Yachting World Dayboat Association

Dayboat Week 2012

at Fishguard Bay Yacht Club, Fishguard, Pembs

Saturday 18th August to Thursday 23rd August 2012.


The organising authority will be the Fishguard Bay Yacht Club (FBYC) in conjunction with the Yachting World Dayboat Association (YWDBA).

All competitors and their friends will be honorary members of FBYC for the duration of this event. Over 18s are welcome in the Club Bar.


All races will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing 2009 - 2012 or its successor, RYA prescriptions and applicable YWDBA rules, except as modified by the Sailing Instructions, Entry Form and any Notices to Competitors posted in FBYC. At Registration all competitors must present a valid Race Certificate in respect of the boat entered.

It shall be the sole responsibility of each helm to decide whether or not to start or to continue to race.

By participating in a race conducted under these rules each competitor and boat owner agrees :

(i) to be governed by the above rules

(ii) to accept the penalties imposed and other action taken in accordance with the rules, subject to the appeal and review procedures provided in them, as the final determination of any matter arising under the rules; and

(iii) with respect to such a determination, not to resort to any court or tribunal not provided by the rules.

(iv) FBYC reserves the right to make any alterations it may deem necessary.

1.Eligibility and Entry:

1.1Helms (including those helming the subsidiary races) must be members of the Yachting World Dayboat Association.

1.2 The event is open to all boats bearing valid Race Certificates issued by the Yachting World Dayboat Association.

Advance entries can be made until 31 July 2012 using the attached Entry Form accompanied by a fee of £190.00 and mailing it to:-

Mrs. Cass Macpherson, Belfry Cottage, Chidham Lane, Chidham, Chichester, W. Sussex. PO18 8TD

Cheques should be made payable to "The Yachting World Dayboat Association"

Telephone Number for queries:- 01243 575652

1.3After 31 July 2012 entries will be accepted at the discretion of the organisers upon payment of an extra fee of £20.00 (i.e £210.00] per late entry).

1.4There will be two tickets per boat for each of the social events marked by an asterisk on the attached Sailing/Social Programme included in the entry fee. All additional tickets must be booked and paid for on or before Saturday 18th August 2012.

2. The provisional Sailing/Social Programme (changes may be made if circumstances so require) is set out on the attached schedule.


Registration will take place at FBYC until 1900 hours on Saturday 18th August 2012. Sailing Instructions will be available at the club. There will be a briefing for competitors in the Clubhouse following registration.

4.Racing Schedule:

The first points race will be on Sunday 19th August 2012, with the first warning signal not before 1125 hours. Intended starting times during the event will be shown in the Sailing Instructions.

5.Scoring – The Low Point system of Appendix A (Scoring) will apply, with five races scheduled, of which three shall be completed to constitute a championship, with one discard if four or more races are completed.

NOTE: DNS boats will be awarded one point more than the number of entries.

6.Liability Exclusion.

6.1 A boat is entirely responsible for her own safety, whether afloat or ashore, and nothing, whether in the Notice of Race or Sailing Instructions or anywhere else, reduces this responsibility.

6.2 It is for the helm to decide whether the boat is fit to sail in the conditions in which she will find herself. By launching or going to sea, the helm confirms that the boat is fit for those conditions and her helm and crew are competent to sail and compete in them.

6.3 The boat is required to hold adequate insurance and in particular to hold insurance against third party claims in the sum of at least £2,000,000.

6.4 Nothing done by the organisers can reduce the responsibility of the boat nor will it make the organisers responsible for any loss, damage, death or personal injury, however it may have occurred, as a result of the boat taking part, in the racing. The organisers encompass everyone helping to run the race and the event, and include the organising authority, the race committee, the race officer, patrol boats and beachmasters.

6.5 The provision of patrol boats does not relieve the boat of her responsibility.

6.6 The fact that the race committee conducts inspections of a boat does not reduce the responsibilities of the boat set out in this paragraph.

7.Rights to use names and likenesses.

Competitors automatically grant FBYC and YWDBA without payment the right in perpetuity to make use and show and receive payment therefore, of any motion pictures, still pictures and live filmed or taped television of or relating to the event. They also allow their names, age, category, Club and Boat details to be displayed in competitor lists prior to the event and in results and on the Dayboat Association website and in any other publication.

Dayboat Week, 2012

Fishguard Bay Yacht Club.

Saturday, 18th August – Thursday 23rd August.


Saturday 18th August / High 08.30
Low 14.42
High 20.46 / 6.84m
7.10m / Scrutineering – FBYC
18.30 Welcome & Commodore’s reception*.
Briefing at club.
Sunday, 19st
August / High 09.07
Low 15.21
High 21.24 / 7.02m
7.23m / 11.00 Race 1
13.00 Lady Helm, Cadet/Junior Race / 18.30 BBQ at club.
Monday, 20th August / High 09.45
Low 15.59
High 22.01 / 7.08m
7.24m / 11.00 Race 2
13.30 Race 3 / 19.00 Pig Roast
Quiz night at club.
Tuesday, 21st August / High 10.23
Low 16.37
High 22.41 / 7.02m
7.10m / 11.00 Long Distance Race / 19.00 1st Prizegiving and Lasagne supper *
Wednesday, 22nd August / High 11.02
Low 17.16
High 23.21 / 6.81m
6.82m / 11.00 Crew’s Race
13.00 Race 4 / 09.30 AGM
Thursday, 23rd
August / High 11.45
Low 18.00 / 6.49m
1.35m / 11.00 Race 5 / 19.30 Prizegiving dinner*

* Admittance for two included in entrance fee


Yachting World Dayboat Association

Dayboat Week 2012
Fishguard Bay Yacht Club

Saturday 18th to Thursday 23rd August 2012


Please enter the following boat for the above event:

SAIL NUMBER ……………. NAME OF BOAT……………………………… CLUB……………………………

HELM ……………………………………… AGE at 24th August 2012……..(for Decent Trophy)

CREW …………………………………….. AGE at 24th August 2012……...(for Decent Trophy)

CONTACT ADDRESS………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

…………………………………………………………….. TELEPHONE……………………………………. Email …………………………………

I enclose entry fee of £190.00 per boat before 31/7/2012 or £210.00 per boat thereafter. Cheques will not be banked before 1/8/2012.


I certify that I have read and accept the “Conditions of Entry” for this event and that the boat holds a valid Race Certificate which must be produced on demand. I also certify that my boat is seaworthy and carries the relevant safety equipment.

I, and where appropriate, my crew are paid-up members of the Yachting World Dayboat Association.

I hold valid and current boat insurance that includes cover for third party claims of at least £2,000,000 whilst engaged in sailing at this event.

Signed ………………………………………….. Print Name …………………………………….

Date: ......



"Yachting World Dayboat Association"

Send to: Cass Macpherson, Belfry Cottage, Chidham Lane, Chidham, Chichester,

W. Sussex PO18 8TD

Additional tickets required (two tickets per boat are included in the entry fee):

Additional tickets must be ordered and paid for on or before Saturday 18th August

Saturday reception (@ £6 per head)…………….

Tuesday prize giving & supper (@ £8 per head)…………….

Thursday prize giving and dinner (@ £15 per head……………..


Dietary requirements (competitors and guests). eg Veggies, Coeliacs etc – not extra chips!
