The Luck Village Board met on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at the Luck Village Hall at 7:15 p.m for a public hearing. Meeting called to order by President Demydowich. There were no visitors for the public hearing. Motion by Demydowich, seconded by Warhol to close the public hearing. Carried. The regular Village Board met at 7:30. Roll Call: Ross Anderson, Peter Demydowich, Bob Determan, Craig Lundeen, Alan Tomlinson, and Phil Warhol. Absent: Kristine King.

Motion by Tomlinson, seconded by Warhol to approve the 10-10-12 minutes. Motion carried.

Motion by Tomlinson, seconded by Warhol to approve the 10-15-12 minutes. Motion carried.

Motion by Demydowich, seconded by Lundeen to approve the agenda with the exception of eliminating item K (Discussion and possible approval of Clubhouse Managers office hours) Motion carried.

Motion by Tomlinson, seconded by Determan to approve the Bakke-Norman contract for legal representation for a flat rate fee of $7,500/year for the Village and $7,500/year for Police. Motion carried.

Gene Krull appeared on behalf of Living and Playing magazine to discuss some tourism options. Krull presented the board with a Tourism packet containing grant information as well as vendor information. Krull also mentioned he was a Town of Eureka Chairman as well as on planning commission. Krull believes that tourism efforts in the Village are fragmented. Krull gave a background on the Grantsburg Chamber of Commerce and how it functions. Krull also informed the Board on the Business Improvement District “BID” program. This is a program that designates 1 or 2 areas within a Village as a BID district. All retail and commercial properties in these areas are analyzed by size and a fee is established for each business. The program has to be voted on by all business owners in the area for passage. Once there is an agreement a plan is submitted to the state for approval. Fees are then collected as part of the taxation plan and the funds are held and administered by the Village Board with recommendation from the BID committee. Funds are used to promote the Village. All information to create a BID district is available from the State. The city of St. Croix Falls is a prime example of a municipality using a BID district.

Elaine Ogilvie appeared to discuss the Tourism Committee duties. Ogilvie presented the Board with her daily and overall duties as part of being the Chair for the Tourism Committee. Ogilvie does a variety of tasks to help promote Tourism in the Village. Ogilvie is also part of the Community Club. Ogilvie updates the Village Facebook page and also works on the Village website with the Village Clerk. Ogilvie is also in charge of email correspondence for Tourism vendors, event planning and many other tasks.

Demydowich led the discussion on the creation and possible approval of a new position for a Community relations/Tourism director. The position would be created in an effort to free up staff time. The Website and Facebook maintenance takes a lot of time from the Village Clerk. If the new position was created the person would be in charge of organizing all Village events as well as licensing. The position could be funded by the Tourism room tax account and General Fund approximately $12,000 a year, $10,000 of which would come out of the General Fund. This item failed in Finance/Personnel committee. Demydowich wanted to bring it to the Board to get more input on the position. The Village Clerk has been asked to create a timeline of his duties and analyze them to see if there are enough resources to create the position. Determan stated that the Village needs to know where employees sit in terms of current manpower. He posed a few questions: What is being done right? What is being done wrong? Where do we need to allocate resources? Determan was concerned with bringing the position in the correct way and asked that Finance/Personnel take another look at the position. This item will appear on the next Finance/Personnel agenda.

Seth Petersen led the Discussion on the considering and possible approval of a truck for use by Public Works department. The truck that was presented was a 1998 Chevrolet 4x4 with only 35,000 miles. The truck also has a hydraulic crane, snowplow and service boxes. Currently there is $27,000 in the budget to purchase a new vehicle.

Motion by Warhol, seconded by Tomlinson to purchase the truck at a price not to exceed $17,000 by starting the offer at $15,000 and increasing the offers by $500 with approval by the Village President with tires coming out of the Capital Outlay account. Motion carried.

Dave Rasmussen appeared before the Board on behalf of MSA to discuss and possibly approve a facilities plan for the Luck wastewater Treatment Plant. Seth Petersen led the discussion and noted that in July of 2012 the wastewater facilities operational evaluation was completed. This provided alternatives for meeting ammonia effluent limits. The facility plans require a permit and the contract presented by MSA outlines the services necessary. The contract has been approved by Village attorney Adam Jarchow who was also present. The contract is due July 1, 2013 for $25,500.

Motion by Warhol, seconded by Lundeen to accept the contract for entering into an engineering services contract with MSA regarding the facilities plan for the wastewater treatment plant. Motion carried.

Corey Scheidler appeared before the Board to discuss the addition to the Library/Museum. Scheidler informed the Board there were four local contractors who bid on the project. The addition is approximately 500 square feet. Don Clarke Construction was the low bidder.

Motion by Tomlinson, seconded by Lundeen to approve the bid from Don Clarke and begin construction at the Library/Museum. Motion carried.

Motion by Tomlinson, seconded by Lundeen to approve the 2013 Village Budget. Motion carried.

Motion by Determan, seconded by Lundeen to approve vouchers # 36817-36897 and #643-676

Motion by Demydowich, seconded by Determan to set the Holiday Open House for Thursday 12-6-12 with times for the event to appear later. Motion carried

Kevin Clunis appeared to present the Golf Budget that was presented on 11-12-12 in front of the Golf Commission. The golf budget is finalized. This item has been moved to the next agenda.

Reports and Communications: Clunis discussed the Golf Commission. The entire commission is expected to be the same next year. Three of the four greens will be completed 11-16-12. Planning Commission approved the conditional use permit for the sign down at the Luck School. Fire Association met and set there mill rate. Finance and Personnel met with the Union Representative to discuss the direction with employees which is on hold because of Act 10. Tourism discussed signage and upcoming event. Public Services talked about curb and gutter and snowplowing policy as well as street lighting and the truck purchase. Community Club met and discussed the Holiday Experience on December 31, 2012. They also did the food safety training with Brian Hobbes from the County Health Department.

Motion by Demydowich, seconded by Warhol to go into closed session under Wisconsin 1985 (1) (c) to discuss employee performance and to discuss compensation for non-represented employees. Motion carried. Roll Call: Tomlinson-aye, Lundeen-aye, King-absent, Determan-aye, Demydowich-aye, Anderson-aye, Warhol-aye.

Motion by Demydowich, seconded by Warhol to return to open session. Motion carried. Roll Call: Roll Call: Anderson-aye, Demydowich-aye, Determan-aye, King-Absent, Lundeen-aye, Tomlinson-aye, Warhol-aye.

Motion by Determan, seconded by Lundeen to increase Village Clerk, Kevin Kress’s wage to $1520 bi-weekly. Motion carried.

Motion by Warhol, seconded by Tomlinson to adjourn. Motion carried.