Sheriffquarterly payment2620.62
T. McGeedomain renewal145.04
Shelby Vetshipping12.75
Office depotcalculator ink/printer ink64.38
Walnut Commphone bill137.39
Tim’s servicepickup tune-up/repair335.79
Aqua chemchemicals543.10
R & S Wastegarbage2594.00
Verizoncell phones121.57
Gazettepub minutes72.20
Regional WaterWater851.00
C B Waterworkswater testing25.00
Napafire dept supplies31.50
Secretary of Statenotary renewal30.00
State Hygenic labtesting38.00
Iowa Westerncpr/training fire dept76.00
Zimmerman Salesfire dept supplies17.54
P. Bintzreim. For shop computer273.48
Winnelsonwater plant supplies94.09
IAMUwcisa dues/training367.61
March Revenue:
Teresa TennerRichard Armstrong