Dr. Fredricksmeyer

Most Important Information to Remember from RIOT

Never hesitate to ask someone at the Reference Desk for help!


1.To find books, go to: Chinook, and (in the vast majority of cases) use the Keyword, Title, or Author search.


1. To findperiodicals (also called journals), go to: Chinook/Periodical Title. (Do not include initial articles: a, an, the.)

2. To find articles in periodicals, go to: Chinook/Find Articles & More (under Other Services)/ General and Interdisciplinary (in the “Find Databases in your subject area” scroll box)/Academic Search Primer.

Note that periodical titles are typically italicized in citations, while individual periodical articles are in quotation marks. For example:

Schwartz, Sanford, and Robinson, Margaret M. "Attitudes Toward Poverty during Undergraduate Education." Journal of Social Work Education. 27. 3 (Fall 1991): 290-297.

For more on citations, see MODULE 4 below.

Also note that many articles include an abstract at the top, by which you can figure out in seconds if the article is what you’re looking for.


1. To find articles in newspapers, go to: Chinook/Find Articles & More (under Other Services)/News and Newspapers (in the “Find Databases in your subject area” scroll box)/LexisNexis.


1. To determine the value of information, consider:

a. credibility of author (i.e. degrees, association with a university, reputable

newspaper, and so on)

b. validity of research (i.e. support, such as footnotes, index, works cited or a


c. relevance to your topic

Note that you apply to same criteria to evaluate web sites.


1. To cite books, many people use theMLA(Modern Language Association) Style:

Burkert, Walter. Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual

and Myth. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: BerkeleyUniversity Press, 1983.

(=Author last name, Author first name. Title. City (or cities) published in: Name of Publisher, year published.)

2.To cite articles, the MLA Style is:

Hirota, Akiko. “The Tale of Gengi: From Heian Classic to Heisei Comic.” Journal of Popular Culture. 31.2 (Fall 1997): 29-68.

(=Author last name, Author first name. “Title of the article.” Title of the journal. Volume and issue number. (Time of publication): pages numbers.

3. To cite web pages/sites, the MLA Style is:

Burka, Lauren. "A Hypertext History of Multi-User Dimensions." MUD History. (5 Dec. 1994).

(= Author last name, Author first name. “Title of the article.” Title of the complete work (if the article is excerpted from a larger work). The full http address followed by (the date of your visit to the site)

For more information on citation of electronic sources, go to: