Lyons Township High School
Student Self-Evaluation
Please take your time in completing this Self-Evaluation. It will assist you in writing your College Application Essays and also serve as a source of information for your Counselor. You can also provide it to any teachers who will be writing letters of recommendation for you along with the Teacher Recommendation Request Form. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability.
Please spend time answering all the questions thoroughly with specific examples to the best of your ability. The scope and depth of your answers will directly relate to your counselor’s ability to write about you in the most representative manner in their recommendations.
=Very important questions that you must put time and effort into your answers
Part I: Self-Description
- Please identify six adjectives that you would use to describe yourself. Please give specific examples for as many as you can where you demonstrated these qualities.
- What is there about you – your values, goals, interests, experiences, talents, and style – that sets you apart from your peers and makes you unique?
- What is your passion or interest(s) that drive you and that you identify yourself with?
- Are there any personal circumstances that have impacted your academic performance at Lyons Township High School or are likely to do so in college? If yes, please explain. (Example: family responsibilities/challenges, learning disability, health issues, etc.)
- Name a person who has had a significant influence on your life and describe that influence. How did they impact you?
Part II: Academic Experience
- Is your academic record at LTHS an accurate measure of your ability? Why or why not? If not, what could you have done differently?
- What is the most challenging academic course you have taken? How did you overcome that challenge?
- What are your strengths as a student? What are your weaknesses? What skills do you use to overcome any weaknesses?
Part III: Extracurricular/Service/Work/Summer Programs
- Please list (in order of importance to you) the activities you have been involved in at LTHS and any leadership positions held.
School Activity / Years Involved / Time/Commitment/Awards/Leadership
- Please list (in order of importance to you) any activities you are involved in outside of school and any leadership positions held.
Activity / Years Involved / Time/Commitment/Awards/Leadership
- Describe which activity (in or out of school) that has been most meaningful for you and why. Colleges/Universities are interested in details about your experience in theses activities and how you intend to continue your involvement in your future school and community.
- Have you ever had a job? If so, where, how long and what were your responsibilities?
- Have you participated in any Summer Programs during high school? If so, describe them and what you learned from your participation.
Part IV: College Preferences
- Do you have a specific career goal or major in mind? If so, what and why?
- Are you planning on playing an NCAA sport in college? If so, which one?
- What do you most hope to gain from your college experience? Why?
- If you will need Letters of Recommendation for your college applications, who do you plan on asking to write those letters? (teachers, coaches, counselors, administrators, etc.)
Name / Position / Years known / Reasons you have selected this individual to write a letter of recommendation
- Please list the top 5 colleges that you are considering on applying to. Based on your academic credentials (Grade Point Average and test scores) evaluate whether each school is a :
Safety ~ schools that admit students with specific credentials that you ALREADY possess
Solid/Reasonable~ schools that usually accept students whose academic credentials match mine
Dream/Reach~ Most selective choices; wish schools
College/University / Your evaluation on admissions / Middle 50% ACT and GPAThank you for completing your Self-Evaluation.
Please print and return to your counselor when completed. If you need more time, please e-mail completed/updated form to your counselor
Maria BoyleCounselor Class of 2017, A-Gq
Michelle Vieu
Counselor Class of 2017, Gr-Oe
Direct-708.579.6348 / Erin Risler
(Mrs. Vieu’s sub until May 25)
Counselor Class of 2017, Gr-Oe
Direct-708.579.6348 / Mr. Alexander Ip
Counselor Class of 2017(Of-Z)
Direct - 708.579.6352