Underhill Recreation Committee Agenda
7:00 pm Monday, March 23, 2009
a)Members in attendance: Tom Lee; Eric Gildemeister
b)Guests: Betsy Chapek (interested in helping with Green-up Day)
2)Old Business
a)9-1-1 Call box – need for shed sign (Eric)
b)Tennis Court Fundraising: currently at $4,285, target is $5,000. Uncertain about the contribution of the town/townspeople. Get updated bids/estimates.
i)Update on pledges
ii)April 4th Town Meeting to ask for $5,000 to finish the project
c)Town Meeting Pot Luck Lunch Fundraiser: Around $260 raised.
d)Hiring Lifeguard: Tom
e)Green Up Day: Barbara and Bryan: To gave an overview of what need to be done to help improve the area around the tennis courts and pond. See below. Also since the fence is still not completed, some projects may need to wait. Betsy is willing to cover publicity for the event and to contact people. What do we want to do with the pond/court area?
i)Cut trees around tennis court (NEED)
ii)Weed around tennis court (NEED)
iii)Dig and fill with gravel around court (back hoe needed) (ROAD CREW??)
iv)Remove/bury old PVC pipe (NEED)
v)Remove old rotten picnic tables and old rotten trash receptacles (NEED)
vi)Repaint lifeguard stand (NEED)
vii)Revamp the dressing room (curtain, paint, inside bench) (NEED)
viii)Rake and weed pond area (NEED)
ix)Beautification projects, perennials bed?
x)New bulletin board for tennis court?
xi)Repaint rainbow pipes (NEED)
xii)Put minnow trap on inlet pipe (NEED/TOM)
3)New Business (election of officers will take place at the April 27th meeting)
a)Summer camp programs: Ila Soewal, , 233-6862: Sent an email about developing summer programs.
i)Tennis camp
ii)Gymnastics at school. Need to contact school. Usually 4 hrs/day, 1-week, ages 3-teens
b)Adult Rec. Leagues: Need volunteers to lead these. Need to advertise.
Possibility of offering some informal tennis and volleyball to townspeople. Need for a local community member to help coordinate. Sandwich board with information in front of town hall.
i)Men’s doubles round robin, Mon 6-8 pm
ii)Mixed doubles round robin, Tues 6-8 pm
iii)Women’s doubles round robin, Wed 6-8 pm
iv)Co-ed volleyball, Fridays 6-8 pm
4)IV. Conclusion
a)Action plan recap: Encourage people to attend the April 4th meeting and vote on the town budget; Tom will call PTO about BBQ; Eric will purchase paint – exterior; put up signs advertising life guard position
b)Next meeting date and time.
(a)Monday, April 27th
Committee Members:
Tom Lee, Chair 899-4480
Bryan Bourgeois, Treasurer899-1333
Eric Gildemeister, Secretary899-1832
Barbara Goss899-3804