/ Elgin Academy

Morriston Road, Elgin, Moray, IV30 4ND Tel: (01343 543485)


Website: www.elginacademy.co.uk
Head Teacher: David Barnett BA (Hons)
Leading learning for all our futures /
Our Ref: DB/wa / Date: 29 May 2017

Dear Parent

I write to highlight a number of issues:

Children Feeling Unwell During the School Day

We are in the position where we have cover for the whole day from dedicated First Aid assistants. A child feeling unwell is not necessarily a First Aid situation. However, if a child feels unwell, they should, in the first instance, report to the First Aider. If, for any reason, the First Aider is not in the First Aid room, the child should report to the School Office, who will summon help. We have had several instances of late where a child has phoned home without telling anyone in the school that they are unwell. A parent has then arrived in school to take them away. This is very difficult for the school to manage. We will be highlighting the correct protocol with all pupils. We would be grateful if you could underline this at home.

Cycle Helmets

A number of young people currently cycle to school, and we are keen to encourage this. However, we would also strongly encourage all young people who cycle to wear a helmet when doing so. This is a message we will be underlining in school, and would be grateful if you could do the same at home.

Safety on Haugh Road (opposite the Leisure Centre)

Despite previous instructions being issued, a large number of students continue to walk down the middle of the road after crossing the bridge at Morriston playing fields on their way to the town centre. We would be very grateful if you could discuss this with your child in order to help impress upon our pupils how dangerous this is.

Although there is no demarcation between road and pavement on the bridge itself, there are adequate pavements beyond, which must be used. This message will be reinforced through the daily bulletin at registration.

Yours sincerely

David Barnett

Head Teacher