Mai 2016, Konstanz
anauf motan
motan innovation award “mia” receives great response
Businesses, universities, and employees of the motan group submitted their applications for the motan foundation’s first innovation award “mia” with a large spectrum of innovative solutions for Materials Handling.
“Despite it being the first call and the comparatively short application deadline, we received an unexpectedly large number of applications”, explains Sandra Füllsack, managing director of motan. “And the breadth of topics was astounding.” Along with submissions for specific solutions in material supply, there were innovations for adjacent areas of the process chains in the plastics industry.
Among the applicants were application specialists from plastic processors, employees of the motan group from all over the world, and applicants from universities and institutions. Independent industry and science experts nominated five potential winners after a detailed examination and assessment process. Aspects such as additional benefit for the processor increase in efficiency for processing, and effects of the proposed solutions on the environment were just some of the criteria.
At the beginning of July 2016, these five innovations will be personally presented to the jury at motan-colortronic in Friedrichsdorf. The jury will decide on three finalists for the award. The prizes worth a total of over 20.000 Euros will be presented during a special award ceremony during the plastics exhibition K 2016 in Düsseldorf.
mia – the motan innovation award
Innovation drives us forward. The starting point of all innovation is an idea. The motan foundation wants to help discover, develop, and realise the best of these ideas. The motan innovation award starts a process in which everyone can participate who is interested in plastics and its application possibilities. At the K 2016, the motan foundation will, for the first time, award ideas which are exemplary for the power of innovation in the plastics industry.
Image 1: The managing director, Sandra Füllsack is extremely pleased with the response for the
first motan innovation award. (Image: motan)
Image 2: The motan innovation award "mia" will be awarded during the
K 2016 in Düsseldorf. (Image: motan)
The motan group
The motan group headquartered in Constance, Germany, on Lake Constance was founded in 1947. As leading provider for sustainable raw material handling, they operate in the areas injection moulding, blow moulding, extrusion and compounding. Innovative, modular system solutions for storage, drying and crystallisation, conveying, dosing and mixing of raw materials for the plastics manufacturing and processing industries are part of the application orientated product range.
Production takes place at different production sites in Germany, India, and China. motan distribute their products, system solutions, and services via their motan-colortronic regional sales centres. With currently over 450 employees the company has a yearly turnover of roughly 110 million Euros. Because of their network and long-standing experience, motan can offer their customers what they really need: individually tailored solutions with real added value.
Contact:motan holding ag
Carl Litherland
Stromeyersdorfstr. 12
78467 Konstanz / Deutschland
Tel. +49 7531 8178 15