1625 Broadway, Suite 2950
Denver, CO 80202
January 17, 2014
Ms.Michele Burchett
Montana Department of Administration
State Information Technology Services Division
125 N. Roberts
Helena, MT 59620-0113
Dear Michele,
This information is submitted in response to the State of Montana Request for Information (RFI) released on December 20, 2013 by the Montana Department of Administration, State Information Technology Services Division (State). It is understood that the State is looking for an Electronic Content Management System (ECMS) platform for possible state-wide centralization and that this information will be used to update the State’s knowledge on current ECMS offerings.
IBM has been your ECMS partner for almost twenty years, providing both content and process management solutions for the State Agencies. The goal of this RFI response is to educate the State on the wide variety of expansion opportunities available for your FileNet investment and how to best leverage that investment value.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments on this content. We look forward to working with the State Information Technology Services Division (SITSD) team as you evaluate the information.
Kathleen M. Berg
Smarter Content Solution Executive
Enterprise Content Management
Industry Solutions | IBM Software Group
State of Montana
For Electronic Content Management System
Prepared for the State of Montana:
Montana Department of Administration, State Information Technology Services Division
Proposal Contact: Kathleen Berg
1625 Broadway, Suite 2950
Denver, CO 80202
January 17, 2014@ 2:00 P.M
State of Montana | Electronic Content Management System | RFI
Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary 1
Our Understanding of Your Goals 1
Our Approach to Meeting Your Goals 1
Our Solution 2
Why choose IBM? 2
2.0 Terms and Conditions 3
3.0 ECM/ERM Specifications 5
3.1 Definitions 5
3.2 ECM/ERM Qualifications Submittal Requirements 5
3.3 ECMS Specifications 20
4.0 Additional Information. 31
5.0 Appendix 34
Figure List
Figure 1: Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management 2
Figure 2: IBM Business Unit Summary Chart 6
Figure 3: IBM's Industry Leading ECM Approach 11
Figure 4: IBM ECM Platform Federation Services Approach 12
Figure 5: Summary of IBM Services Portfolio Offerings 12
Figure 6: Content Navigator User Experience 13
Figure 7: Multiple Views within Content Navigator to support Multiple User Preferences 14
Figure 8: View of the MS Office Integration – Microsoft Users can maintain productivity without needed to use any other user experience 14
Figure 9: AUVU to User Ratio Table presented to show the pre-built Discount Schedule 17
Figure 10: Small Sample of the Extensive Certified IBM ECM Partner Community 33
IBM Corporation | January 17, 2014
Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restriction on the last page of this document. ii
State of Montana | Electronic Content Management System | RFI
1.0 Executive Summary
IBM has been your Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) partner for almost twenty years, providing both content and process management solutions for the State of Montana (State). We have a fundamental understanding of the State ECMS requirements and your enterprise records management goals. We have used that knowledge to identify functional expansion opportunities for your existing IBM investment and to show the added value of the IBM and State partnership.
Our Understanding of Your Goals
It is understood that the State is looking to educate themselves on current ECMS technology options for possible state-wide ECMS platform centralization. This information will update the State on the current offerings within the IBM ECM (FileNet) solution suite and to identify value-added ECMS services available to the State from IBM.
Equally important, the State would like to implement an electronic records management program and the associated technologies to support the ability to identify, classify, manage, and preserving electronic records. It is desired that this information be shared and leveraged by the State HJ2 Electronic Records Workgroup. The IBM ECM Information Lifecycle Governance (ILG) team is well suited and prepared to assist both the SITSD and the Electronic Records Workgroup teams with these efforts.
Lastly, IBM is committed to work with the State to craft the most cost effective use of the ECMS technology and show you better methods to leverage the current FileNet investment. We are prepared to do so by readdressing the current license costs and identifying finance options to help meet the SITSD 2014 goal to minimize IT expenditures.
Our Approach to Meeting Your Goals
IBM will leverage the substantial investment that the State has invested in the existing IBM ECM (FileNet) platform. The existing FileNet platform has more users than any other ECMS solution deployed at the State and is capable to meet and exceed all the functional requirements identified in Section 3.2. We will work with the State to better education you on the current capabilities of the FileNet platform as well as all expansion capabilities to ensure that you leverage not only your FileNet investment but also all the State ECMS assets that in place.
To capitalize on those ECMS assets, we will explore the benefits associated with federation between disparate ECMS systems rather than the approach of incurring immediate migration costs. The cost of immediate migration. A long-term migration strategy will be developed with you and federation techniques will be put in place to assist with that effort in a low cost manner.
As your partner, we will invest in a large number of “no-charge” workshops to help you better determine Agency requirements and define specific project requirements. These workshops will help the State identify all cost savings and benefits associate with specific ECMS projects to help prioritize expenditure decisions and deliver a Business Value Assessment document for State management consumption.
We will staff this project with individuals who are not only highly skilled in their areas of expertise, but who are creative thinkers and problem solvers. We will share with you the best practices that we have seen from the large number of State Customers using IBM ECMS technologies and work with you as a thought leader. This project and relationship commitment extends from your local account team on up to the IBM executive team. The IBM appointed Executive Sponsor (Mary Olson) will be involved to maintain communication levels between our organizations at the highest levels and to ensure success.
Our Solution
The combination of FileNet’s ability to capture, mange content, business process and records makes the FileNet solution worthy of the State of Montana’s consideration. Our solution combines these key components in one scalable platform. IBM provides all these capabilities with virtually unlimited scalability and extensive system support, while complying with the stated architectural preferences and system requirements.
It is recognized by all ECMS Analyst as not only the market leader, but also from a capabilities standpoint as the most comprehensive ECMS product suite. We have included the latest ECMS Gartner Group study as validation of that fact. This is just one of the many Analyst studies that endorse the IBM ECMS vision and products.
Figure 1: Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management
Access to the complete study can be accessed here: IBM Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management 2013.
Why choose IBM?
IBM is committed to the State partnership and the success of these projects. We will invest both financially and through consulting resources to ensure that the State implements a successful centralized ECMS infrastructure and electronic records management program. Our cost structure will be right-sized to ensure that even the smallest agency and county can afford to participate with the SITSD ECMS offering. The solution will be architected to best leverage existing ECMS investments with the goal in mind to help achieve SITD’s 2014 goal to “minimize IT expenditures”.
We look forward to further discussions with you on this proposal.
2.0 Terms and Conditions
2.1 IBM understands that The State will not be obligated to purchase any products as a result of this RFI.
2.2 IBM understands that Information submitted in response to this RFI will become the property of the State.
2.3 IBM understands that information that is confidential or trade secret must be clearly marked and separated from the rest of the response. The response does not contain confidential material in the cost or price section. An affidavit from a Vendor’s legal counsel attesting to and explaining the validity of the trade secret claim as set out in Title 30, chapter 14, part 4, MCA, is attached to each response containing trade secrets. Counsel must use the State of Montana “Affidavit for Trade Secret Confidentiality” form in requesting the trade secret claim. This affidavit form is available on the General Services Division’s website at: http://www/mt.gov/doa/gsd/procurement/forms.asp or by calling (406) 444-2575.
2.4 IBM understands that any information separated out under this process will be available for review by our strategic planning team and other designees. Vendors must be prepared to pay all legal cost and fees associated with defending a claim for confidentiality in the event of a “right to know” (open records) request from another party.
2.5 IBM understands that The State of Montana will not pay for any information herein requested nor is it liable for any cost incurred by the vendor.
2.6 IBM understands that special binders, colored displays, promotional materials, and the like are not required. Please submit your response in electronic copy.
2.7 IBM understands that Vendors may be asked to meet for the purpose of explaining and/or demonstrating responses. Any meeting, if necessary, will be held in Helena, Montana. Kathleen Berg has been listed on the cover page as IBM’s contact for this information.
2.8 IBM understands that this RFI is being submitted strictly for the purpose of gaining knowledge of the products and services available.
2.9 Attached below are the IBM software license and support agreements for the products described in Section 3.
IBM Customer Agreement
Attached is the mutually executed IBM Customer Agreement in effect for the State of Montana. It has been amended to include the State’s agreed upon terms and conditions. It was last updated and mutually executed on February 19, 2009.
IBM Passport Advantage Agreement
The following Agreement is in place between IBM and the State for software licenses and support. All of the products described in this proposal are covered under this Agreement.
WSCA Contract Information
IBM is a proud participant in the Western States Contracting Association (WSCA). The State may elect to purchase the proposed software from WSCA in lieu of directly from IBM or our Certified Partners. The IBM WSCA-NASPO contract number is B27166.
3.0 ECM/ERM Specifications
3.1 Definitions
3.1.1 Enterprise-wide Solution – a single solution that will support all agencies, offices, and commissions described in sub-section 1.2.
3.1.2 Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) - a formalized means of organizing and storing an organization's documents, and other content, that relate to the organization's processes. The term encompasses strategies, methods, and tools used throughout the lifecycle of the content, including records management functionality.
3.1.3 Document Imaging - capability to capture paper-based information and convert it to electronic images that are stored electronically. Steps include:
· Sorting the documents
· Scanning preparation
· Scanning
· Indexing (so they can be retrieved and searched)
· Storing in a system.
3.1.4 Workflow – handles approvals and prioritizes the order documents are presented. In the case of exceptions, workflow also escalates decisions (based on pre-defined rules developed by system owners) to the next step in the hierarchy.
3.2 ECM/ERM Qualifications Submittal Requirements
3.2.1 Company Qualifications: Indicate your company’s qualifications and experience as an ECM/ERM provider. Include information on the following:
· Company Background
In business for more than 100 years, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is a worldwide organization with corporate headquarters located at New Orchard Road, Armonk, New York 10504. Virginia M. (Ginni) Rometty is Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer.
IBM was organized to do business in Endicott, New York, on June 16, 1911, and is incorporated in the State of New York. IBM is a large, globally integrated enterprise with significant activities in almost every aspect of the information technology business in almost every free country in the world. IBM is in the business of helping customers solve problems through the use of advanced information technologies. The company operates primarily in the single industry segment that creates value by offering services, software, systems, products, and technologies.
IBM provides information technology in the design, development, and delivery of a range of hardware, software, services, and maintenance offerings. IBM is a manufacturer of state-of-the-art, compatible, and reliable hardware and software. If an issue should arise that is related to IBM systems, there can be no better problem resolution resource than the company that actually wrote the original specifications. When you work with IBM, your IT problems and concerns become ours, and we will work with you to see that your needs are met.
IBM comprises five major business units: Global Services, Systems and Technology, Software, Research, and Global Financing. It is one of the largest global information technology services companies, consisting of a business technology services consultancy, software, hardware, financing and company; and innovation companies. IBM has more patents granted than any other technology company. It is #18 on the Fortune 500 list reported 2010 revenues of $99.9 billion and employs 427,000 people in 170 countries.
The following graphic summarizes the strength of the corporation and each business unit.
Figure 2: IBM Business Unit Summary Chart
· Similar Projects
More than 1,600 government customers in over 80 countries worldwide use IBM ECMS to promote operational efficiency reduce costs, improve service and foster collaboration between departments, agencies and the public. IBM ECM solutions help governments access and manage content regardless of how it was created and where it resides, streamline and automate their processes; and share information across agencies and with constituents.
Specific to State Customers, IBM ECMS solutions are installed in 49 of the 50 of the US-based states and have been declared as a preferred standard in almost 5% of them. Many of these customers use the IBM ECMS as the State’s central ECMS platform, thus IBM has a large amount of experience in ECMS platform standardization and migration projects such as this one.
· Customer References
Following are just a few references of some of the States that have standardized on IBM ECM as a shared service available to all agencies and who also use IBM Enterprise Records with their ECMS implementations. In some cases, the specific Agencies have been listed to give you a flavor of the type of customers using the system: