Teacher: / Ms Celis / Week : / Oct 14-18 / Subject: Grade: / AP Span / Verified by: / Date:
Monday / Objective:
Nosotros repasaremos el presente de indicativo: Verbos Regulares y separacion de silabas. / Mods/Enrichment:
Preferential seating, repeated review. Constant review.
Grade for content. Repeated review, Use of notes and research to answer.
Summative Assessment: / TEKS / Knowledge and Skill Statement(s): (Please indicate Category—Readiness / Supporting/Process) / Marcia Tate:
Texas Chapter 114 Languages Other Than English §114.24 TEKS:
. 1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers. 1a, 1B, 1C, 4a, 4B
(2) Cultures. The student gains knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
01.C.03, 01.C.04, 01.C.06 / Kagan Structures:
All Write RoundRobin
C-Scope UA / Carousel Feedback
4 Wk. Exam / Resources/Materials: / Inside-Outside Circle
9 Wk. Exam / ·  Textbook: Nuestro Mundo pgs. G12, G13
·  Technology:Youtube.com, PHSchool.com, White Board
·  Other: / Jot Thoughts
Compass Learning: / Mix-Pair-Share
Pairs Compare
Other: / Quiz-Quiz-Trade
Formative Assessment: / Classroom Procedures: / RallyRobin/Table
Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up
Active Vote / Bellringer 10 mins Dictado
Yo repasare el presente de indicativo de los verbos Regulares y separación de silabas. Con un compañero(a) contestare pags. G12A y G13D.
No hay tarea hoy / Timed-Pair-Share
Quiz / Other(s):
Observation / Interpersonal / Academic
Exit Tkt. / CB / KB
Coop Learning / TB / PL
Poll/Survey / SS / Proc. Info
Other: / CS / Pres. Info
Tuesday / Objective:
Nosotros repasaremos el uso de las letras minúsculas y las letras mayúsculas. / Mods/Enrichment:
Preferential seating, repeated review. Constant review.
Grade for content. Repeated review, Use of notes and research to answer.
Summative Assessment: / TEKS / Knowledge and Skill Statement(s): (Please indicate Category—Readiness / Supporting/Process) / Marcia Tate:
Texas Chapter 114 Languages Other Than English §114.24 TEKS:
. 1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers. 1a, 1B, 1C, 4a, 4B
(2) Cultures. The student gains knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
01.C.03, 01.C.04, 01.C.06 / Kagan Structures:
All Write RoundRobin
C-Scope UA / Carousel Feedback
4 Wk. Exam / Resources/Materials: / Inside-Outside Circle
9 Wk. Exam / ·  Textbook: hojas sueltas
·  Technology:Youtube.com, PHSchool.com, White Board
·  Other: / Jot Thoughts
Compass Learning: / Mix-Pair-Share
Pairs Compare
Other: / Quiz-Quiz-Trade
Formative Assessment: / Classroom Procedures: / RallyRobin/Table
Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up
Active Vote / Bellringer 10 mins. Dictado
Yo repasare el uso de las letras minúsculas y las letras mayúsculas, y con un
compañero (a) contestare los ejercicios K,M,y N y utilisare el pizarrón blanco para hacer un ultimo ejercicio.
No hay tarea hoy / Timed-Pair-Share
Quiz / Other(s):
Observation / Interpersonal / Academic
Exit Tkt. / CB / KB
Coop Learning / TB / PL
Poll/Survey / SS / Proc. Info
Other: / CS / Pres. Info
Wednesday / Objective:
Nosotros repasaremos la acentuación y la ortografía,
El golpe—una silaba que se pronuncia con mas fuerza o enfasis que las demás, Regla No. 1—las palabras que terminan en vocal, n o s, Regla No. 2—Las palabras que terminan en consonante, excepto n o s y el acento escrito. / Mods/Enrichment:
Preferential seating, repeated review. Constant review.
Grade for content. Repeated review, Use of notes and research to answer.
Summative Assessment: / TEKS / Knowledge and Skill Statement(s): (Please indicate Category—Readiness / Supporting/Process) / Marcia Tate:
Texas Chapter 114 Languages Other Than English §114.24 TEKS:
. 1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers. 1a, 1B, 1C, 4a, 4B
(2) Cultures. The student gains knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
01.C.03, 01.C.04, 01.C.06 / Kagan Structures:
All Write RoundRobin
C-Scope UA / Carousel Feedback
4 Wk. Exam / Resources/Materials: / Inside-Outside Circle
9 Wk. Exam / ·  Textbook: hojas sueltas
·  Technology:Youtube.com, PHSchool.com, White Board
·  Other: / Jot Thoughts
Compass Learning: / Mix-Pair-Share
Pairs Compare
Other: / Quiz-Quiz-Trade
Formative Assessment: / Classroom Procedures: / RallyRobin/Table
Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up
Active Vote / Bellringer 10 mins. Dictado
Yo repasare la acentuación y la ortografía: El golpe—una silaba que se pronuncia con mas fuerza o enfasis que las demás, la regla No. 1—las palabras que terminan en vocal, n o s, la regla No. 2—Las palabras que terminan en consonante, except n o s, el acento escrtio—todas las palabras que no siguen las dos reglas anteriores llevan acento ortográfico o escrito. Y con un compañero contestare ejercicios D y E. y el ultimo ejercicio será en el pizaron blanco.
No hay tarea hoy / Timed-Pair-Share
Quiz / Other(s):
Observation / Interpersonal / Academic
Exit Tkt. / CB / KB
Coop Learning / TB / PL
Poll/Survey / SS / Proc. Info
Other: / CS / Pres. Info
Thursday / Objective:
Nosotros haremos un repaso basico dela grmatica: Partes de una oración: el sujeto, el verbo, el objeto directo, el objeto indirecto, los pronombred e ojeto directo e indirecto. / Mods/Enrichment:
Preferential seating, repeated review. Constant review.
Grade for content. Repeated review, Use of notes and research to answer.
Summative Assessment: / TEKS / Knowledge and Skill Statement(s): (Please indicate Category—Readiness / Supporting/Process) / Marcia Tate:
Texas Chapter 114 Languages Other Than English §114.24 TEKS:
. 1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers. 1a, 1B, 1C, 4a, 4B
(2) Cultures. The student gains knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
01.C.03, 01.C.04, 01.C.06 / Kagan Structures:
All Write RoundRobin
C-Scope UA / Carousel Feedback
4 Wk. Exam / Resources/Materials: / Inside-Outside Circle
9 Wk. Exam / ·  Textbook: hojas sueltas
·  Technology:Youtube.com, PHSchool.com, White Board
·  Other: / Jot Thoughts
Compass Learning: / Mix-Pair-Share
Pairs Compare
Other: / Quiz-Quiz-Trade
Formative Assessment: / Classroom Procedures: / RallyRobin/Table
Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up
Active Vote / Bellringer 10 mins. Dictado
Yo hare un repaso basico dela grmatica: Partes de una oración: el sujeto, el verbo, el objeto directo, el objeto indirecto, los pronombred e ojeto directo e indirecto; y con un compañero(a) contestare los ejercicios F y G.
No hay tarea hoy / Timed-Pair-Share
Quiz / Other(s):
Observation / Interpersonal / Academic
Exit Tkt. / CB / KB
Coop Learning / TB / PL
Poll/Survey / SS / Proc. Info
Other: / CS / Pres. Info
Friday / Objective:
Nosotros repasaremos los usos de los verbos ser y estar. / Mods/Enrichment:
Preferential seating, repeated review. Constant review.
Grade for content. Repeated review, Use of notes and research to answer.
Summative Assessment: / TEKS / Knowledge and Skill Statement(s): (Please indicate Category—Readiness / Supporting/Process) / Marcia Tate:
Texas Chapter 114 Languages Other Than English §114.24 TEKS:
. 1) Communication. The student communicates in a language other than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers.1a, 1B, 1C, 4a, 4B
(2) Cultures. The student gains knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
01.C.03, 01.C.04, 01.C.06 / Kagan Structures:
All Write RoundRobin
C-Scope UA / Carousel Feedback
4 Wk. Exam / Resources/Materials: / Inside-Outside Circle
9 Wk. Exam / ·  Textbook: Nuestro Mundo pg. G16 A,B y hojas sueltas
·  Technology:Youtube.com, PHSchool.com, White Board
·  Other: / Jot Thoughts
Compass Learning: / Mix-Pair-Share
Pairs Compare
Other: / Quiz-Quiz-Trade
Formative Assessment: / Classroom Procedures: / RallyRobin/Table
Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up
Active Vote / Bellringer 10 mins. Dictado
Yo repasare los usos de los verbos ser y estar, cuando usar ser, cuando usar estar, y
ser y estar con adjectivos, con un compañero(a) hare los ejercicios H e I, y G16 A,B
No hay tarea hoy / Timed-Pair-Share
Quiz / Other(s):
Observation / Interpersonal / Academic
Exit Tkt. / CB / KB
Coop Learning / TB / PL
Poll/Survey / SS / Proc. Info
Other: / CS / Pres. Info

Special Instructions: ______



Comments/Concerns: ______

