Mosaic Jewish Primary School – Governors’ Report to Parents 2014-15

This annual report for parents and carers outlines some of the wide range of activities and achievements of our amazing second year 2014-15.

We have known all along that two classes would be the maximum we could manage in our temporary site but thanks to the extraordinary planning skills of Mrs Baum and her growing team the space has been well managed and the children have had a range of wonderful learning opportunities, visitors and outings. It is a real pleasure to see the children grow – not only physically but also in confidence and ability.

We were delighted to welcome our first assistant headteacher Nerissa Bear in September and she has quickly established herself as a key member of the senior leadership team as well as Inclusion manager and the class teacher for Year 1.

The governors and the headteacher are always looking for ways of promoting good communication with parents and of providing opportunities for dialogue. The introduction this year of the parents’ forum has been well received.

External validation

We knew that as a new Free school Ofsted would be arriving any time from January 2015. It seemed like a long wait but it was worth it! We went through a rigorous and robust inspection for two days on the 24th and 25th June. MJPS is now officially an Outstanding school. The ongoing relentless hard work and commitment of Mrs Baum, every member of staff and all the governors were recognised by Ofsted. Your children played a most important part in the process and we are proud of them as you must be too. The report speaks for itself and you can be sure that from the very next day everyone was planning how to maintain this judgement and move forward. As the inspector said during the feedback ‘Outstanding’ is not perfect’ nor could it ever be. We all want the very best we can provide to give MJPS pupils the best start in a school that motivates them to be inspired, to excel and to respect each other and those around them.

One of the characteristics of outstanding schools is the feeling of inclusion that all members of the school community have in furthering the success of the school. If you wish to contact a school governor, please email or . The school will ensure the appropriate governor receives your email. We have developed the governance section of the web-site this year and post headlines from the main GB meetings and committee meetings.

During 2014-15 we appointed a new governor, Vicky Williams, who has many years of experience as a Chair of Governors of an Outstanding primary school. We also welcomed two new associate governors to our now well-established board, Sarah Delas, a MJPS parent and Jacqueline Ashton – a member of the wider community. (For more information see the governance section of the web-site).

We continue to identify our own training needs which change and evolve as the school grows and new areas are prioritised in the School Development Plan. We evaluate the GB’s performance annually and have introduced succession planning. Governors are an important part of the school and we like staff, children and parents to approach us as members of the school community. Many of us attended school events this year and took those opportunities to chat to you and get to know you better.

Our expansion into a two-form entry school has begun this year with two new Reception classes now that we are in our permanent home at 170 Roehampton Lane. The DfE and Wandsworth have always wanted MJPS to be a two form entry school. Your governing board (GB) recognise that increasing recruitment to two form entry will take time. The best recommendation for a new school is the recommendation of our parents. Please support our recruitment by telling friends and neighbours why MJPS is distinctive and what you like about it. Do suggest a visit on one of our open days.


There are many highlights from 2014-15 but one of the most important has been the way in which the pupils of Mosaic have embraced their learning opportunities. The Year 1 class has benefited from spending time with older children at a neighbouring school. They are responding to the increased responsibility they have of being the first cohort of MJPS and are privileged to share so many ‘first times’ with us. Reception have flourished and are eager to embrace the Year 1 experience.

Phase 1 of the construction programme for our permanent school has been completed and we have moved in to our own home. WDS have been good landlords, flexible and welcoming and we have appreciated very much the support we have had from the Board and staff in Queensmere Road. We have many plans for the new school and we are now eager to see the completion of phase 2 –the 12 classroom block and the landscaping. The construction will be progressing quickly now and week by week the children and all of us will be able to see the changes.

Pupils’ Progress and Attainment

Resources Committee, The Curriculum and Achievement Committee and Children, Families and Communities Committee (CFC)have been very effective in helping to steer the strategic direction of the school and in supporting the headteacher with policy writing, policy reviews, monitoring strategies implemented and discussing proposals for many initiatives. (See the web-site for a flavour of meeting agendas.) The GB benefits from the varied experience, expertise and knowledge of the members of the team. We have together built a GB well-placed to move the school forward

Our ambition over the coming academic year is to sustain and improve our provision. We recognise that funding for some additional facilities will need to be sought from other sources. We have already been successful in this through bids to charitable trusts and approaches to philanthropists but there is a lot more to do.

The Friends of Mosaic are playing an important part by holding events for parents and the community so the school can purchase specific resources including enhancing the outdoor play area.

The headteacher reports to the full GB regularly and to the committees. This ensures that her continuing vision for our growing school to be an excellent school can be fully supported. This vision isfor each child to fulfil their potential by providing a broad and balanced education based on our three principles of ‘Inspire, Respect and Excel. The governors have a responsibility for ensuring the strategic direction of the school is true to our ethos. Governors visit the school regularly sometimes with a particular focus linked to the SDP. Governors are often in school getting to know the children and experiencing school life at first hand.

We will continue our training programme and ensure we keep up to date with national and local initiatives.

Following our annual review the GB has agreed a number of objectives for 2015-16 and these are linked to the School Development plan.

Priorities for 2015-16 include

Monitoring the SDP to ensure the school is working towards achieving challenging objectives in all areas.

Strengthening the GB further by recruiting 1 more parent governor

Monitoring not only children’s progress and attainment but subject development and how the new National Curriculum is being planned for KS2.

Developing strategies for effective succession planning to ensure the school maintains a strong and effective GB as MJPS grows in size and develops.

We are a school committed to self-evaluation. We involve parents in this process so please continue to complete surveys when asked to do so. Your feedback is important to us.

It is very pleasing to report on a very successful second year for the school and we look forward to our third year in our new location 170 Roehampton Lane..

Shirley Lee - Chair of the Governing Body

(See web-site for more information)

For 2015-2016:

Chair: Shirley Lee

Vice-chair: David Kelin

Head teacher: Kate Baum

Chair of Resources: David Kelin

Chair of Finance: David Kane

Leading Human Resources: Vicky Williams

Leading Premises: Steve Bower

Chair of Curriculum and Achievement: Judith Ish Horowicz MBE

Chair of Children, Families and Community: Judy Thwaites

Curriculum and Achievement and HR: Marianne Cohenurriculum and Achievement and HR

Parent governor: Mark Cooper

Staff governor: Carina Fernandes

Associate governors:

Judy Thwaites – Community (Chair of CFC)

Sarah Delas – Transport and marketing support (CFC)

Jacqueline Ashton – SEND (Curriculum and Achievement)

Clerk to the Governing Board: Anne Ferrier

New governors for 2015-16: Additional parent governor to be appointed in October