Grant Application
Schoolzilla’s Mosaic District Progress Monitoring
Mosaic District Progress MonitoringGrant Program
This grant program is made possible through generous donationsfrom philanthropic organizations. The grantscover a significant portion of the costs to implement and use Mosaic District Progress Monitoring (DPM) and are available to school districts serving at least 2,000 students, where at least 40% of those students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.
Your district is a great candidate for this grant if you are working towards:
Making data more understandable accessible for your staff
Setting goals for equitable outcomes on multiple measures, such as chronic absence, normed benchmark assessments, suspensions, or college readiness
Using data to foster continuous improvement during the year, through the regular monitoringof real-time, leading indicators
There are three tiers of grant awards:
- Get Started (average value of $12,500)
- Ease into Budgetaverage (average value of $25,000)
- Pilot to Prove It (value of $40,000+)
Thank you for your interest in using data to support students!
Apply at
Want to learn more?
All three levels of Mosaic DPM Grants include the following:
- All standard components of the Mosaic DPM solution, which includes:
○Connectors that allow you to access your district’s data in the Mosaic DPM solution, including:
○One Student Information System Connector
○One State Test Connector
○One Normed Benchmark Assessment Connector
○One College-Going Assessment or one Language Fluency Assessment Connector
○A menu of district progress monitoring metrics to select from
○Mosaic DPM Dashboards populated with selected metrics
○Deep-dive reports
- Project publicly supported by Schoolzilla through traditional and social media
- Two free passes to theSchoolzilla Partner Retreat
- Two free passes to the Data Champion Summit
Each grant covers a different portion of one-time implementation costs (typically $25,000 without a grant) and the annual subscription (varies based on size of your district).
- Get Started Grant (average value of $12,500): Covers 50% of Mosaic’s one-time implementation costs
- Ease into Budget Grant (average value of $25,000): Covers 100% of Mosaic’s one-time implementation costs
- Pilot to Prove It Grant* (value of $40,000+): Covers 100% of Mosaic’s
one-time implementation costs and 50% of the subscription fee for Mosaic District Progress Monitoring for the 2018-2019 school year.
*Value could be much higher, amount awarded varies with district size.
Please check this list to ensure that you are eligible for the grant.
Critical Mass
Your district has at least 2,000 K-12 students
You intend to make the solution available to all schools within the district.(Only one application per district needs to be submitted.)
Critical Need
At least 40% of your students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.
Critical Demand
The superintendent supports the implementation of District Progress Monitoring. Please attach a signed letter of support to your application.
Once awarded, you will be able to submit a signed Statement of Work (SOW) for a 24-month contract within 30 days.
Critical Preparation
Your district has the desire to improve your use of data to support your staff and improveyour students’ outcomes.
If awarded, you will be able to provideSchoolzilla with secure access to your student information system[1] and upload all normed, state and college-going assessment files in the original vendor format.
Critical Participation
You are able to commit to participating in the development of a case study to enable other districts to learn from your work improving outcomes for students using Mosaic District Progress Monitoring, including permission to use logo and 8 hours of interviews (1-2 cabinet, 1-2 school leader, 1-2 teacher)
You are able to commit to participating in a video and/or written testimonial (10-minute commitment from a school leader and 10 minutes from a cabinet level leader Championing the use of DPM to drive student outcomes).
You are open to co-presenting at a Schoolzilla webinar, speaking at Data Champion Summit, or presenting at a professional affinity group meeting or conference such as CALSA or ACSA.
Grant Application Timeline for March 9, 2018 Deadline:
March 9, 2018 - Applications due
March 30, 2018 - Award decisions made
April 30, 2018 - Signed SOW due
To apply, simply fill out the information below and answer five key questions that will enable us to learn more about how you plan to leverage the grant. Then obtain a letter of support from your superintendent and email this form and the signed letter to by 3/9/2018.
Tell us about your district and yourself
District Name
City, State
Number of K12 Students
What % of your students are eligible for the National School Lunch Program?
Your name
Your title
Your email address and phone number(s)
What is/are the primary normed benchmark assessments/reading assessments (e.g. NWEA MAP, i-Ready, STAR Reading and Math) used by your district?
What is/are the primary college-going assessments (e.g. ACT, AP, PSAT), if applicable?
What is/are theprimary language fluency assessments used by your district?
Grant Application
Key Questions
- CURRENT CHALLENGES - What efforts is your district currently pursuing to enable staff to use data to improve outcomes for students? What are the primary challenges you face given your current tools and approach?
(One page is fine, thank you!)
- VISION - Please describe your vision for using data to achieve alignment across your staff, improve student outcomes and ensure equitable gains.
(One page is fine, thank you!)
- NEAR-TERM GOALS - What are your key district goals relating to academic outcomes and equity in the next few years?
(One page response is fine, thank you!)
- NEAR-TERM ACTION PLAN - How will you use Mosaic DPM to help you achieve yournear-term goals? Do you have immediate use cases in mind?(e.g., We will use DPM to track progress in our weekly cabinet meeting...)
(One page response is fine, thank you!)
- PROMOTING DATA USE - Besides the commitments indicated in “Critical Participation” above, what else can you do to help Schoolzilla encourage the use of data to improve student outcomes in other school systems?
(One page response is fine, thank you!)
Dear Mosaic Grant Award Team,
I am writing to show my support for the project to implement Schoolzilla’s Mosaic District Progress Monitoring (DPM) Solution at our district. I believe that this project will benefit our district by enabling us to:
Make data more understandable and accessible for our staff and community members
Track and manage district, school, and student progress
Use data to monitor our growth towards our Strategic Plan goals
I understand that being selected for this award will involve commitments on the part of our district personnel to ensure a successful project outcome, including but not limited to:
Supporting a timeline implementation process, including access to all necessary data systems and files.
Engaging in a data verification process to ensure high data quality for the data in our systems (e.g., our SIS).
Participating in the development of a case study supporting the use of data and Mosaic District Progress Monitoring to improve alignment and outcomes for kids.
Video Testimonial and approved quote
Championing the use of DPM to drive student outcomes
I further understand that this grant award greatly reduces but does not eliminate the costs of the solution and that a signed Statement of Work will need to be completed within 30 days of the grant award.
[1] Specifically, you can procure secure credentials for establishing a secure open database connection (ODBC). If you self-host your SIS or use a vendor other than the SIS vendor, you can provide secure credentials to the VPN (SSH secured, F5, Cisco, or SonicWALL). If using a VPN other than the ones listed, please contact our team to verify there are secure options available.