Direct Digital Control Systems

1.Coordination Issues:

1.1Coordinate power supply (i.e. voltage, amps, locations, etc.) for the mechanical equipment, field control devices and DDC system with the Electrical Consultant.

1.2Coordinate location of the building work station server with the building occupant(s) and/or maintenance personnel responsible for controlling, maintaining and repairing the HVAC equipment and controls.

1.3 Coordinate location of particular room thermostats between the building occupant(s) and designer especially if an existing thermostat is to be replaced, there are repeated complaints about temperature conditions in the controlled zone and existing location not placed in accordance with recommended industry practices.

2.Design Issues: Design drawings and specifications shall provide sufficient information on floor plans, sequence of operations, schematic control diagrams, details, descriptions, points list, etc. such that the Direct Digital Controls subcontractor has enough information to develop the controls shop drawings to make the HVAC system operate as intended by the designer.

3.DesignDrawing Notes:

3.1The Consultant Shall Create a “Points List” on the Drawings and Coordinate the Points List with Each Affected Mechanical Equipment and components requiring connection to the Direct Digital Control System.

3.2All mechanical equipment and other associated field installed devices (static pressure sensor, temperatures sensors, 2-way valves, damper motor, etc.) requiring connection to the Direct Digital Control System and electrical power shall be located on the drawings. Show location of the DDC building work station server and proposed location of major control panels/modules (DDC subcontractor shop drawings should show more specific details of the control system components, cabling, wiring diagrams, etc.).

4.Standard Drawings: (Not Used)

5.Specification Notes:

5.1This guide specification covers the requirements for direct digital control (DDC) of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. This control system shall providethe capability to monitor and control all HVAC control functions. Analog and digital (binary, on/off, open/close) control signals are input to microprocessor based digital controllers. The digital controllers perform the control logic and output analog and digital signals to the HVAC equipment.

5.2The control system shall consist of a high-speed, peer-to-peer network of DDC controllers and a web based operator interface. Operators shall be able to perform all normal operator functions through the web browser interface.

Provide DDC software installation for the building work station server with RAID 1 (mirroring) drives. Duplicate drives provides backup capability in case of problems with one of the drives.

Laptop computer, notebook computer or some type of equivalent portable device shall be provided to the operator to allow web based access into the DDC control system. The operator shall be able to perform all normal operator functions through the web browser interface similar to the access provided by a workstation.

5.3For CENTRAL CHILLER SYSTEMS, the following shall be added to the specification section that covers the chiller (e.g. SECTION 15xxx CENTRAL REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT FOR AIR CONDITIONING):


As part of the Chiller Control package provided with the Chiller by the Chiller Manufacturer, provide a communications system that will allow a BACnet-based Direct Digital Control (DDC) system to access each Chiller’s Microprocessor/Control Panel’s vast array of point information (such as pressures, temperatures, status, runtimes, suction, Amps, KW, and others), without installing any duplicate sensors.

The BACnet Chiller translator will communicate to the DDC system bi-directionally, utilizing standard ASHRAE BACnet Protocol, and will allow full Monitoring and Reset control of the Chillers by the BACnet DDC system.

The Chiller Manufacturer is to provide all as necessary to accomplish this Chiller interface, such as complete list of all available Chiller Points, all BACnet Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements (PICS) files, any necessary Software, all necessary Passwords, Labor as needed, and all interface Hardware as necessary for complete and operational connection to the BACnet DDC System.]

5.4Delete hardware and software items that are not used for the specific project.

6.Guide Specification:


SPECIFIER’S NOTE:Blue colored italicized text is used for notes to the specifier and should be completely deleted from the final text. Where [Red colored italicized text in parentheses] is shown in this specification section, insert wording, numbers, etc. as appropriate and delete parentheses. Where Red colored text in brackets is shown, a choice is indicated. Make the appropriate choice and delete the brackets. Maintain footer notation with the current version used (e.g. TG12320 v02.02). Section titles with numbers and coordinated referencing between various Sections of this Project’s specifications is the responsibility of the specifier.



TG 15910 - 1




A. This Section includes control equipment for HVAC systems and components, including control components for terminal heating and cooling units not supplied with factory-wired controls.

B.The control system shall consist of a high-speed, peer-to-peer network of DDC controllers and a web based operator interface. Depict each mechanical system and building floor plan by a point-and-click graphic. A web server with a network interface card shall gather data from this system and generate web pages accessible through a conventional web browser on each PC connected to the network. Operators shall be able to perform all normal operator functions through the web browser interface.

C. The Direct Digital Control (DDC) system must be based onthe native BACnet protocol. Provide all necessary hardware and software to provide web based access and control via a Microsoft Windows operating system and Internet Explorer browser.

SPECIFIER’S NOTE:If there is an existing DDC control system and workstation server within the building or facility, the name of the controls equipment manufacturer and location of the workstation server shall be shown on the drawings. Designer shall provide sufficient information on the drawings and specifications such that any bidder can determine how to interface with the existing DDC system and estimate the cost to do the work for any new additional DDC controls. Operators shall have the capability to perform same operator functions through the web browser with the existing and new additional DDC controls.


A. DDC: Direct digital control.

B. I/O: Input/output.

C. LAN: Local Area Network.

D. MS/TP: Master slave/token passing.

E. PC: Personal computer.

F. PID: Proportional plus integral plus derivative.

G. RTD: Resistance temperature detector.


A. Comply with the following performance requirements:

1. Graphic Display: Display graphic with minimum 20 dynamic points with current data within 10 seconds.

2. Graphic Refresh: Update graphic with minimum 20 dynamic points with current data within 8 seconds.

3. Object Command: Reaction time of less than two seconds between operator command of a binary object and device reaction.

4. Object Scan: Transmit change of state and change of analog values to control units or workstation within six seconds.

5. Alarm Response Time: Annunciate alarm at workstation within 45 seconds. Multiple workstations must receive alarms within five seconds of each other.

6. Program Execution Frequency: Run capability of applications as often as five seconds, but selected consistent with mechanical process under control.

7. Performance: Programmable controllers shall execute DDC PID control loops, and scan and update process values and outputs at least once per second.

8. Reporting Accuracy and Stability of Control: Report values and maintain measured variables within tolerances as follows:

a. Water Temperature: Plus or minus 1 deg F (0.5 deg C).

b. Water Flow: Plus or minus 5 percent of full scale.

c. Water Pressure: Plus or minus 2 percent of full scale.

d. Space Temperature: Plus or minus 1 deg F (0.5 deg C).

e. Ducted Air Temperature: Plus or minus 1 deg F (0.5 deg C).

f. Outside Air Temperature: Plus or minus 2 deg F (1.0 deg C).

g. Dew Point Temperature: Plus or minus 3 deg F (1.5 deg C).

h. Temperature Differential: Plus or minus 0.25 deg F (0.15 deg C).

i. Relative Humidity: Plus or minus 5 percent.

j. Airflow (Pressurized Spaces): Plus or minus 3 percent of full scale.

k. Airflow (Measuring Stations): Plus or minus 5 percent of full scale.

l. Airflow (Terminal): Plus or minus 10 percent of full scale.

m. Air Pressure (Space): Plus or minus 0.01-inch wg (2.5 Pa).

n. Air Pressure (Ducts): Plus or minus 0.1-inch wg (25 Pa).

o. Carbon Monoxide: Plus or minus 5 percent of reading.

p. Carbon Dioxide: Plus or minus 50 ppm.

q. Electrical: Plus or minus 5 percent of reading.


A. See descriptions in the drawings and specifications to determine how the HVAC system is to be operated, monitored and controlled by the DDC system.


A. Product Data: Include manufacturer's technical literature for each control device. Indicate dimensions, capacities, performance characteristics, electrical characteristics, finishes for materials, and installation and startup instructions for each type of product indicated.

1. DDC System Hardware: Bill of materials of equipment indicating quantity, manufacturer, and model number. Include technical data for operator workstation equipment, interface equipment, control units, transducers/transmitters, sensors, actuators, valves, relays/switches, control panels, and operator interface equipment.

2. Control System Software: Include technical data for operating system software, operator interface, color graphics, and other third-party applications. Operator interface shall be graphically based and shall include at least one graphic per piece of equipment or occupied zone.

3. Controlled Systems: Instrumentation list with element name, type of device, manufacturer, model number, and product data. Include written description of sequence of operation including schematic diagram.

B. Shop Drawings: Detail equipment assemblies and indicate dimensions, weights, loads, required clearances, method of field assembly, components, and location and size of each field connection.

1. Bill of materials of equipment indicating quantity, manufacturer, and model number.

2. Schematic flow diagrams showing fans, pumps, coils, dampers, valves, and control devices.

3. Wiring Diagrams: Power, signal, and control wiring.

4. Details of control panel faces, including controls, instruments, and labeling.

5. Written description of sequence of operation.

6. Schedule of dampers including size, leakage, and flow characteristics.

7. Schedule of valves including flow characteristics.

8. DDC System Hardware:

a. Wiring diagrams for control units with termination numbers.

b. Schematic diagrams and floor plans for field sensors and control hardware.

c. Schematic diagrams for control, communication, and power wiring, showing trunk data conductors and wiring between operator workstation and

control unit locations. Description of the various types of wire or cables with the designated function shall be provided.

9. Control System Software: List of color graphics indicating monitored systems, data (connected and calculated) point addresses, output schedule, and operator notations.

10. Controlled Systems:

a. Schematic diagrams of each controlled system with control points labeled and control elements graphically shown, with wiring.

b. Scaled drawings showing mounting, routing, and wiring of elements including bases and special construction.

c. Written description of sequence of operation including schematic diagram.

d. Points list.


A. Certify that each proposed DDC system component complies with ASHRAE 135.


A. Operation and Maintenance Manual/Documentation: This manual or documentation is to intended to provide a complete description of the HVAC system and DDC control system. The following information shall be provided in a 3-ring binder(s) unless mentioned otherwise:

1. Description of HVAC System: Provide a general description of the HVAC system and major equipment that it is comprised of. Provide a list of installed equipment with the manufacturer’s name and model/part number. The listed items shall be labeled such that it can be referenced to a particular piece of equipment on the as-built drawing (example: AHU-1, CHWP-2, SF-3, Cooling Tower#3, 2-way chilled water valve for AHU-1, etc.). Information for the HVAC equipment should be furnished by catalog data or other submittals in other Division 15 specification sections.

2. Description of DDC Control System: Provide a general description of the DDC control system with list of parts with name of manufacturer and model/part number unless every item in the DDC as-built drawings already contain this information. Refer to DDC controls as-built drawings.

3. Control equipment catalog cuts providing description of equipment specifications (if applicable), software specifications, power and communication signal information, etc.

4. Maintenance instructions and lists of spare parts for each type of control device and compressed-air station components (if applicable).

5. Printout of pre-programmed operating parameters such as equipment start-stop times, leaving chilled water temperature set point, room air temperature set point, static pressure setting for each VFD Air Handler, alarm set points, etc.

6. Service Organization: Qualified service organization list that shall include the names and telephone numbers of an organization(s) located in the [State of Hawaii] qualified to troubleshoot and service the DDC control system.

B. Software and Firmware Operational Documentation: Include the following:

1. DDC Software operating and upgrade manuals.

2. DDC Program Software Backup: On a magnetic media or compact disc, complete with data files.

3. Device address list.

4. Listing of all software applicationsrequired for operation of and accessing into the DDC control system.

5. Software license required by and installed for DDC workstations and control systems.

C.As-Built Drawings: A complete set of as-built drawings for the HVAC system is to be a combination of as-built design drawings and as-built control drawings which

should show locations of all HVAC equipment and field installed accessories, how the systems are intended to operate and DDC control shop drawings which should show the manufacturer of equipment, network diagrams, communication protocols, all components, list of materials, etc.


A. Installer Qualifications: DDC control system manufacturer's authorized representative who is trained and approved for installation of system components is required for this project.

B. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use.

C. Comply with ASHRAE 135 for DDC system components.

D. The DDC Contractor shall have a minimum of 5 years experience with the complete installation of the DDC control system they are going to install on this project. The DDC Contractor shall provide a list of comparably sized and/or technically complex control systems installed for 3 other buildings or facilities which are still in operation at the time for bidding on this project.


A. Factory-Mounted Components: Where control devices specified in this Section are indicated to be factory mounted on equipment, arrange for shipping of control devices to equipment manufacturer.

B. System Software: Update to latest version of software at Project completion.


A. Coordinate location of thermostats, humidistats, and other exposed control sensors with plans and room details before installation.

B. Coordinate electrical power supply for all mechanical equipment, motors, field devices and DDC control components with the Electrical Consultant.

C. Coordinate location of the building work station server for the DDC control system with the user and designer. Show the location of this equipment on the drawings.


A. Warranty labor and materials for specified control system free from defects for a period of I year after final acceptance. Control systems failure during warranty period shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced at no additional cost or reduction in service.

B. Work shall have a single warranty date even if the building or facility receives beneficial use due to early system start-up but without final completion, inspection and acceptance.

C. The DDC Contractor shall have a local facility in the [State of Hawaii]. Emergency service shall be available on a 24 hour/7 day a week basis.

SPECIFIER’S NOTE:Since technology, particularly for computer or communication devices, changes rapidly, the designer should determine if some of the characteristics shown in this guide specification should be updated to more current standards.



A. Control system shall consist of sensors, indicators, actuators, final control elements, interface equipment, other apparatus, accessories, and software connected to distributed controllers operating in multi-user, multitasking environment on token-passing network and programmed to control mechanical systems. An operator workstation permits interface with the network via dynamic color graphics with each mechanical system, building floor plan, and control device depicted by point-and-click graphics.


A. Operator Workstation: [One] [Two]<Insert number> PC-based microcomputer(s) with minimum configuration as follows:

1. Motherboard: With 8 integrated USB 2.0 ports, integrated Intel Pro 10/100 (Ethernet), integrated audio, bios, and hardware monitoring.

2. Processor: [Intel or AMD with minimum 2 Ghz clock speed].

3. Random-Access Memory: [2 GB minimum].

4. Graphics: Video adapter, minimum [1600 x 1200] pixels, [64]-MB video memory, with TV out.

5. Monitor: [ 17 inches (430 mm) ], LCD color.

6. Keyboard: QWERTY, 105 keys in ergonomic shape.

7. Hard-Disk Drive: [200 GB]RAID 1 (mirroring).

8. CD/DVD Read/Write Drive: [16x CD-RW/DVD].

9. Mouse: Three button, optical, scroll.

10. Uninterruptible Power Supply: [2] kVa.

11. Operating System: [Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Vista or Windows 7] with high-speed Internet access.